Share your Thanksgiving Action Plan. Post here for holiday friend support!



  • gcwillig
    gcwillig Posts: 71 Member
    My very first 5k in the morning (walking) and I will weigh, measure and log every thing I eat. But... if I go over it won't be the end of the world!
  • honee_bear
    WildOkapi wrote: »
    I'm planning on portion control and sticking to my calorie goal, as I do everyday. Just because it's a holiday doesn't make it okay to eat as much as I'd like.

    Oh I really feel guilty :'(
  • honee_bear
    Eat a ton of turkey, protein OD. I don't do sweets, so calories should be no problem.

    How can you not do sweets?! That's un-American!
  • justaboat
    justaboat Posts: 17 Member
    I'm Canadian's just another normal day for me
  • honee_bear
    Petition the government to outlaw thanksgiving!

    There's an idea ;)
  • Wenchiness
    Wenchiness Posts: 126 Member
    Yesterday's calorie net was -849. Zumba this morning, followed by pilates and kettlebell. Then feasting with portion control and PIE. Mmm pie. Modified fast tomorrow, and I should be covered. Gym is closed today so no swim. :(
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    honee_bear wrote: »
    Betsyx72 wrote: »
    Stick to portions I would eat any other day, no seconds, but "splurge" on one regular helping of dessert! How about you honee_bear? plan is to eat after 11:30 AM and before 8:00 PM. I'll try to stay within my calorie count, but doubt if I will. I'm going to guzzle a glass of water with apple cider vinegar too before I eat. It's supposed to block fat. Anyone know if that's an old wives tale?

    The apple cider is only good for a marinade it's not blocking fat.

    Right now if I eat what I plan to my day comes in a 6085 calories and I will enjoy ever single bite, this number may go up
  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    I pre-logged as well as I could and I'm about 200 calories over my usual fare including Mimosas (two) and Pumpkin Cheesecake and a nice worries. And if my calculations are off..............I don't really care! ;)

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Please remember to count your blessings!
  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,659 Member
    I'm going to be eating most things, even stuffing and potatoes, but measuring and tracking, and I'll allow myself one small helping of dessert. Actually, measuring 4 oz. of turkey is a good thing -- I serve myself first at home, before the huge males, and if I don't get my 4 oz. first, they'll take it all, and there's nothing left for me.
  • JoyceMccormack1958
    Eat lots of the turkey and veggies and a smaller portion of dessert than you would have had before.
    A thanksgiving dinner doesn't have to be a nightmare. I'm a Brit. and what I do at Xmas is to try and get some exercise in so that I can have a few [hundred] calories more for all the calorie laden goodies that are floating around.
    As it's me that will be doing the cooking I reckon I will burn a good few calories just preparing the food I also make sure there is a calorie friendly starter too and by making everything yourself you can make sure there are no horrible hidden calories.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I eat the things I really want in reasonable portions. Reasonable portions to me means that I don't keep eating after I'm full. I don't eat anything I don't really want. I track but I only estimate-- no food measuring/weighing. If I go over it's no big deal-- back to it tomorrow.
  • FlashMorehouse
    FlashMorehouse Posts: 138 Member
    honee_bear wrote: »
    Tis the season, and tomorrow is the big day, aka the day when most diet plans go awry. So how are you going to get through the turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, pies etc. without actually "going through" it all? Share your plan!

    Eat, Drink, and be Merry. It's one day. I am pretty sure I can handle it.

    With that said, I know there are folks out there who can't do that and that is ok.

    For you folks, stay strong, hold your course, and fight the good fight.

  • CarrieCans
    CarrieCans Posts: 381 Member
    I've already estimated high and logged what i think i will be eating today based on what i would normally eat at a holiday dinner. If i get there and suddenly change my ways then its no big deal. I saved up some calories over the last few days and if i have to i can lower then for the next few or give myself a treat for doing better than i expected.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Eat it all.