eating 1200 calories

staceyktaylor Posts: 18
edited September 26 in Health and Weight Loss
Will eating 1200 calories a day, help you to lose weight, whether that be with or without exercise. For the few week i have had this app this is what i have actually been doing, at the moment though i dont have scales but will be purchasing some this week so im not sure of my weight at the moment.

I was just wondering if i stick to the 1200 will i lose weight, or is there more i need to do?


  • amyhoss
    amyhoss Posts: 414 Member
    As long as calories in < calories out, you should lose weight.
  • VixFit2011
    VixFit2011 Posts: 663 Member
    I lost the first week on 1200.
  • marthamae813
    marthamae813 Posts: 70 Member
    You need to eat your exercise calories as well. But eating 1200 and not exercising you should lose weight.
  • christinar2008
    christinar2008 Posts: 51 Member
    You will lose weight without exercise eating 1200 calories. But, You will lose 2x the weight if you exercise. I lose double if I exercise 3/4 times a week.
  • RCKT82
    RCKT82 Posts: 409 Member
    Depends on your BMR... Your height, weight, body fat %, activity level, and age will determine how many calories your body requires to maintain its weight. There are a ton on BMR calculators on the web...
  • short68
    short68 Posts: 4
    You will definitely lose weight because your basic metabolic rate is higher than 1200 cal which means you will burn more calories than that doing nothing all day or just staying in bed.

    However, your body will get used to being on this calorie intake level and will adjust accordingly and if your body goes into starvation mode ,you will actually stop losing weight. :angry:

    Soooo, the best thing to do is to vary your calorie intake day-by-day and burn off any extra calories you are not happy with by doing some exercise or being active......

    It worked for me.... I was 11st for ages and was being so good with food and not going over my calorie level of 1200, but I lost nothing (very demoralizing! :cry: )..... so I stepped up my calories, started alternating them i.e. one day they would be high and the next day they would be lower, plus I started being more active.

    I've lost 3 stone in total......and I am now 10st 4lbs. :happy:

    Hope that makes sense..... and good luck on your journey x :flowerforyou:
  • Franola27
    Franola27 Posts: 30
    I did no exercise at first aside from my regular day to day walking and activity and QUICKLY lost my first 10 no I am up to 16 pounds lost and have added a tiny bit of extra walking and yoga to my daily routine. Eventually hoping to start running again and can only imagine what my body will look like with that AND the calorie counting! GOOD LUCK! You can do it!
  • abbyph311
    abbyph311 Posts: 45 Member
    From my own personal experience, you don't lose weight unless those 1200 calories are healthy. If you're eating McDonald's once a day or mostly junk food to equal the 1200, you won't lose. If you are on a weight loss journey it is also important to exercise.
  • Thanks for all your responses :)

    i do try to fit in exercise as much as i can but at the moment im extremely busy with work and uni so havent had much time. I havnt noticed much difference i dont have a huge weightloss target, around half a stone i feel too big for my height. I dont seem to be noticing much difference and my measurements are still the same.

    I do find it hard at weekends though as i love a good takeaway, during the week though i eat as healthy as possible.

    Ill take all your advice into account though and hopefully ill start to lose the weight :D
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