Any Fulltime Students?!

Hey guys! I'm looking for fellow students who, like me, struggle with healthy eating and exercising because the life of a student is already so full of other activities (especially with, surprise surprise, studying).

Finals are coming up, so I'd love to meet some other students!



  • MarshallBlaire
    MarshallBlaire Posts: 15 Member
    I to am a full time student. With all this studying short exercise breaks are actually a good stress relief, though I am not eating as well as before. Hope it all goes well for you.
  • Haha, yes. Exercise breaks work well, but somehow being a student made eating healthy much harder - plus alcohol can be... king of problematic ;). Both eating healthy and exercise are so good for study results as well though! I've gotten way more energy to study since I've started exercising and eating well. But time planning is so hard...
  • vmlabute
    vmlabute Posts: 311 Member
    Part-time student, working full-time and a full-time mama!! Yes it is challenging to juggle everything but pre-plan your meals and all will be ok :)
  • vmlabute wrote: »
    Part-time student, working full-time and a full-time mama!! Yes it is challenging to juggle everything but pre-plan your meals and all will be ok :)

    Whoa, that sounds like a lot! It's impressive that you can manage all of that!

    I tried meal planning, but it doesn't work for me. I love cooking every day and I usually eat something I'm actually craving. Healthy things of course! But if I'm craving chicken and I planned pasta, then I'm just going to eat the chicken. ;)
  • Yes, I'm a full-time grad student, work full-time and have an internship on my two days off. I am struggling BIG TIME with finding time to exercise and plan healthy meals. Usually I just grab whatever's available and eat it. Luckily, I have still not resorted to fast food and sodas.....but energy drinks are a must sometimes!
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    Kinda... I was a full-time grad student, but went to half-time for this semester to do other things. I go back to full-time in January. I also work full-time, and am very active in volunteer leadership positions with a few groups.

    During the last 2 years of my undergrad, I was a FT student, worked FT with 2 PT jobs and did some extra contract work on the side. That is part of the reason (not the only reason) why I became so heavy in the first place: I didn't even have time to pee, let alone time to eat healthy. Fast food was the only food that was an option.
  • SparkyJess3
    SparkyJess3 Posts: 625 Member
    vmlabute wrote: »
    Part-time student, working full-time and a full-time mama!! Yes it is challenging to juggle everything but pre-plan your meals and all will be ok :)

    Same here girl... I totally agree!
  • MarshallBlaire
    MarshallBlaire Posts: 15 Member
    ah yes, the alcohol. one part of me wants to not partake in drinking my calories, the other part does not want to miss one of the fun parts of college. lol :)
  • Cinarocket
    Cinarocket Posts: 49 Member
    Full time student here :)
  • kharev
    kharev Posts: 19 Member
    Started school again, full time 4 courses and 24 hours at my Job still. I know that feel. Meal prepping for the week on Sunday is a bloody life saver. I find living from tupperware somewhat at par to eating out cost wise
  • I have one week until exam period!!! And I'm actually excited about this because I only have one exam during those 2 weeks! The rest are this week. HElloooooooo christmas break!! I'm gonna work my butt off!
  • I have one week until exam period!!! And I'm actually excited about this because I only have one exam during those 2 weeks! The rest are this week. HElloooooooo christmas break!! I'm gonna work my butt off!

    I'M SO JEALOUS! I have about 3 exams/papers/presentations/important things per week from this week on. I can't wait till Christmas break, and I'm also gonna work super hard! We can do this! :D
  • williamwj2014
    williamwj2014 Posts: 750 Member
    Was full time but dropped a class and started off the semester pretty badly due to some personal problems so this semester will be one I have to make up for. Next semester I'll be back to full time and more on top of it. Just started taking diet and fitness much more seriously about 3 weeks ago and it's helped me out tremendously.
  • Hi, full-time student here as well! I just want to lose 6 kg and maintain good grades :) But unlike you guys I feel like I have lots of free time and running 6 times a week is relatively possible, but the motivation is not always that prominent :smile:
    Finals in February, but I should already be studying for them gaah! We can do this! :smiley:
  • Ugh, full time student here! AHHH Finals week in 2 weeks for me! It's such a struggle to finish classes, then eat healthy all during the week, and exercise everyday on top of daily responsibilities. Sometimes I just want a break. Haha

    Good luck with your finals everyone!
  • Full-time student here, too!
  • Awesome! Good luck everyone! :) I'm sure we can do it!
  • billisbig
    billisbig Posts: 6 Member
    I am a full time student as well. stock your fridge or mini fridge with veggies that are easy to grab and go for snacks. thats what helped me
  • im a full time student, and I'm worried I'm going to start adding on the pounds as I'm unhealthy eating, i need to say no takeaways man!!
  • zeal26
    zeal26 Posts: 602 Member
    Yup, and I'm on study abroad right now so the amount of social obligations is tripled. But I find getting ahead of myself is best. I do a lot of batch cooking and freezer dinners. For example this semester ends on the 17th of December, and I have enough dinners in the freezer that I don't have to do any more cooking (bar boiling pasta, veg or rice) this semester and can just focus on studying for finals and getting assignments! I also plan out my meals and snacks for each day before heading to bed.