Best Exercises to Get Rid of Double Chin

Best Exercises to Get Rid of Double Chin
For people who have a double chin, it would be nice if we could spot-reduce. However, spot reduction, or singling out an area of the body for fat loss and then doing exercises that target it, is actually not possible.

A double chin is the result of excess fat in the body and will only go away through losing body fat, which occurs through healthy eating and cardio exercise.

In order to maintain weight, the minimum amount of exercise recommended is 30 minutes 3-5 times a week. People who want to lose weight (and get rid of a double chin!) should exercise at least 5 times a week for 30-60 minutes. A good exercise regimen will also incorporate weight training, which can be as simple as light hand weights.

Best Exercises to Lose Weight
The following exercises are forms of exercises to help aid in weight loss. These are the best exercises for losing weight because they help elevate the heart rate and work the major muscle groups, so you're building muscle as well. As you use these exercises to lose body fat, your double chin will naturally disappear as well.

Running. Running is one of the most effective exercises for losing weight. All it requires is a good pair of running shoes and a stretch of road. In addition, it can burn at least 300 calories in just 30 minutes for a person who weighs 145 pounds. Good running shoes and inserts are important as running can be hard on the knees.
Biking. Biking is another form of exercise that is great for losing weight and can be done outside on a road or mountain bike or inside on a stationary bike. Biking is easier on the knees than running and can burn 250-500 calories in just 30 minutes.
Swimming. Swimming is an excellent form of exercise because it requires the entire body, not just legs. As a result, you'll burn more calories. Swimming can burn about 400 calories in just 30 minutes, and is low-impact, so it's a great choice for people with injuries.
Walking. Walking doesn't burn as many calories as, say, running or swimming, but it's a great exercise for beginners and those who are very overweight. A good pair of walking shoes is required. Speed walking or walking uphill can help to increase the amount of calories burned.
Elliptical Trainer. If you have access to a gym or are looking to invest in a piece of home gym equipment, you might want to look into an elliptical trainer. It burns about 10 calories a minute, and uses the arms and the legs. In addition, it's low-impact, so it's great for those who have knee or joint problems.
Weight Training. While it doesn't burn as many calories as aerobic exercises, weight training is essential to weight loss. It helps build muscle, which not only gives a toned look to the body, but muscle helps to burn fat, so an exercise program that combines cardio with weight training is the most effective. Weight training can be as simple as exercises using light hand weights at home.

While you can't get rid of a double chin through spot reduction, you can lose weight and fat throughout your entire body through eating a healthy balanced diet in conjunction with aerobic exercise. Once you do this, your double chin will be gone.


  • icandoit
    icandoit Posts: 4,163 Member
    Best Exercises to Get Rid of Double Chin
    For people who have a double chin, it would be nice if we could spot-reduce. However, spot reduction, or singling out an area of the body for fat loss and then doing exercises that target it, is actually not possible.

    A double chin is the result of excess fat in the body and will only go away through losing body fat, which occurs through healthy eating and cardio exercise.

    In order to maintain weight, the minimum amount of exercise recommended is 30 minutes 3-5 times a week. People who want to lose weight (and get rid of a double chin!) should exercise at least 5 times a week for 30-60 minutes. A good exercise regimen will also incorporate weight training, which can be as simple as light hand weights.

    Best Exercises to Lose Weight
    The following exercises are forms of exercises to help aid in weight loss. These are the best exercises for losing weight because they help elevate the heart rate and work the major muscle groups, so you're building muscle as well. As you use these exercises to lose body fat, your double chin will naturally disappear as well.

    Running. Running is one of the most effective exercises for losing weight. All it requires is a good pair of running shoes and a stretch of road. In addition, it can burn at least 300 calories in just 30 minutes for a person who weighs 145 pounds. Good running shoes and inserts are important as running can be hard on the knees.
    Biking. Biking is another form of exercise that is great for losing weight and can be done outside on a road or mountain bike or inside on a stationary bike. Biking is easier on the knees than running and can burn 250-500 calories in just 30 minutes.
    Swimming. Swimming is an excellent form of exercise because it requires the entire body, not just legs. As a result, you'll burn more calories. Swimming can burn about 400 calories in just 30 minutes, and is low-impact, so it's a great choice for people with injuries.
    Walking. Walking doesn't burn as many calories as, say, running or swimming, but it's a great exercise for beginners and those who are very overweight. A good pair of walking shoes is required. Speed walking or walking uphill can help to increase the amount of calories burned.
    Elliptical Trainer. If you have access to a gym or are looking to invest in a piece of home gym equipment, you might want to look into an elliptical trainer. It burns about 10 calories a minute, and uses the arms and the legs. In addition, it's low-impact, so it's great for those who have knee or joint problems.
    Weight Training. While it doesn't burn as many calories as aerobic exercises, weight training is essential to weight loss. It helps build muscle, which not only gives a toned look to the body, but muscle helps to burn fat, so an exercise program that combines cardio with weight training is the most effective. Weight training can be as simple as exercises using light hand weights at home.

    While you can't get rid of a double chin through spot reduction, you can lose weight and fat throughout your entire body through eating a healthy balanced diet in conjunction with aerobic exercise. Once you do this, your double chin will be gone.
  • littlespoon
    Thank you for that article!! I was wondering whether I need to up my exercise to help me break through this plateu - and yes i do!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    I prefer chin-ups
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    edited November 2014
    How much you burn depends as much if not more on the person doing the exercise. How much effort, how much do they weigh, how long, how far, how frequently.

    You missed the rower off which is at or near the top of being an effective piece of cardio equipment that gives an all over body workout.

    And probably the best is keyboard exercise of logging your food and portion control to meet your deficit.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
  • jkugelman
    Weight training can be as simple as exercises using light hand weights at home.

    No, not really. Lifting light weights is close to worthless. If you want the benefits of weightlifting you need to lift heavy weights for a small number of reps (no more than 12-15, but preferably in the 3-10 range). If you don't want to lift heavy weights, then you're better off just doing straight cardio than lifting 5lb dumbbells and pretending you're getting some benefit out of it.