my last resort: liposuction?!



  • tracymayo1
    tracymayo1 Posts: 445 Member
    edited November 2014
    I have lost 16 pounds total - without ANY exercise while working a desk job.
    - you have to WEIGH everything with a scale that goes into your mouth. do NOT rely on the serving size listed on foods, 9 times out of 10 they aren't accurate. (the calories in the weight is, but the serving of 1 piece isnt what they say it should be)
    - Make sure that what you log into your diary has the correct information, compare the MFP entry to the package.

    To clarify - if you look on a bag of bread. 1 serving = 2 slices = 80g/slice (for example) BUT if you were to take your slices and actually WEIGHT them - you may find instead of the 2 slices being equal to 160g - it is actually, 210g or 175g etc... so your entry for 2 slices at 210g would actually not be 1 serving - but 1.3125 servings - which would up the calories from the entry you chose.

    Unless you have health issues that affect it, calories in vs. calories out will lose your weight. Once you are down, then you can work on the exercise to tone muscle and not be skinny fat and to help your core.

    My BF had back surgery (finally) for 2 herniated discs. He had to wait years for the pain to be bad enough to be considered (when he was taking morphine pills several times a day it was construed as enough) and he was always in pain up to the surgery. His weight didn't change the pain level unfortunately... but he wasn't too overweight either...
  • galprincess
    galprincess Posts: 682 Member
    I do appreciate your dilemma , a friend of mine had lipo shes even more unhappy than before because shes still got the same % body fat. now shes back at square 1 also to be overweight this increases risk to health in any operation.
    my advice invest in a nutritionist and see a specialist who helps in exercise with injury if amputees can get fit you really can. save the money for new clothes
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    Yes. If you are not losiing weight, you are not restricting your intake enough.

    Have you gotten a second opinion on the prognosis for surgery? If it's because you're too heavy - see above.

    I highly recommend aqua exercise for anyone with restrictions - or not for that matter.
  • caracrawford1
    caracrawford1 Posts: 657 Member
    edited November 2014
    Liposuction is something that ideally is done after someone loses weight (which can be done with or without exercise) to sculpt/define problem areas that have been resistant to weight loss. A good cosmetic surgeon will evaluate you and ask you to first attempt to lose weight so they can better assess and sculpt those areas. I understand that you're in a bit of a catch-22 here--needing to lose weight to alleviate the back pain, but pain makes it hard to exercise. You've gotten some good advice about getting your calories under control in the meantime. You will have to be precise as possible and weigh as well as log your food. Since you are sedentary, I would venture to guess you need to eat less than 1460(that's about what I eat to lose, and I workout over an hour a day--granted, I am 5'2 and 135 so I will BRI g my cals up to maintenance soon). Assess what you need to lose based on your weight, put your activity at sedentary and go from there. You can do this.

  • pander101
    pander101 Posts: 677 Member
    So what you're looking for isn't lipo. Lipo only takes care of the surface fat. You're look for a lapband and that's only if you qualify. But you're eating too much if counting calories isn't working for you. You did say you don't stick to stickly to it. And most weight loss comes from how much food you consume and very little is excercise. You are eating too much. Weight loss is nothing but a calorie deficit. You can still create that deficit laying in bed all day.
  • Aemely
    Aemely Posts: 694 Member
    Thanks for sharing, whats the ideal protein diet?

    Looks like it's just another controlled meal plan... Perhaps it would be good if you need someone to keep you honest? I am NOT at all advocating for this program, but since you asked, the link is below. ~ "You can expect to pay an estimate of $370 at your first appointment which will include all of your weekly visits, BMI scans for 3 months, shaker, vitamins, salt, and 1 week of food items. "

    However, you could emulate a controlled meal plan by buying and eating prepared meals (quality ones with few ingredients and lots of protein/veggies) from Trader Joe's or in the organic/healthy area of your local market and eating those on a regular basis.
  • shadowlydarkness
    shadowlydarkness Posts: 243 Member
    Thasnk everyone for the feedback, I thought liposuction was for weight loss and had no idea that it was just for body sculpting. Today is day 4 of laying in bed without being able to do much, tomorrow I will go see my doctor again and see if she can figure out if my slipped dics have gotten worse in the past year or if something else is wrong, than I can bring it up with her and see what she thinks.

    calorie wise, yes I definitely need to tighten the rules again for myself. I used to be very strict, but let go when I started getting injuries, time to get back into it again.

    I have evaluated my food intake and have made some decisions about what to cut out and what to keep in moderation. I have also made a meal plan for this coming week that both my partner and I are oke with, now just hoping that we can stick with it! :)

    Thanks for all the tips and support guys! :)
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    You only have 24 pounds to lose, thats not much. Caloric deficit = weight loss, exercise is for your health. You can do this!
  • redfisher1974
    redfisher1974 Posts: 614 Member
    You can do it, I broke my back and I'm doing it! Hang in there.
  • shadowlydarkness
    shadowlydarkness Posts: 243 Member
    thanks guys ")
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Im on 1460 cals a day as per mfp recommendations, granted i dont stick with it everyday, but i have had periods where i lost heaps of weight, but once i stop exercise it piles back on. Im on codine and several other pain meds.

    Im not giving up yet, thanks for the feedback and support :)

    I suggest you speak with your doctor about your weight loss goals. Chronic pain, medications, and medical issues can complicate things. Good luck.