is anybody nice enough



  • aniqa109
    aniqa109 Posts: 364 Member
    Thanks if i dont get results doing what im currently doing i will have to consider reducing carbs or sugar! I dont think i eat too bad! Every morning for breakfast il have toast with jam or cheese and beans! And second meal is home cooked food. I dont eat crisps choc ice cream and ive stopped eating from chip shops! I do feel exercise will be key for me as last year i followed same diet but i exercised daily and i lost. But for some reason im really struggling to exercise ..i just feel unmotivated and i am finding it hard to stick to regular exercise. ANYHOW! Will try to keep going and give an update in a few weeks!
  • aSaltandBattery
    aSaltandBattery Posts: 82 Member
    I'm under 5 foot tall and I weigh a bit more than you still. I found that sticking to just the calories limits (I do 1200 a day) wasn't enough to make me feel good and I didn't lose as quickly as I had hoped when I felt like I was giving up so much. However, by beginning to walk/incorporate other exercises I found that I could 'earn back some calories' (my settings are at sedentary) so that I didn't feel like I was starving. I also lost weight a bit faster when I was exercising. I eat what I want too as long as I stay in my calorie goal and I could probably lose faster if I stuck to something more specific like low carb or less sugar, but I want to do something now that I will keep doing later and I know I'm not at a point where I want to give up certain things. Also being so short (I'm 4 foot 10 inches) having my goal at 1200 actually sets me up for between 1.5 and 2 lb loses a week because shorter people burn less calories in general than taller people. I wouldn't recommend eating less (and neither would MFP), but with shorter stature unless you ate even less then you probably aren't going to see the significant losses that others post about. In the end when I'm feeling bad about the speed of my progress I think of it like the tortoise and the hare - slow and steady wins the race. Try to focus on doing something that you could see yourself continuing for a long time, not just a quick fix. Then as long as the scale is moving in the right direction (or you are losing inches, gaining muscle, etc) it is a successful journey no matter how fast you are going.
  • aniqa109
    aniqa109 Posts: 364 Member
    Thanks for that. Im just going 2 keep trying different things and see if i can find something that works! I shall try not myself to others because its disheartening reading about people who have lost a lot of weight in such a short space of time.
  • cosmichvoyager
    cosmichvoyager Posts: 237 Member
    hi :) I looked at your diary and 2 glaring things I see are: you need more fiber and more lean protein.
    Do you like to/have time to cook more? Prep food in advance?

    White bread, naan, etc--switch it for a kind of bread made out of seeds and whole grains like spelt and rye. Eat that with a hardboiled egg if you like, maybe some sliced tomato and cucumber and a wedge of low fat laughing cow cheese, just for example. I don't log as much as I used to but if you want to friend me and take a look at my diary or message me for ideas feel free. I eat A LOT and lose slow but I'm not often hungry and I am losing consistently--meal planning is my #1 weapon against this stubborn fat. I am also short.

    Not trying to make you feel bad, but I would be super hungry if I ate what you are eating.
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    Hi, I am 5'1 and not new to counting calories. I am doing a maintainable log right now and it has taken me 60 days to lose 4 lb- that is 1/2 lb a week.
    My calories are set at 1200 and I log 200 cal (average) exercise 5 days a week. 1 hr aqua fit or Zumba.
    Because my maintainance is so low I have to exercise to burn the calories needed to lose.
    I think if you got your own scale to keep track of your weight you may be able to track it more accurately . I keep mine in the same place and weigh myself as soon as I get up and have been for a pee so there are few variables to influence the result.
    I also think getting a food scale may help in tracking your food accuracy.
    Because you are short like me you would probably get better results if you could get an hour of exercise in a few times a week. It will also help you retain your lean muscle mass as you lose fat.
    If you like to dance try Zumba toning- hand weights are used to help keep your muscles.
    Good luck, and stick with it, results can be slower for us shorties.
    Cheers, h
  • aniqa109
    aniqa109 Posts: 364 Member
    Thats the thing though im not hungry after eating what i eat. Its enough for me! Sometimes i have to force myself to eat dinner to make up the calories.
    i wanted to eat stuff i would be eating forever..not sure if i could stick to naans with salads or eggs for too long. I dont like wholemeal bread i had it for years and it didnt seem to make any difference so i started white again.
  • cinnamon0033
    cinnamon0033 Posts: 23 Member
    I'm not going to repeat everything everyone else is saying because I think you know this already. I am going to say this. Your outlook is off. This is not something you should be doing on the short term. This has to be a lifelong commitment. I think if you stopped focusing on the scale and just focused on eating right the weight problem will take care of itself. Just my two cents.
  • aniqa109
    aniqa109 Posts: 364 Member
    You are right! I just wanted to know if what i was doing was right whch would be shown through the scale or inch loss. I wanted to kind of figure out what i need 2 do to get the results and then id commit 2 doing it! But im going 2 try my best to not give up just yet!
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    edited November 2014
    You need to show some patience.
    Id advocate the inclusion of exercise because it has several benefits and makes keeping a deficit easier, although exercise cna be hard work. You have 39 friends on your friends list, arent some of them giving you advice, checking your diary and suggesting what you might be doing? It requires you to have.

    1. A healthy mindset.
    2. Know how to use MFP properly, the foundations being accurate , complete and consistent logging. It also includes weighing your food and setting the correct deficit.
    3. A diet that you can live with that has the correct deficit, but also supplies you with enough nutrition.
    4. Exercise that makes managing your deficit easier and that you can sustain.

    If you sort this out then follow the plan for ten weeks consistently and you will lose weight.
  • aniqa109
    aniqa109 Posts: 364 Member
    No they dont comment or advise! Half of them dont have any interaction with me. Most of them will just like my completed diary entry.
  • kaylaaah88
    kaylaaah88 Posts: 40 Member
    Maybe, instead of eating two meals a day, you should focus on 3 with two snacks. I find that if I eat 3 smaller meals, mostly comprised of a protein and vegetables, and 2 snacks, like an apple and cheese or carrots, then throughout the day I'm not hungry and I also eat less when I do sit down to a meal. At first it was difficult, as I've been eating whatever I want for quite a while now, but it has become easier and now I also feel better.

    Also, are you varying your exercising? Sometimes if you consistently do the same thing, you can plateau. I try to switch it up. Some days I run at intervals, each week increasing (First week, Run 1 minute/Walk 2, Second Week Run 2/Walk 2, etc). I do the same on the elliptical, with different interval resistances. I also do some yoga a couple days a week while others I complete an aerobics workout.

    I've been struggling with weight loss for a number of years now and what I do know is that giving up doesn't help. Even if I'm struggling to drop another pound and the scale doesn't move, at least I feel better about myself knowing that I tried. You can do it! Just don't give up.
  • Lalalindaloo
    Lalalindaloo Posts: 204 Member
    Hey, so I'm a little taller than you and was a little heavier (5'2", 185). I had a slow start, wasn't on here yet, but mine eventually kicked in and I have lost around 50 lbs.

    This thread on calorie counting and logging accurately really helped me.

    One of the responses earlier said 89% patience and I have found that to be true! Good losing! (Because luck really isn't much of it.)
  • lisi79
    lisi79 Posts: 9 Member
    Have you tried looking at what your eating? Salt contents? Carbs? Etc. it makes a difference for me....
  • maram29
    maram29 Posts: 100 Member
    jonjhayden wrote: »
    I think it is so important to include exercise. Yes, it IS the deficit that counts for WEIGHT loss, but with exercise (including strength training) you will maintain or even build muscle. While the muscle will put on weight from its mass, it will also help raise your resting metabolic rate. This means you will burn more calories and hence lose even more fat. Really isn't the focus on losing weight a little misplaced? The true goal is to lose fat and (usually) in the process lose weight. BUT would you prefer to lose more weight but have excess fat on your body or lose more fat but weigh a little more because you gained some lean muscle?

    I would encourage you to get an hour of cardio everyday and to strength train 3 days each week. If you want some good reading, get "Where Did All The Fat Go?" by Dr. Robert Huizenga.

  • maram29
    maram29 Posts: 100 Member
    I agree with Jon. Also, exercising gives you so many nsv along the will help you through those times when the scale just isn't cooperating. You'll feel better physically, and feel the improvement in your body from the inside out. Find an exercise you like to do, whether you are a social person and want to join a class, or you like your alone time and a walk around your town with your favorite music is more your speed...try some things out and see how they go. Blessings and good luck in your journey.
  • charlotte66
    charlotte66 Posts: 248 Member
    I agree with adding in exercise you will feel amazing for it! I did the 30 day shred a few months ago and didn't lose a single lb but I lost so many inches it was brilliant! try eating more than 2 meals a day even a small snack between lunch and dinner. don't get disheartened just yet, ive been juggling the same lbs up and down since august but im not giving up the scale is not the be all and end all take measurements progress pictures :) good luck.
  • red0801
    red0801 Posts: 283 Member
  • aniqa109
    aniqa109 Posts: 364 Member
    Thanks all for the great advice! I love dancing and have started exercising again at home. I agree i shouldnt focus on the scale.
    Ive realised a few places i was making mistakes
    As i wasnt using food scale and yesterday when i weighed i realised i was using the wrong food entry and my food was double the amount of calories i had logged.
    so hopefully with my new knwledge and in corporating of exercise i should soon start losing!
  • I know a lot of people say it's as simple as calories in-calories out but I've noticed when I eat too much low-fat processed foods, I won't lose any weight even if I stay within my calories and exercise. Recently, I watched the documentary Fed Up (amazon prime instant video) and it all made sense. I try to eat as little processed foods as possible and am watching the sugar. Example - When you are trying to lose weight you tend to eat a lot of salads - only to have the low-fat salad dressing ruin your day. Tons of sugar. Now I make my own salad dressing and cut the oil in half. Tons of other foods are disguised as "healthy" but the sugar is outta control! That movie was eye opening. Good luck!
  • socalkay
    socalkay Posts: 746 Member
    Try lowering your calories a little (100 cals) for a few weeks and see where that gets you. I am 5'2" and started at 165 lbs as well. I had to go down to 1200 to lose. I'm not saying that's the issue for you but it might be worth a try. The calculators give you a place to start but you may need to adjust the calories to make it work for you. Don't go below 1000 calories to insure your health (you will get a warning from MFP if you do).
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