Away for 5 days & put on lbs, 3 inches...& can't fit into what were LOOSE jeans! LOW CARBERS Pls



  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    Some great feedback already...
    I don't do LC but I've had that type of gain from a 2 week cruise a few years back, ate all the breads when I don't eat much of those usually, took extra desserts. .cookies etc and gained 6 lbs!! I'm too petite for 6 lbs not to show on me! I couldn't get into my size 10 shift dress with that gain!

    It took me 4 to 6 weeks to get that off and I worked my butt off to do it! I tell ya it was a hard lesson to learn and since then when we cruise I enjoy the food but in moderation, no bread rolls at dinner, no extra baked goodies as an extra to breakfast! I don't drink alcohol either which is a good job lol ! I don't gain now. Yes there's some water weight happening from all the extra sodium but it's gone in 7 to 10 days ☺

    Give yourself a week being back in control and you'll see the 'damage' isn't as bad as you thought.
  • twinkleboobee
    twinkleboobee Posts: 33 Member
    Hi RunRutheeerun - thanks for your reply. Totally understand re the cruise, bread is obviously one of the things I rarely touch too, if ever...but those lovely warm bread rolls with butter at dinner...yum! And you've paid for it...could have more salad...but why when these is so much mouth watering food on offer!

    Sounds like you really worked hard to get those lbs off, well done. For some people 6 lbs is a matter of a week or 2 being strictish and doing some exercise, but you sound like me, I'm sure shorter people have a harder time losing weight! And same here and sympathise, 6lbs for me of proper weight is almost a dress size, and noticeable, the guys at work don't understand this (they chomp away all day on unhealthy snacks) - but they are about a foot taller!.

    Doing well the past 3 days and I know you shouldn't wish time away but another 4 days and it'll be a week of calorie 4 gym classes set up too and done some walking so getting back into it

    Fingers crossed I see a change next weekend...I'm still craving a little of what I was eating but that will go away I'm sure :)
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    It definitely takes a bit of time getting our heads into better eating mode after a holiday! But the sooner we get back on the wagon the better. I'm pretty sure it's the being short that makes it harder to lose quickly...a whole lot of patience required!! But as I always say, slow and steady wins the race ☺