Are you up for it?

I am in need of a motivation partner, someone that I can weigh in with, someone that can be tough when I need it, someone that I can help motivate as well. I ran my first 5k last month and I think I stay motivated/inspired/challenged when i have someone trying the reach the same goals with me. If anyone is up for a weigh in challenge or has any other suggestions I'm up for it. I want to be able to go to the beach this summer and not have to wear a long t shirt and shorts because of how ashamed I am of my body. I want to be able to look in the mirror and SMILE at what I see.....:smile:


  • Msaip
    Msaip Posts: 482 Member
    I'm in! What day are you weighing in? what are you goals? Are you wanting to do inches or weight? im seriously debating foregoing the scale and trusting a tape measure :)
  • MrsBlissful
    You should look around for a Biggest Loser challenge or something! Even online... It would help A LOT! Ive been hosting one for 6 weeks and have lost about 11 lbs.. There are 6 more weeks to go, too!! If you would like to join it just for support, you may! Just add me on facebook and I'll get you added!(of course, you wont be able to win the money, but there will be 10 other girls to help support you!!!) Sarah Jane Huntimer <-- Facebook ;]
  • new_Kendra
    I am looking for the same thing. I have consistently lost 2 pounds every week for the last month and I am so excited! But I have done this before. I am hoping that this time I don't lose interest. I NEED motivation, support, encouragement, and tips regularly! And I am really good at giving all that in back in return :flowerforyou: I usually weight-in on Thursdays because it is right before the weekend (when I have the most trouble staying focused) and far enough after the weekend to "fix it" lol but I am up for whatever
  • nctj
    nctj Posts: 36
    I was thinking of weighing in on Fridays, but I'm up for whatever works best for everyone else. The job I have makes it super hard but this week has been a good one until yesterday evening and I got severe cravings. I sucked down the water and got over it but I NEED help...never been one that wanted to ask for help but I can not afford to keep living this way. I will help support and encourage and be there for everyone of you because I know what its like.
    Now to my main highest weight back in Jan. was 236! I was having some health problems and when I went to the Dr. I just about fell out. So after that day I was on a mission to get back to my healthy weight. Depression hasnt helped me and I am fighting to overcome that as well. My main problem areas are my stomach, hips, and arms....I hate it! I want to lose another 50 lbs or more and tone up my problem areas. I'm open to any tips or advice. I look forward to getting to know all of you!

    Sarah, I sent you a message on FB.
  • new_Kendra
    Friday sounds good! I always use my morning weight anyway, so I will not have done any damage by then :-) I am getting alot better about that though. I am a little more relaxed on the weekend as far as logging my calories and sticking to a food plan...but I DO make wiser decisions than before on the weekends and chose reduced fat options when available in MODERATION when I just HAVE to have icecream or a cookie :-)
  • nctj
    nctj Posts: 36

    TJ - 202.6
  • Msaip
    Msaip Posts: 482 Member
    Friday weigh in 198 :sad:
  • MissConfidence
    I'll be happy to help support you, and everyone else on here! I suggest we set some specific goals for May, so we take it a step at a time and this way we can be more on top of keeping each other accountable and on track... What do you think?

    My weight today is 164.4....
  • nctj
    nctj Posts: 36
    Next week will be better!!! You CAN do this!! I will be happy to see 198!! You're doing GREAT!!
  • nctj
    nctj Posts: 36
    I'll be happy to help support you, and everyone else on here! I suggest we set some specific goals for May, so we take it a step at a time and this way we can be more on top of keeping each other accountable and on track... What do you think?

    My weight today is 164.4....

    Thats great!! For May I know I want to lose at least (if not more) 10 lbs. I am really going to bump up the workouts and see what happens. What about you??
  • MissConfidence
    Weight wise I'd like to see the 150's - and stay there and no go back up to the 160s ever again! No specific number, just somewhere in the 150's (I'd even be happy with 159 as long as it won't go back up a day later)! Fitness wise I've set more specific goals:

    Walk 90 miles
    Start and Complete the 30D Shred
    Lift weights 8 times (8 muscle groups, 3 sets of 15 reps each)

    I hope I stick to these, as I know I will see some positive progress if I just commit!
  • new_Kendra
    new_Kendra Posts: 80
    Sorry guys, went out of town Friday morning and got back late yesterday, so I didn't weigh in Friday morning. My weight Thursday morning was 236.5.

    I was celebrating with my family all weekend, so I am terrified to weigh in at this point :embarassed: lol, but I am going to work extra hard this week. I didn't do TOO bad this weekend, i ate mostly what I wanted in very small portions. I did discover Cheesecake factory this weekend :huh: thank heavens the nearest one to me is more than an hour away! Looking forward to getting back in the swing of things this week.

    Going forward, I will weigh-in and report on Friday! Hope everyone has a good healthy week!!!
  • nctj
    nctj Posts: 36

    202.6...NOTHING =(
  • new_Kendra
    new_Kendra Posts: 80
    Last night, I went to celebrate a softball win with my partner and her team and had 2 beers and 2 slices of pizza :frown: but I still lost, so I don't feel SO bad.

    My goal for this week (today - Thursday) is to exercise for 30 minutes everyday. :grumble: We will see how THAT goes!

    Good luck to everyone! Let's keep each other motivated ya'll! :flowerforyou:
  • new_Kendra
    new_Kendra Posts: 80

    202.6...NOTHING =(

    Hey, that is better than gaining! Hang in there, it will come. I would bet it's all those muscles your building! Have you tried stepping up your fiber? I eat a high fiber cereal (14 grams of fiber) every morning and lots of whole grains.
  • nctj
    nctj Posts: 36
    I'm at the point where I feel like I shouldnt eat at all until I drop a few pounds but I know thats not sensible. My goal is to lsoe 2 lbs. by next weigh in..
  • new_Kendra
    new_Kendra Posts: 80
    You can do it! Just make sure you get at least 1200 calories and drink your water. I really think the fiber will help. You've got this! :happy:
  • nctj
    nctj Posts: 36
    Friday weigh in 5/13/11

  • MissConfidence
    Nice job nctj on making your goal this week! Can't say the same weight wise but I've been sticking with exercise and logging my food much better the last few days which is pretty big for me! Keep it up