Slimquick pills?



  • MomTo3Lovez
    MomTo3Lovez Posts: 800 Member
    Are you sure the calories you are counting are are you weighing your food?? You may be eating more then you think you are. If you don't have a food scale definitely go get one, you can get one for $20 if not cheaper, obviously if you aren't home you'll have to guess but eat at home or bring your lunch with you as much as you can.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Are you sure the calories you are counting are are you weighing your food?? You may be eating more then you think you are. If you don't have a food scale definitely go get one, you can get one for $20 if not cheaper, obviously if you aren't home you'll have to guess but eat at home or bring your lunch with you as much as you can.

  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    RGv2 wrote: »
    It told me that I had to take them with breakfast and lunch, count my calories, and follow the exercise routine. I'm not looking for a quick, no effort fix. Counting calories hasn't been working for me and I was hoping this would give me the extra boost I need to shed the extra poundage.

    Read bolded....

    I can read. Thank you. I haven't taken the pills yet, have just been counting calories and exercising when I can.

    Sounds good, glad you read what I bolded in your OP. If they show any evidence of working, that's why.
    It told me that I had to take them with breakfast and lunch, count my calories, and follow the exercise routine.
  • stlhrs
    stlhrs Posts: 67 Member
    Yes. That absolutely help you loose weight!!!! From your wallet.
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    People respond the way they do because some of us, like me, have tried EVERYTHING. Including pills. Or, well, we thought we had. Turns out we hadn't tried eating at a calorie deficit.

    A lot of people on this forum, like me, have/are busting our butts because we've realised that the only way it's going to happen is by hard bloody work. Pills are not going to get you there.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    Although, I hate to admit it. When I first started working on my weight, I tried them. I discovered however, that they didn't speed up weight loss or anything of the sort. The only thing they did was make me slightly jittery. But point is, my weight loss rate was exactly the same. It didn't matter if I took the pills or not.

    That was before I found MFP, so I wasn't counting calories at the time (I was just really strict with what I ate). MFP however, has allowed me to not be as strict about what I eat (still have to watch portions) and still lose at a sensible rate. Weighing solids & measuring liquids has definitely helped a lot more than the pills did.
  • ljones27uk
    ljones27uk Posts: 177 Member
    Ive tried pills in the past, a few years back.. made me feel hideous and had to stop pretty quickly. Its been said before, but make sure you log every single thing you eat... If you 'snack' during the day, make sure you weigh and track it.. Dont fall into the trap of thinking 'its just one handful/mouthful/swig etc' as it all soon adds up and its amazing what a difference it makes. It may feel a bit OTT weighing everything, but for me, its the only thing Ive found that has worked!
    Id really strongly advise to throw the pills down the toilet and go grab yourself a healthy dinner. :-)
    Good luck
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    It told me that I had to take them with breakfast and lunch, count my calories, and follow the exercise routine. .

    Guess what's going to be responsible for the weight loss (hint: not the pills)
  • ljmorgi
    ljmorgi Posts: 264 Member
    It told me that I had to take them with breakfast and lunch, count my calories, and follow the exercise routine. I'm not looking for a quick, no effort fix. Counting calories hasn't been working for me and I was hoping this would give me the extra boost I need to shed the extra poundage.

    Sounds like you've been sold snake oil.
  • lostinwebspace
    lostinwebspace Posts: 99 Member
    edited November 2014
    Those diet pills are essentially telling you to do everything you need plus spend money on pills. What they say is regular weight exercise + regular cardio exercise + good diet + our pills = your goals. The reality is regular weight exercise + regular cardio exercise + healthy diet + positive mindset + research/reading/asking questions/consulting your doctor = your goals. Notice the pills aren't in the real-life formula. The pills are just trying to hide in the formula. You don't need them.

    As for the reason you're not losing weight, like people have said, try reducing your calorie intake a bit more. You'll feel hungrier, but that's how it's done. Just make sure you're not being dangerous about it, i.e. "I want to lose 2 pounds a week but only have 2000 calories as a maintenance level."

    A few months ago, I was sitting at probably around 23-25% body fat. Then I started calorie counting, losing 1 lb a week (500 calories a day), adjusted my numbers from the formula I was given (cuz everyone's different) and now I'm at, I estimate, 12.7% body fat (as measured with a caliper). And I started on maybe around...August...and got the hang of my numbers probably early September. Aside from a plateau that I recently broke out of, I've been hitting goals nonstop. I'm now 4 pounds away from my goal weight, and I expect to hit that by New Year's, if not Christmas.

    If calorie counting isn't working, try reducing it again by a bit. If it was working but stopped, try finding ways to break your plateau. What I did was jacked my calories to maintenance level for a week, then dropped it back down again. Just make sure your calories are going toward good foods (i.e. foods with the least number of ingredients). You can still lose weight eating cake all day, but I wouldn't suggest it since your body needs your macronutrients to line up.

    A good, properly sized diet and regular weight/cardio exercise is all you need. But don't forget research and reading.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    Diet pills don't work. If they worked, the obesity percentage in the U.S. wouldn't be 35%. A caloric deficit is the only thing that works for weight loss.

    If you don't weigh your food using a food scale, go purchase one. If you do not weigh all food you consume, you do not know how many calories you are eating and are likely overeating which is why you haven't been successful.
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,379 Member
    Really listen to what's being said here. You don't need to pay for pills when calorie counting works, so long as you're doing it right. Make sure everything you log is absolutely accurate, or you'll be logging (unintentionally) less food than you're actually consuming. Makes sense?
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    I have had major success with Phentermine. They have helped curb my appetite and snacking so much that all I eat is healthy fruits and veggies, whole grains and lean meats and I am satisfied. Trying to do all that without feeling like I was starving or depriving myself was so much harder before, these have helped me immensely. So far, I have lost 12 lbs and it has been less than a month and I do track all my food on here.

    Do you know what happens when you stop taking Phentermine? You gain all the weight back plus some.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    and now, because I feel like it... Time to play the other side.

    In places where it is legal, and under proper supervision (medical) clenbuterol and ECA stacks have shown to have efficacy. ECA is legal as a DIY supplementation in the US, Clen is not legal in the US, but is in other countries, and is primarily a bronchiodialator.
  • lostinwebspace
    lostinwebspace Posts: 99 Member
    And, honestly, even if these fat pills DID work, I think I'd prefer to exercise my fat out. The fat pills would shed the fat, but they wouldn't teach a person how to lead a healthy lifestyle. That comes only from learning and experience, not from some mythical medication.
  • RosaileenB
    RosaileenB Posts: 49 Member
    The pills do not work. I have tried every pill under the sun.

    Eating healthier, watching calories, and working out is the only thing that is working. I just recently bought a $13 food scale off Amazon to measure food. I was definitely overeating at home.

    If you are doing everything as far as counting calories (deficit), eating healthy, and working out for more than a few weeks and you still aren't losing weight then go to the doctor.

  • branflakes1980
    branflakes1980 Posts: 2,516 Member
    RGv2 wrote: »
    It told me that I had to take them with breakfast and lunch, count my calories, and follow the exercise routine. I'm not looking for a quick, no effort fix. Counting calories hasn't been working for me and I was hoping this would give me the extra boost I need to shed the extra poundage.

    Read bolded....

    Exactly what I was going to do! Says it all right there in bold print!

  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    pscarolina wrote: »
    Counting calories hasn't been working for me and I was hoping this would give me the extra boost I need to shed the extra poundage.

    What do you mean counting calories hasn't been working? Have you been counting & why do you think it's not working?

    You'll still have to count your calories with pills or injections or tea or sauerkraut juice or whatever the trick of the day happens to be.

    I've been following the myfitnesspal suggestion for how many calories I could limit myself to. I have been counting on my own, writing things down since I'm not always able to access the internet. I haven't lost any weight and it almost looks like I've bee gaining.
    I have no intention to stop counting calories or exercising. Like I said, was only looking for a boost or something to help lose the weight.

    The "boost" you need is to stop eating so much food.

  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I have had major success with Phentermine. They have helped curb my appetite and snacking so much that all I eat is healthy fruits and veggies, whole grains and lean meats and I am satisfied. Trying to do all that without feeling like I was starving or depriving myself was so much harder before, these have helped me immensely. So far, I have lost 12 lbs and it has been less than a month and I do track all my food on here.

    Wonder what you would have lost by tracking all your food here and NOT taking phentermine.