Rant >>>This is what the Atkins plan is TRULY about.....



  • heniko
    heniko Posts: 796 Member
    Presentation at Stanford University by Chris Gardner PhD who has been a vegetarian for 25 years.


    He did a study comprised of four different diets, including Atkins. Atkins did come out on top.

    Thank you so much for posting this. Really interesting. At 42 minutes he shows a rather dramatic result that may explain why some do so well with a low carb lifestyle and why it's pretty "meh" for others; it may be that the more insulin resistant we are the more we respond to low carb. He does say that the more overweight we are the more insulin resistant we are.
    watching it now myself =)
  • webbed1
    webbed1 Posts: 86
    I am into bodybuilding, am 5'9" and weigh 200lbs at 11% bodyfat. While I do want to gain about 5-10 lbs more muscle, I also want to lower bodyfat to a sustainable 7-8%. I am a devotee of monitoring calories and macro nutrient distribution--I swing a little between a glycemic based approach and a thermogenic one depending on the cycle of lifting that I am in.

    My goals may differ from others, but what we all have to do is the same: Manage calories AND their sources and include exercise. For those of you who frown upon so called calorie counting, substitute ounces, or servings, or portions, etc. --call it what you want. Atkins and the T-factor and many variations all use portion size references in their recipies, so SOMETHING is getting counted. And TRUST me, if you are not counting something, you should. It is scientifically silly to entertain the notion that you can be gaining weight or staying stable at 30% + bodyfat and think that if you simply swap one macro nutrient for more of another AND still eat the same number of calories, you can lose weight. Metabolism just doesn't work that way, although there is some variation attributable to individual genetics.

    Use whatever approach you want, but if you think you are overweight, eat LESS. And STICK TO A PLAN. That way, if you are not satisfied with the outcome in reasonable times, you have a great background for tweaking variables.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    i hear ya, girl. it's frustrating as hell, ain't it? meh, there's more than one way to lose weight. those who think atkins is the devil, but haven't been able to lose weight on other plans may very well be shooting themselves in the foot by not trying something new.

    atkins is decent. its sustainable. it only gets ridiculous when people dont follow the plan the way they should, ie: eating an entire package of bacon and half a dozen eggs, under the guise of 'well, it said i can have as much meat as i want!'

    a little common sense goes a long way. LOL!

    Ha ha, very true. I agree with you whole heartedly. My response to that is usually, That is not Atkins!!!
  • pjharr
    pjharr Posts: 8
    I didn't say the fat made me fat. The fact that the taste sets me off was what I said. I have a fat tooth. MEAT carries fat period in a quality enough that it sets me off.

    If I use it rarely and sparingly, except for an eat back meal for my 1200 to 1500 calorie workouts when I allow myself 12 ounces of Filet Mignon as long as I eat everything else I put on my plate, I am fine. But I have to eat enough fiber rich veggies to walk out of Hoss steak house feeling like I ate myself full.

    However if I buy meat at the store and bring it home? I'm done for. That 3 pounds of pork is going to be gone by 9 pm.

    Don't be so defensive and read carefully please. You have done wonderfully. I just stated why Atkins didn't work for me ok? Not you not anyone else. You don't have a point to prove to me if it is working for you. And I just took off 34 pounds in 3 months [well it would have been more but I had the blanking flu for 2 weeks and couldn't move] on what I do. AND I put on muscle which was my intent. So see what we both do works for both of us to make our goals..

    Listen, I am the person that is sadly disappointed they have leaner meat now. If it just had fat around it like it use to have. I would buy the meat with the biggest fat rim and save the fat for a wonderful bite. I love Southern Cooking that requires it be made in pig fat. I love fat. AND at 9 calories compared to the 4 calories of carbs and proteins... It ain't to shabby at slapping on pounds if you ain't careful. That X grams of fat in a dish adds up much faster than X grams protein or even carbs.
  • waterbabeAD
    waterbabeAD Posts: 73
    Really intresting thread. All special diets have critics, advocates and sceptics and Atkins is no exception. I am glad Atkins works for so many people. Personally I could not live without carbs as I exercise for a minimum of 60 minutes per day. The human body was designed to be exercised, and people that exercise need fuel - it is that simple. The only reason i gained weight is that when I moved to a hot country I initially exercised less and ate more. It was that simple.

    Exercising joints/muscles/vital organs combined with a balanced diet is what works for most people that are desctibed as "fit and healthy". Any doctor or healthy professional will tell us that. For those that may have health issues and/or can't exercise regularly, then lowering your carbs etc can mitigate weight gain/contribute towards weightloss, but then consideration needs to be given to other potential risks, depending on the eating plan chosen and how the individual body processes the food groups the respective diet comprises.
  • heniko
    heniko Posts: 796 Member
    Waterbabe I will like to make it clear on lowe(er) carb plans it's not always the carb in a whole but first the simple carbs, then also how the body reacts to the carbs simple or complex. Not everyone is the same, what body needs or can take, maybe totally different from the next person. Low(er) carb lifestyle aren't always about taking out all the carbs, many of us still eat fruits and veg with carbs.
  • waterbabeAD
    waterbabeAD Posts: 73
    Waterbabe I will like to make it clear on lowe(er) carb plans it's not always the carb in a whole but first the simple carbs, then also how the body reacts to the carbs simple or complex. Not everyone is the same, what body needs or can take, maybe totally different from the next person. Low(er) carb lifestyle aren't always about taking out all the carbs, many of us still eat fruits and veg with carbs.

    You are absoloutely right and I fully appreciate this. I am not disagreeing with anything that has been said on Atkins.

    My main point is that Atkins is not for anyone who has a very active lifestyle. You simply can't be on a low card/no carb diet - I often burn up 2000 calories or more in one training session so therefore need carbs.

    Choice of paths to maintaining health via eating and fitness is a very individual thing. I chose to focus more on exercise rather than eating - thats all I am saying. That way I pretty much get to eat whatever I want.
  • heniko
    heniko Posts: 796 Member
    Yes I know you were not saying it doesn't work ... but just wanted to clarify since many who don't know get that impression =)
  • waterbabeAD
    waterbabeAD Posts: 73
    Yes I know you were not saying it doesn't work ... but just wanted to clarify since many who don't know get that impression =)

    All good then! My main source of carbs is though fruit, potato, sweet potato, oatmeal, brown rice and occassionally bread and pasta. On my rest day I try to eat very little carbs.

    By the way, here is an article that looks at the debate of carbs or fat in relation to exercise - the most interesting extract:

    if you need to lose body fat, increase your level of exercise appropriate for your fitness levels and reduce your food intake, especially simple carbohydrate and saturated fats.

    Full article


    Weightloss isn't rocket science really.... Exercise more, eat less - particiulary food groups that turn to fat if unused
  • heniko
    heniko Posts: 796 Member
    I *think* mind I'm not a expert people who train more and harder do have different levels of nutrition (carb, protein, fat) but me, since I'm the average person who doesn't train as hard as others/althetes I would have to say for me my body works differently. I went from a high simple carb with little protein or fat of which half was full of sugar (even hidden sugars) and processed foods, so now a clean eating diet of mostly high(er) protein, moderate fat and low(er) carb. It working for me and am managin my PCOS.

    But to me I just dislike the cookie cutter information some of the "experts" tell the public since God made us all unique so everyone's needs are different. I see people lowering or carbs/elimating grains altogether no different then vegatarians/vegans eliminating meats.

    BTW to the OP I've never followed the Atkins plan but my comments on this thread refer only to low(er) carb lifestyles.

    Thanks for the add too! =)
  • mideon_696
    mideon_696 Posts: 770 Member
    Its interesting to see how many folk are opposed to these nutrition plans.
    most to me, seem afraid because general society has been led to believe that fat is somehow going to kill us...

    for weight loss, i've come to the conclusion in my own reseach and experience with mates results with different things, is that high protein/high fat plans work best.

    One mate for example. for 3 months, followed a higher fat/low carb/high protein plan that we put together after some research.
    eating the higer fat meals 5 days a week, and then went crazy with the carbs on the weekend.
    lost 22kg in 3 months. and got much stronger in the process(though he was totally untrained, so this was expcted anyway).
    He is never tired. and works out very hard and frequently...,NEVER tired.
    his carbs on weekdays are always diligently below 30gms total. his carbs on weekends? usually well above 300gms. and come from a myriad of sources! including Bread!

    Works?? I think so.
    Safe?? Definately.
    His blood results confirm this. :wink:

    I intend to use this method myself for a month this year to help shift some super stubborn gut fat. All it will take is some dedicated planning. and i'll succeed.
  • Losingitin2011
    Losingitin2011 Posts: 572 Member
    I dunno. I figure if it works for some people, fantastic, but it doesn't work for me. It is frustrating to see so many people insisting that their way is the only way, and if you disagree you're wrong.

    After having my gall bladder out, I became *much* more sensitive to fats, and that includes good fats. If I have too much, even if it's good, I feel miserable. That being said, I don't think an Atkins or South Beach type diet would work well for me. I would get discouraged and disinterested long before I reaped any benefits from it.

    For other people, they don't mind it and it works wonderfully for them. I say fantastic, keep it up.

    I just wish people would stop being SO judgmental of other people. We're all here for the same goal , to get healthy, we're just going about it in different ways.
  • waterbabeAD
    waterbabeAD Posts: 73
    I dunno. I figure if it works for some people, fantastic, but it doesn't work for me. It is frustrating to see so many people insisting that their way is the only way, and if you disagree you're wrong.

    After having my gall bladder out, I became *much* more sensitive to fats, and that includes good fats. If I have too much, even if it's good, I feel miserable. That being said, I don't think an Atkins or South Beach type diet would work well for me. I would get discouraged and disinterested long before I reaped any benefits from it.

    For other people, they don't mind it and it works wonderfully for them. I say fantastic, keep it up.

    I just wish people would stop being SO judgmental of other people. We're all here for the same goal , to get healthy, we're just going about it in different ways.

    I am sorry about your operation and wish you well in finding your balance in getting healthy.
  • lady_daraine
    For other people, they don't mind it and it works wonderfully for them. I say fantastic, keep it up.

    I just wish people would stop being SO judgmental of other people. We're all here for the same goal , to get healthy, we're just going about it in different ways.

    AMEN!!!! I wish this attitude was more prevalent on this site!!! :)
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    bumping back to the top after some of the things I just read.
  • gcineas
    gcineas Posts: 121
  • holdthefries
    holdthefries Posts: 521 Member
    want to read this later. thanks for the post
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
  • Wileyjoe
    Wileyjoe Posts: 282
    bump for later