Shaun T workout for winter

Hi everybody!
I recently got into running (nothing too hard, 6/10km 3 times a week) but with the winter cold and darkness I have stopped, and I am looking for a way to keep fit without freezing. Because of work I can exercise 3, max 4 times a week. I have tried T-25 and although it makes me sweat a lot and at some points it feels really hard, I realise that it's not enough. I am thinking about trying insanity but it feels terribly scary!
The impression that I got from T25 is that of course it works in the long run as you jump for half an hour EVERY DAY...any advice on something that works even if done less frequently?
Thank you all


  • foodequalshappy
    foodequalshappy Posts: 31 Member
    Try doing 2 T25'S a day since you already have the dvd's. When that is not enough anymore, then move on to insanity. I don't actually think insanity is that hard if you are already fit. Insanity is not kind to the knees though.