Miss the "old" me

Hey MFP pals! I am in desperate need of friends. I used MFP religiously to lose 40lbs a few years ago and, since last year, 20lbs crept back. I know it's because I stopped using MFP and now, I can't seem to stay committed more than 2-3 weeks or lose more than 2-3lbs. I live near my family and they support me, but none of our schedules match, so we can never seem to work out together. I need some cheerleaders on MFP; it's enough for me to see others logging and working out everyday for me to stay committed. I turn 30 in 4 months and it is my goal to lose at least 12lbs by then. Please feel fee to add me!!!


  • Tanie98
    Tanie98 Posts: 675 Member
    edited November 2014
    remember that you did before and you can do it again.Just get back on track and you will drop those unwanted pounds in no time.

    Keeping the weight off is a life style change .I reached my goal and still track my calories to keep me accountable.I also exercise regularly. I realized that the work doesn't stop just because I reached my goal weight. If I get too comftable , the weight will come right back.
  • JaneECS
    JaneECS Posts: 71 Member
    So sad more people didn't respond to you - feel free to add me - I will email you once a week and we can help each other be accountable. I do this with a couple of other girls on here, happy to add another one.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,959 Member
    I had the same problem, last 20, gained 10... struggling to get to goal now. And struggling to exercise consistently! Friends?
  • JaneECS
    JaneECS Posts: 71 Member
    You too VeryKatie, - bring it on, we can look after each other across the world!
  • Thanks so much guys! I'm super motivated. Jane, thanks so much for the support. I more than welcome a weekly message from you on MFP. I plan to weigh-in weekly on Wednesdays and I'm eager to share good news. Thanks again!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    do you owns food scale?
    If yes, do you weigh, log, measure everything?
    If no to both of these, then I would suggest doing them right now …
    Do you need someone to work out with you to motivate you? You can't just go to the gym on you own? Not being snarky, just curious because I work out solo all the time …

  • Sweetvirgo63
    Sweetvirgo63 Posts: 119 Member
    Feel free to add me as a friend if you want to. I know all too well what trying to lose the last 15-20 lbs. again is all about. Even though I didn't renew my gym pass this month, I've stayed active by doing daily walks averaging 2.5 miles, been monitoring my foods as much as I can and managed to lose weight. I'm now 8 lbs. away from where I want to be.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    do you owns food scale?
    If yes, do you weigh, log, measure everything?
    If no to both of these, then I would suggest doing them right now …
    Do you need someone to work out with you to motivate you? You can't just go to the gym on you own? Not being snarky, just curious because I work out solo all the time …
    it's enough for me to see others logging and working out everyday for me to stay committed

    People are different and not everyone is you. Some people find support handy and others can just do it on their own.

    Trini you can add me if you wish. I log every day and in a good place for being focused and taking the whole thing pretty seriously. Cant see any reason why you wont lose the 12lb in 4 months if you make the effort. Be warned I will remind you if I see you drifting away from your stated aim and not pulling your thumb out.

  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    999tigger wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    do you owns food scale?
    If yes, do you weigh, log, measure everything?
    If no to both of these, then I would suggest doing them right now …
    Do you need someone to work out with you to motivate you? You can't just go to the gym on you own? Not being snarky, just curious because I work out solo all the time …
    it's enough for me to see others logging and working out everyday for me to stay committed

    People are different and not everyone is you. Some people find support handy and others can just do it on their own.

    Trini you can add me if you wish. I log every day and in a good place for being focused and taking the whole thing pretty seriously. Cant see any reason why you wont lose the 12lb in 4 months if you make the effort. Be warned I will remind you if I see you drifting away from your stated aim and not pulling your thumb out.

    it was a sincere question addressed to the OP and not to you …

    but yea, you felt the need to jump in anyway, didn't you ...
  • Ndj1979: yes, I do own a food scale and I measure absolutely everything, even the honey I put in my tea, so that base is covered. However, I don't go to the gym. I have a treadmill, free weights, and numerous workout DVDs at home and I prefer to work out that way. My sister lives two miles away and she has an elliptical if I want to change things up, but I personally don't like that machine. There is also a park within walking distance and I frequent there when I'm tired of using the machines. I don't necessarily need someone to work out with me, but I am motivated when I have people near me to hold me accountable for missing workouts. When I am alone, and no one is the wiser, that's when I find myself slipping off the wagon. So the support system is key for me and I thank all those who are offering their support on my post.

    999tigger: I would be more than happy for the add and your attitude is exactly what I need in a friend on MFP. I really appreciate it. I am so tired of being "almost there" and looking at my old, cute outfits that I love, but can't wear "just yet." I would really like to go on a cruise for my 30th and losing the weight would really feel like a victory on my birthday. Thanks again!
  • Rebekkadorn
    Rebekkadorn Posts: 39 Member
    Hi, feel free to add me I'm looking for friends on here as well. I've become pretty addicted to MFP so pretty much always around:)
  • Add me . I can't click to add you cause my phone is redirecting me to the3 app store