Too tired to see friends is it normal?

EatWholeFoods Posts: 174 Member
edited November 2024 in Chit-Chat
I used to go out more and now I just want to stay home. Sometimes I get only one day off a week, but I work only 30 or 40 hours. Is it normal to feel so tired and not want to see friends? How do I stop this cycle? I want to see people, but feel exhausted by tuesday if I don't give time to myself on the weekends. Is this normal or am I depressed or have a health peoblem? My last blood tests said I am low on vitamin D. Can that make you feel super tired and want to hide?


  • harlequin0318
    harlequin0318 Posts: 415 Member
    Some psychiatrists say that low Vitamin D can have a negative impact on mood. But I have no real source for that. Are you eating too little calories?

    also, If you feel you are depressed or have a health problem - here is not the place to ask that, go back to your doctor for those answers
  • HarrietByron88
    HarrietByron88 Posts: 10 Member
    Maybe you could take a vitamin D supplement and see if that helps? I would take your concerns to the GP as that's the only sure fire way to know -- what did they say about the blood test result? Seasonal changes in mood/ energy level are pretty common, and there are things you can do to reduce the fatigue (exercise and sun lamps are two of my favourites). This website has some useful info:
  • MalineVD
    MalineVD Posts: 649 Member
    I was really low on Vitamin D too and the moment I started taking rather heavy supplements, my energy level went up too!
    Also when I stopped eating gluten (found out I have an intolerance for them), I was less tired and didn't have those typical "after lunch dips". Check also your Vitamin B12. When you're lacking them, you could also feel really tired and even depressed.. B12 and D can certainly be the cause of feeling low, down and tired every day..

    Good luck!
  • JoKessho
    JoKessho Posts: 108 Member
    According to a fitness magazine I got in the post, vitamin D can prevent depression, so getting more in your diet (supplements, oily fish, sun) will improve your energy levels.
  • sphenisciforme
    sphenisciforme Posts: 25
    edited December 2014
    I was diagnosed with very low vitamin D a year ago - The doctor started me on a massive supplement over a short period (overdosing on vitamin D is also bad) then, when a second blood test showed my Vitamin D levels had risen to within the normal range, told me to move on to over-the-counter vitamin supplements as I'm not getting vitamin D from natural sources. I started taking a vitamin B complex at the same time I moved to a standard dose of vitamin D and the two helped enormously with my energy levels.
  • c_aw
    c_aw Posts: 128 Member
    just make sure you don't over dose vitamin d, i think everyone has these moments where people just get tired in life and maybe your body is telling you to chill haha
  • SrMaggalicious
    SrMaggalicious Posts: 495 Member
    edited December 2014
    i feel like that every winter - I was dx w/S.A.D. and yes, Vit D helps, and I also take 5-HTP.
  • EatWholeFoods
    EatWholeFoods Posts: 174 Member
    Thank you everyone. I will try taking b12. The doctor gave me 5000 ius of viyamin D to take once a week for 12 weeks. I am on week 4 and feel a little better than the other weeks. I just remember I used to not need as much sleep and wanted to do stuff and now I don't lol. Thanks foe the advice. The doctor alsp said to get my 100% daily value of vitamin d in a supplement too.
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