New "User" to MFP - Looking to lose around 80 Pounds

Hey everyone! My name is Hannah! I joined MFP a year or two ago, but never used it. I joined Jenny Craig, had a great support system, and lost around 80 pounds! Unfortunately, over the last year, I've put about 40 of those pounds back on! I cant keep doing this to myself! My clothes are getting tight again, I don't like the way I look..again! And I'm over 300 Pounds ...again. ENOUGH with the AGAINs! So Here I am! Looking for support, and am using the MFP app on my phone to log my food through out the day:)


  • KLangleydoula
    KLangleydoula Posts: 1,494 Member
    Hi Hannah! You can do this. Feel free to add me as a friend, and I will help encourage you along the way!
  • PaulaVintila
    PaulaVintila Posts: 6 Member
    Hi! I kind of did the same thing, joined and didn't really use it until recently. I don't use the calorie counter, but the people around here motivate me to keep going :smile:
  • Hi, I've sent you a friend request. I've got about the same amount to lose as you. I've just joined MFP, but I have been round the house, and up and down weight-wise too. Hoping this time it'll stick :)
  • AngelaBianco82
    AngelaBianco82 Posts: 91 Member
    Ive just reconnected with the app...i gained back the wait i lose two years ago. I fell off the wagon but looking to lose it again. Im 280 right now and just had a baby.i was 250 pre pregnancy when i started but want to get down to 215 again and than see what my next goal is....please feel free to add me
  • vmlabute
    vmlabute Posts: 311 Member
    You are awesome!! and you can do this!! MFP is great for support and encouragement, this is literally my family :smile: I am here for motivation and any nutrition help that you need. Just message me any time, you have friends and family here!
  • R_ART
    R_ART Posts: 10 Member
    I have done this program in the past. I lost about 50 pounds and then quit the program and gained most of it back. Have to lose the weight (Type 2 Diabetes). I need to be around for my 5 daughters and my wife of 25 years. Please feel free to add me. Always more fun and motivational when you are talking to others.
  • Rockerbabe131
    Rockerbabe131 Posts: 67 Member
    Thank you for all the welcomes! :) I am figuring out how to get around the site - had to find my way back to this post, lol! :) I am so happy to be back in CONTROL of my eating, and its day three! :)
  • Hello! My profile pic is me at my heaviest...330. That was summer of 2011. I lost 70 pounds in 3 months so I could go to Disneyland. After that trip I stopped working out, it was cold and I stopped watching what I ate and went back to 300. This year after a divorce, helping my mom fight cancer and a few other life stessers, I quit smoking and then started watching what I ate again, then someone gave me a treadmill and I started walking again. That was about a month ago...I have lost 26 pounds again! and I am not stopping this time. Don't give are doing this for you!! Once you get into a good routine you will start feeling AWESOME...even after a work out!!! I know I do. Another thing that motivates me is that picture...I never want to see her again! I will find out what skinny is and I am determined to find out before the end of 2015! Right now I only need about another 88 pounds to my goal weight!! I know I can do that!! Feel free to add me!
  • You can do it!
  • Rockerbabe131
    Rockerbabe131 Posts: 67 Member
    clrampey wrote: »
    Hello! My profile pic is me at my heaviest...330. That was summer of 2011. I lost 70 pounds in 3 months so I could go to Disneyland. After that trip I stopped working out, it was cold and I stopped watching what I ate and went back to 300. This year after a divorce, helping my mom fight cancer and a few other life stessers, I quit smoking and then started watching what I ate again, then someone gave me a treadmill and I started walking again. That was about a month ago...I have lost 26 pounds again! and I am not stopping this time. Don't give are doing this for you!! Once you get into a good routine you will start feeling AWESOME...even after a work out!!! I know I do. Another thing that motivates me is that picture...I never want to see her again! I will find out what skinny is and I am determined to find out before the end of 2015! Right now I only need about another 88 pounds to my goal weight!! I know I can do that!! Feel free to add me!

    I'll definitely add you! :) One advantage to my height is that I don't look as heavy as I am. I'm 6'1" - and big boned. In all seriousness. I am still obese always have been..but I also know that at 220, I will look great, if not 230! We can do this! We'll be rocking it out! and CONGRATS on quitting smoking and walking and your weight loss so far! AWESOME! I need to hang fat picks up on the fridge for me to...I'm going to go dig up some old pics..I need to take some current ones too. I might even do the...*looks around from left to right before whispering* The underwear and bra picks people do...or something similar...I've never taken one of those pics.
  • Rockerbabe131
    Rockerbabe131 Posts: 67 Member
    You can do it!

    WE can do it! :)
  • Rockerbabe131
    Rockerbabe131 Posts: 67 Member

    Founds the original picture on the left in vacation photos from around six years ago...I estimated I was weighing in at 350, but am not sure.
  • You can do it!

    WE can do it! :)

    We sure can! :)
  • meagankrkr
    meagankrkr Posts: 35 Member
    Adding you! I am tired of the "agains" as well. We can do it!!