Do you log daily? Want a new friend?!!!



  • nerdymathgrrl
    nerdymathgrrl Posts: 270 Member
    I log daily, and my diary is open. Feel free to add me!
  • ls8735
    ls8735 Posts: 53 Member
    I am a daily logger at a 126 day streak. I have lost 30+ pounds in four months and I am now mostly focusing on maintaining. My log is password protected but if any of my friends care enough to ask I am happy to give it to them :) Anyone please feel free to add me. I would love more friends that log on daily.
  • Coloradocyclist
    Coloradocyclist Posts: 26 Member
    I log daily, feel free to add me. Anyone!
  • Sinistrous
    Sinistrous Posts: 5,589 Member
    No, currently I'm flip flopping between logging and not logging. Trying to get out of the habit and maintain healthily.
  • Mel4Jesus wrote: »
    I was on MFP in the past & logged daily & commented on others posts. Left for a while to try a different app but decided to come back. Looking for people who log daily & motivate. Feel free to add me. :)

    Same story with me! Feel free to add me everyone.

  • buckinghnt
    buckinghnt Posts: 22 Member
    Hi, I sent you a request! :)
  • gwb77
    gwb77 Posts: 46 Member
    I log daily. Open diary to friends. Feel free to add.
  • CraigShift
    CraigShift Posts: 69 Member
    New at this fitnesspal, I try to log daily , looking for buddies anyone can add.
  • FaylinaMeir
    FaylinaMeir Posts: 661 Member
    I just hit day 100 today. (would be more but my internet sucks and hates me) I log almost religiously.
    If you want a friend AND you eat real food and not just junk food and fast food all the time add me. Not to be snobby but I hate reading peoples journals full of crap and they complain why they can't lose weight -_-
  • Mzklutch
    Mzklutch Posts: 39 Member
    On day 32 of logging.
  • just started today wish me luck
  • Silverdracos
    Silverdracos Posts: 110 Member
    26 days logged and 5 lbs down. I'm really enjoying the people who are on all the time, so I'd like to add more.
  • LisaDeAngelo11
    LisaDeAngelo11 Posts: 16 Member
    Feel free to add me and anyone else who would like to add me as a friend, I log everyday
  • 568 day streak and still going strong. Achieved my weight loss goal so now just managing things to maintain it. Go up a kilo and down a kilo but stay within that band. Happy to help anyone motivate themselves to keep it going.
  • Mzklutch
    Mzklutch Posts: 39 Member
    David1406 wrote: »
    568 day streak and still going strong. Achieved my weight loss goal so now just managing things to maintain it. Go up a kilo and down a kilo but stay within that band. Happy to help anyone motivate themselves to keep it going.

    How much weight have you lost and how did you manage your motivation level?
  • KeepTheFaith9
    KeepTheFaith9 Posts: 80 Member
    Hi - Just reached 75 day streak and my diary is open to friends. Only have a few but open to adding others!
  • mtruitt01
    mtruitt01 Posts: 370 Member
    I log daily and I'm learning! I'm happy to have anyone to share this crazy journey to health with! Add me if you like; I'm a teacher trying to learn how to make healthy choices, and trying my best to weigh and measure. Not perfect!
  • wallelf1
    wallelf1 Posts: 36 Member
    120+ days logging (even when it's not so good) I eat real food and put it in so all are welcome to send friend requests. I have about 10 lbs to go and I'm really happy with MFP.
  • jenifer7teen
    jenifer7teen Posts: 205 Member
    I'm back on mfp trying to lose 30 lbs like last time. Gained it back when I stopped paying attention and a severe high ankle injury took me out of exercise routine for 3 months. I log daily and have an open diary. Most of my old pals are gone now so anyone add me if they want!
  • You can add me if you like, I just restarted today as a matter of fact.