Need motivation!

I have tried using mfp twice now and for a while things would go great. Unfortunately, I always felt like I was never getting any real motivation or help from my "friends". I would do well because I was working out and logging everything but after a while I would give up and I never had anyone asking, hey where did you go? or hey it's been a couple weeks lets get back to it. I would really love some friends who are really interested in helping each other out in staying focused and maybe sharing recipes, workouts, etc. and really stay on track this time! Send a request and let me know what your goals are, how much you have to lose, etc. Hope to "meet" you soon :)


  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    I always have to ask for help and then I get it. It is a lot of work.
  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    You can add me for support!
  • You may add me if you wish...
  • katekel84
    katekel84 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi guys, I will add you and we can all support each others!
  • cwlsr
    cwlsr Posts: 71 Member
    I will keep it short! How about trying something new. How about not using MFP as a social network but focus on living a healthy life mentally and physically. Instead of asking for help; learn how to be healthy and set an good example then others will want to know more about how you did it. Become a resource and motivator to others then you will not need to be motivated. All real motivation comes from within persons themselves if it is to have an lasting effect. Believe in yourself and then others will believe in you. You can do it if you have the real desire to be healthy.
  • Amanda4change
    Amanda4change Posts: 620 Member
    I log everyday and do my best to interact with those on my "newsfeed" such as commenting on their statuses or congratulating them on their achievements. However I am not my friends mother and honestly I don't have the time nor the inclination to hunt down those who haven't logged and check up on them. In fact if someone hasn't logged in 6 weeks I remove them as friends. You have to find the motivation for yourself as only you can motivate yourself into real change.
  • bennettinfinity
    bennettinfinity Posts: 865 Member
    OP: motivation (even when generated internally) is fleeting - you can't rely upon it. Please read the original post at the link below - it says it far better than I ever could - good luck!
  • SonicKrunch
    SonicKrunch Posts: 192 Member
    I found that as well. I just dump those friends who happily get my support but never like or comment on my successes. You can add me, I usually go into people's diary and see if I think i can help them with their eating habits as well. Recommending lower sodium(packaged food) meals to ensure they don't go over their daily limits. Also I can recommend higher protein/fatty(fat isn't bad in a lot of cases) foods.
  • deyoun
    deyoun Posts: 96 Member
    Feel free to add me as well. I could always use extra support too :)
  • nwood2691
    nwood2691 Posts: 20 Member
    Anyone can feel free to add me as well. I can always use extra motivation and would love to see what some other people are doing to lose the weight! :)
  • stephenwbrown
    stephenwbrown Posts: 1 Member
    Happy to support. To answer your question is bit stating the obvious, just stay within your calculated calorie consumption for your desired weight loss. It does work! Be careful though, I find that calorie amounts for quite a few of the foodstuffs listed in the database are inaccurate. If you are not sure, I recommend double or triple checking references elsewhere on the web. Also, go with weights not "medium" this or "small" that since these terms are relative. Finally, I backed my diet up with plenty of exercise (mostly cycling and walking) - lost 7-8 Kgs since I started calorie counting back in July.
  • salad_bar
    salad_bar Posts: 66 Member
    I need support and I also need to be held accountable. I've sent you a friend request :)
  • Rich71bat
    Rich71bat Posts: 195 Member
    Feel free to add me.
  • tonedby46
    tonedby46 Posts: 93 Member
    You can add me