Binge/Purge/Restrict/Highs/Cry :'(

edited November 2024 in Food and Nutrition
I have struggled with eating disorders (anorexia to bulimia/binge eating disorder) for five years, and been hospitalized twice. Today, I have realized that there are 3 main things preventing my recovery:
1-family problems; family members leading me to feel worthless and stupid
2-lack of self-discipline
3-an extreme desire to feel "high" (I already take antidepressants)
Since I already go to a therapist, I am wondering if anyone has gone through similar crisis. If you have, I would REALLY appreciate some advice! :)


  • HildieMe
    HildieMe Posts: 41 Member
    My heart goes out to you. I cannot even begin to imagine the hell you are going through every day. I only went through bulimia and depression in my twenties, and depression again in my forties. Fortunately I was able to overcome both with a therapist, no medication, but had wild swings in my weight. My mental state has been stable since I went glutenfree - cold turkey. Don't know if that helps, it's worth a try... I know they say "nobody can make you feel worthless without your permission" - do you think that is true?
  • nrida
    nrida Posts: 31 Member
    I feel the same way. Also in BP recovery. I just take small steps at a time. FRIEND ME if ya need support....since I tend to forget that health for life is key vs the 10 min high feeling.
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    Does your doctor think that an SSRI would help you? It might be something to discuss. If you're looking for a high, it's possible that you're low in serotonin. Now I am not a doctor, so that's why I'm saying this is something to talk with your doctor about and see if s/he thinks it would be helpful.
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    ... you said you're taking antidepressants but I don't know what kind. Different ones work on different brain chemicals. I know Wellbutrin works on dopamine. However it can cause insomnia and stuff too; didn't work well for me. Other people love it.... it's all a big experiment honestly.
  • Hildieme- I completely agree with your quote... It is just hard to always follow. I appreciate your encouragement. I am so happy that you have been doing better; it is nice to hear from those who have actually "seen the light at the end of the tunnel!" Having gone gluten-free, do you struggle with obsessive thinking surrounding it? I am just wondering because I have been thinking of going vegetarian, but I am afraid that, as my mom believes, I'll just develop a whole new problem related to obsessive thoughts...
    Gothchiq- I am going to talk to my psych team about that concept. Thank you for your suggestion; I am currently on Zoloft. :)

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