In need of a little motivation

I watched home videos last night. One video was taken a few days ago, I looked HUGE. I couldn't get over how fat I looked, how big my face looked. I hardly take pictures of myself or video, so it was a rarity to see myself. I used that image to motivate myself to continue.

But then I saw another video, take a couple of years ago when I weighed about 180ish. I still looked huge. My face not as much, but the rest of me did. 180 is 40 pounds away. To think that when I lose 40lbs more (50 total counting the 10 I've already lost) I'll still look awful felt like getting shot. I got this feeling of why bother? Why continue if even after all that effort I'll still look fat. My heart is telling me to continue, to keep going, but my brain is playing tricks on me and I keep hearing that little voice saying, just forget it and eat what you want.

So help. I need some inspriational words only woman who have been where I am can provide.


  • amandamyers228
    you just have to stay positive and think about how much better and healthier you'll feel!! good luck!! there is lots of support through mfp!!
  • Katrob9
    Katrob9 Posts: 431 Member
    I have had similar moments of thinking I have so much to lose before I get back to a point where I still wasn't happy with the way I looked. The point is that you're doing something about it now and you should feel so proud of what you have achieved so far and the commitment you've made to reaching your goals. It isn't going to be easy, but we'll get there! It looks like we have very similar goals - I'm 217 at the moment and want to get down to about 135 in time for my wedding day which is 17th March 2012.

    Feel free to add me as a friend so we can support each other :)
  • SMJ3
    SMJ3 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi Rosey,
    I know the same feeling. You have already lost 10lbs, that is amazing! It is much easier to put weight on then take it off. You can do this! It is normal to feel like you want to give up. Loosing weight is very hard and requires a lot of determination, which I know u have. Please don't give up, take it one step at a time. You can do this. =-)
    Please add me as a friend =-)
  • Lynn9498
    Lynn9498 Posts: 4
    I really do understand. I'm trying this after losing 55 lbs on ww's and then over the course of two years, gaining it all back! Talk about depressed and why bother...
    But! I figure it's like anything else we strive for, the time will pass regardless, so in five months, it'll be five months later so mine as well give it a shot! Also, look at it this way, 180 is not the ultimate goal, but only a stop along the way to where you want to be, so it will be exciting to get there because the next goal for example will be 170 and then 160 :>)
    (I'm talking to myself while speaking to you, lol)
    I just found this site and don't know my way around yet, but hopefully I'll learn it enough to check back in with you.
    Meanwhile, Good Luck!
  • sars_68
    sars_68 Posts: 308 Member
    I think lots of us have 'been there' - I certainly have!!:ohwell:

    BUT - you can do this!!

    Remember, we see ourselves differently to how others see us, we're much too critical. Think about how others will react when you lose those pounds and their comments about how well you're doing/how good you look. It certainly spurs me on to hear compliments.

    Ultimately though - do it for yourself, be positive and with a bit of effort you'll get there in no time.

    Good luck:flowerforyou:

  • christianmom509
    At one point in my life I weighed 305 pounds. I was 26. I decided to change my life to feel better and live instead of just exist. That was 10 years ago. I have went up and down in weight over the years but have been able to keep a healthy weight. Saying all that.... My encouragement to you is to not concentrate on the scale. Not everyone is meant to weight 125 pounds. We are all very different. My goal weight is 165. At 165 pounds I am still a "larger" girl. I am bigger than most of the other women I know. I have learned over the years that I can't compare myself to other peoples weights. For the rest of my life I am going to be "larger" than most women. But that is ok. I have large legs and large arms and how my teenage son so simply put it "junk in the trunk" At 165 pounds I can wear a size 9. I am healthy and feel good. I guess what I am saying is don't concentrate on what you think you should look like. Concentrate on how you feel. Learn to be happy and confident in your body. And know that you are putting healthy things in it and working out no matter the size of clothes you wear or what the scale says.

    The ongoing joke with my friends (who are mostly size 0 to 5) is that in the 1800's they would have starved to death and I would have been a super model!.....hahahahaha
  • laurasnyder411
    laurasnyder411 Posts: 172 Member
    You lost 10lbs already and that's very difficult! You might feel like even if you lose all this weight you will still be unhappy, but did losing the first 10lbs make you excited? I know seeing visual results is the goal and best part of losing weight, but I am willing to bet that you will feel better the more and more you lose. It's a really difficult task, losing weight...but you've already proven to yourself that you can make small changes and do the work! Don't undo all of the hard work you've put into this! The road might be long and you might not be able to see the end, but you've already summoned the strength to begin the journey-don't turn around now!