Jawbone UP24 Daily Calories

Ok so forgive me if this is posted somewhere I did not see it. I have been using MFP to track calories and with a 1 pound a week adjustment it says 1,800 calories a day. I have been staying a couple hundred below that and so far have lost 16 pounds. Last weekend I bought a jawbone UP24 because I want to try to increase my daily steps (I have a desk job 10 hours a day plus driving). SO back to the question, I linked MFP and UP and since I am not really exercising right now I don't have any calorie adjustments from UP in MFP which is correct, however like I said MFP says I have 1,800 calories a day to lose a pound and UP says I only have 1,451 a day (and to be honest I am not sure if that is a number that includes any weight loss). So I am not sure why such a huge difference, I have MFP set to sedentary like I should so it shouldn't be an activity issue. Can anyone with experience with UP help me out?


  • gdrodge70
    gdrodge70 Posts: 8 Member

    MFP says 1,800 per day to lose a pound (per week I guess). But your normal amount of daily food consumed (for weight maintenance) is probably higher, say 1,900.

    UP wants you to eat maybe 500 cal less than you burn. If you burn 1,900 (doing no exercise) and you eat 1,400, you are 500 above your goal (to lose weight).

    make sense?
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    The Jawbone device isn't that accurate and they have a lot of app problems. I bought one in August and spent so much time with tech support I stopped wearing it.

    BTW, if you're tracking your sleep, be aware that the device thinks as long as you're prone, you're sleeping. ;-/