New here

Hi, I am Amanda, stay at home mother of three, ages 6, 3, and 5 weeks. I am trying to lose weight for my health. I have been obese since I was 8 years old and it has been a lifelong struggle. On my last pregnancy I only gained 3lbs so when I delivered I was 19lbs lighter than my start weight! Unfortunately, the lack of weight gain in pregnancy was easy, I didn't do anything different. So now that I have delivered, as expected, I am struggling once again. I have lost 10lbs since delivery, but have had a rough week. I am hoping to lose 100lbs. The baby is keeping me very busy and I am having a hard time eating right and exercising. Could use good encouragement and tips. Thanks!


  • jjjohns
    jjjohns Posts: 27
    welcome! I am also a stay-at-home mom. I have a 7yr old and a 1 yr old and I also have a small daycare in my home so the kids keep me jumping!

    Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • Superdupermom
    Superdupermom Posts: 149
    Well first off welcome to my fitness pal! you are heading in the right direction to health! I am a stay at home mom..i do work pt on weekends. I only have one 5 yr old and a puppy tho lol does the hubby count? so you got your hands full! Healthy choices should not just be for you but for your children too! of course there is some goodies in the house but try to cycle them out! Start buyin "easy grabs" I notice that as a mother sometimes you only want to grab what you see and not cook! so have pears, apples, bananas, trail mix, premade salad mix, smoothies, nut, water, etc. I sometimes wait til my kid goes to bed then just stick a lb of chicken breast in the oven to bake(cuz i dont wanna stand over the stove) then put it in a container for the next can use it on salad or just with brown rice and veggies! also you can eat those packages with carrots with peanut butter or ranch! yogurt! oatmeal, grapes, etc! all those easy to grab when i am too damn busy low calorie stuff! i hope this helps alittle! you can add me as a friend! I am always here to help and everyone is supportive and super helpful! just make sure you LOG EVERYTHING even if its bad and log in everyday! stick to it girl you can do it! remember standing,pushing a stroller, breastfeeding, cleanin, etc is an exercise so log it girl! but dont eat back all of those calories if you can help it ;) welcome and goodluck!