my last resort: liposuction?!



  • Mistraal1981
    Mistraal1981 Posts: 453 Member
    About 8 years ago I called a company to ask about lipo costs. The lady asked for my height and weight and when I told her she said I needed to lose x pounds until I weighed y. Y would be the upper weight of the normal bmi category. She said lipo was for shaping, not weight loss
  • shadowlydarkness
    shadowlydarkness Posts: 243 Member
    Hello there.
    I am sorry to hear about your back injury. I feel that lipo is not the answer for you, in that it does not take much weight off. I had dreadful back pain from November last year due to carrying extremely heavy items at work, and could not climb the stairs unaided, or get out of a chair without help. Doctor said it was a mechanical injury and nothing could be done. I started to lose weight in July this year and since losing 35lb, my back is so much better. Please stick at the calorie counting if you can. Good luck whatever you decide, and don't despair.

    Edit: I have done no exercise whatsoever while losing 35lb.

    Can i ask what kind of things you did to lose weight? I could use some tips cause its obvious what im doing isnt working eventhough i thought i was doing things right.

  • shadowlydarkness
    shadowlydarkness Posts: 243 Member
    raysputin wrote: »
    Have you ever seen a doctor doing liposuction? It's brutal! Do you really want someone using a sharpened metal tube to chop up your fat and suck it away even while you are asleep? Not me.

    I'll lose my weight by myself thank you.

    Havent talked to my doctor yet wanted to do my own research first and see what options i come up with.
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    You don't need special tips. Log accurately, weigh everything you put in your mouth, eat enough protein to keep you satisfied for longer, and move as much as your injuries allow you...Just to try and preserve muscle mass and keep your mobility, not to lose weight..
  • DataSeven
    DataSeven Posts: 245 Member
    Lipo is not something you can do to lose massive amounts of weight, it's for little imperfections and sculpting. No one would be getting gastric bypasses if they could just have all their fat sucked out.
  • arrrrjt
    arrrrjt Posts: 245 Member
    Lipo is definitely NOT the option right now when admittedly you are not logging accurately. Try that first for a good few months and report back.
  • Maquillage_
    Maquillage_ Posts: 194 Member
    raysputin wrote: »
    Have you ever seen a doctor doing liposuction? It's brutal! Do you really want someone using a sharpened metal tube to chop up your fat and suck it away even while you are asleep? Not me.

    I'll lose my weight by myself thank you.

    In Ireland lipo is actually done while you're awake in most clinics! You are only sedated, and obviously the area in numbed, but at most you are drowsy and a little confused. You feel most of the pain while it is being done, but because of the sedation you don't really remember it. Not sure where OP is from, but this is a thing to consider. I know I could never go through any sort of surgery while only being sedated. I remember watching a documentary set in the UK and it showed a girl getting lipo done while sedated and the moans coming from her were awful, it obviously hurt a lot!

    Anyway, you can easily lose weight without exercise. All of us have done it at some point! I lost my first 25lbs without any form of exercise at all! And even now that I exercise almost every day, it doesn't really aid my weight loss, my calorie limit is what is making me lose weight not exercise. Losing weight is all about calories in/calories out. You can exercise all you want, but if you don't eat at a deficit then you are not going to lose weight, so not being able to exercise is only an excuse as to why you are not losing weight. You need to give up leaning on the excuse of not losing weight because you can't exercise and be strict with yourself and eat within your calorie range. Eat wholesome foods, avoid processed sugars and ready meals, get lots of vegetables, and cut down on snacking if that is a downfall. I strongly suggest purchasing a food scale and a set of measuring cups. Weigh everything that is solid, and use the cups for any liquids. Even weigh packaged food because I can guarantee there is more than 120g of yoghurt in that pot! It may seem obsessive and a chore at first, but the only way to know how much your eating is to actually weigh it all out.

    Honestly I don't think you should be at your last resort right now! In a post above you admitted that you haven't been accurate logging your food and that you eat over your limit, so that is why you are not losing weight, not from a lack of exercise. Accurately monitoring your calories will be your last resort because it is what works. Lipo is a quick fix that won't last. If you get lipo you will be back here writing the exact same topic because you put the weight back on, and maybe then you will be considering more drastic surgical options, which should never really be an option unless advised by a GP.

    Start logging your food accurately, stick to your calorie goals, and I will put money on the fact that you will lose weight doing this!
  • opalsqueak007
    opalsqueak007 Posts: 433 Member
    Hello there.
    I am sorry to hear about your back injury. I feel that lipo is not the answer for you, in that it does not take much weight off. I had dreadful back pain from November last year due to carrying extremely heavy items at work, and could not climb the stairs unaided, or get out of a chair without help. Doctor said it was a mechanical injury and nothing could be done. I started to lose weight in July this year and since losing 35lb, my back is so much better. Please stick at the calorie counting if you can. Good luck whatever you decide, and don't despair.

    Edit: I have done no exercise whatsoever while losing 35lb.

    Can i ask what kind of things you did to lose weight? I could use some tips cause its obvious what im doing isnt working eventhough i thought i was doing things right.

    Hi. Like you, I had a seriously good reason to get the weight off - my health. At 194lb I was clinically obese. In July, I started counting calories and being precise about it, because when I guessed, it didn't work and I didn't lose weight. I weigh things now - it is quick and easy when you get used to it. For example, it was shocking to me how many calories were in a chunk of cheese that I would eat without thinking about it!

    To get enough protein, I eat fat free Greek yoghurt, and eggs. I found foods that made me feel full, but were not high in calories. I cut out most refined white carbs like white bread and white dried pasta because I used to eat far too much of them. I cut out biscuits and cake as I needed the calories for nutritious food. Sometimes though, I will have a couple biscuits, but not eat the whole packet like I used to. I make soups sometimes - very easy, good for you and not high calorie. I fry with an oil spray, which is one calorie per spray - this has made a huge difference instead of frying things in loads of oil. I don;t miss the stuff I used to eat - not at all. Good luck. Friend me if I can help you at all :)
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    edited November 2014
    i was injured badly years ago. So bad that the prognoses were never walking and sporting again.
    And on top of my injury i got a double hernia. Which needed an operation and would result in a back that was locked down totally because of the iron pins in it.
    2 surgeons and a physiotherapist couldn't believe i walked in the appointment room myself. I decided to NOT have the operation till i would drop down and couldn't walk anymore. But i didn't give up i trained ( walked slowly) and lost 60 pounds over 9 months. And believe it or not after that time i was riding my horses again and was dancing and even teaching dance and body robics again... i didn't give up.

    After i gained some weight, about 10 pounds ( it stayed off for a good 20 years) I started to diet again 3 months ago.

    Till now i lost 41 pounds in 3 months. I log everything, I am on 1200 calories a day without exercising.
    But because i exercise i can have some more:)
    I started about 5 weeks ago with walking 0.5 mile in 30 minutes and it was a struggle...But yesterday and today i did 2.4 miles in 45 minutes and 15 minutes of weight lifting.
    I worked it up till this level and will continue.

    But you can loose weight without the exercising but you have to weigh every piece of food and liquid you take in. EVERYTHING!
    And for a non active person the intake is as low as 1200 calories a day.

    Everybody is different but the calculator here on MFP will help you. Fill it in honestly. Start weighing your food and log everything. The days that you can walk ....walk.

    My experience was that it is getting easier and easier. I got fitter over the weeks of course. And the weight loss has a huge effect too.

    Further being on the forum here helps me too. Bunches of sweet people here. Who are supportive and with lots of good advice.

    But be brutally honest to yourself is the biggest step to take!
    I weigh to much so i have to eat less and more healthy. Plus when i want to get fitter i have to move. Even sticking your arms 50 times up in the air is a start. Next day 60 And next week 100.

    My back will never heal, my injured left leg will never heal....but i choose to be healthy as possible can be.
    And made it a part of my life style. With result that my back and leg is getting stronger again because i get fitter.

    Now for the liposuction wouldn't help me to get were i am now. Fitter, and healthier. Maybe when i manich to loose another 60 pounds i would consider skin removal....but like i said.....maybe!

    My goal is as fit as can be and enjoy life!

    oh and tips

    log and weigh your food and liquid intake
    stick to the menu and when you can move!
    i also bought a step counter and my goal is 10.000 steps a day. Which i dont hit ....yet. But i get pretty darn close the last week. :)
    i cut out all added salt and sugar Eat fresh veggies, meat, fruit, nuts and some diary and grain products.

    that does it for me. :)

  • opalsqueak007
    opalsqueak007 Posts: 433 Member
    The above post from Owlhouse is absolutely spot on!
  • shadowlydarkness
    shadowlydarkness Posts: 243 Member
    I used to log accuratly, i just havent for the past month because i was gettnng obsessed and taking it to far so my partner told me to stop, which is why i dont log accuratly now but try to log most... forthe past 2 weeks i have been trying to make some extra changes like no/low carb meals.... still trying and definitly not giving up yet.... i appreciate all the advice and encouragement from everyone.
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    taking what to far?
  • shadowlydarkness
    shadowlydarkness Posts: 243 Member
    taking what to far?

    I used to have an eating disorder and i guess i never really got over it, i still struggle with it daily, calorie counting is a real trigger for me so to speak.... i eat healthy but i still got that broken and sick mindset.... its really hard to diet without relapsing which has happend to often.
  • silentKayak
    silentKayak Posts: 658 Member
    As several people have pointed out, liposuction isn't for weight loss. It's actually kind of a dangerous surgery. And you will absolutely regain if you don't change your habits. Surgery is never the easy way out.

    You need to eat fewer calories. You don't need exercise. The advantage of exercise is that it gives you more calories. No exercise and a sedentary lifestyle (because of your injury) means the weight will only come off if you switch to a low-calorie diet. Soup, salad, fruit, stirfry, water, green tea, no-fat yogurt, fish, chicken. A few months of that, and you'll take off enough pounds to start moving around again.

    You don't need vigorous exercise. Gentle walking, swimming - whatever you can tolerate. Even just standing instead of sitting will burn some excess calories and may even help your back feel better.

    If you're really bedridden from pain, sleep is an excellent way to deal with hunger :) You can't eat while you're sleeping.

    Good luck!
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    Maybe it will help than that you make week menu's
    So log everything you eat or going to eat that week.
    Than you dont have to look at the daily menu here and still you get you stick to your diet.
    So say Saturday you sit down and do a weekly menu calculate all your calories.
    You have a full week plan and dont have to count for a whole week

    Just an idea
  • shadowlydarkness
    shadowlydarkness Posts: 243 Member
    Maybe it will help than that you make week menu's
    So log everything you eat or going to eat that week.
    Than you dont have to look at the daily menu here and still you get you stick to your diet.
    So say Saturday you sit down and do a weekly menu calculate all your calories.
    You have a full week plan and dont have to count for a whole week

    Just an idea

    Thank you, might give that a try :)

  • forevermaryb
    forevermaryb Posts: 108 Member
    I had 2 herniated discs that were successfully treated with Cortisone injections (a series of 3). This was 12 years ago, and as long as I keep the weight off, keep my core strong, and pay attention to lifting anything heavy with proper form, my back is good. Is that an option?

    I also lost 35 pounds (out of a total of 70) without exercise. I like exercise and I like the extra calories I can consume when I exercise, but it wasn't necessary to lose, especially at the beginning of my weight loss when I had more to lose. I followed the Ideal Protein diet, which is quite low calorie. I didn't have any extra energy for exercise with that.
  • shadowlydarkness
    shadowlydarkness Posts: 243 Member
    I had 2 herniated discs that were successfully treated with Cortisone injections (a series of 3). This was 12 years ago, and as long as I keep the weight off, keep my core strong, and pay attention to lifting anything heavy with proper form, my back is good. Is that an option?

    I also lost 35 pounds (out of a total of 70) without exercise. I like exercise and I like the extra calories I can consume when I exercise, but it wasn't necessary to lose, especially at the beginning of my weight loss when I had more to lose. I followed the Ideal Protein diet, which is quite low calorie. I didn't have any extra energy for exercise with that.

    Thanks for sharing, whats the ideal protein diet?

  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    You don't have to exercise OR count calories to lose weight. There are a lot of diet methods out there. A library or browsing Amazon can show you books about most of them. Good luck!
  • Aemely
    Aemely Posts: 694 Member
    scottkjar wrote: »
    I read up on lipo a couple of years ago, and most everything I read said that while it can sculpt your body, it does not really take more than a couple of pounds off. Lipo is more about your shape than about your weight. You should check up on that, because it might have an impact on your decision.

    Yes, this seems correct. From Steven H. Williams, MD, Plastic Surgeon:

    "Liposuction is for targeted fat loss to improve contour. It is not designed for weight loss and can make your appearance worse if you are outside of your ideal bodyweight.

    Liposuction will not change your weight significantly. Liposuction can also increase the amount of loose skin in patients that are above their ideal bodyweight."

    Also, see the Wikipedia article, which likely is biased in favor of lipo, and who is a good candidate.