Looking for Southerners...



  • tiggilee
    tiggilee Posts: 40 Member
    I am a NC girl transplanted to Bellingham, WA (north of Seattle). I have to say that the lean, fresh food and healthy lifestyle here do make it easier, as do our fantastic summers. But we just came off 5 months of STRAIGHT RAIN so thank your lucky stars you don't have to deal with THAT! No one loses weight here in the winter - we all just huddle inside and watch Netflix :)
  • Hello, I'm from the south, Orlando, FL now residing in Sacramento, CA and boy do I miss my southern food, they just don't do it like they do it in the south. I too am on a journey to lose a substantial amount of weight. Over a hundred plus pounds if I'm too lose my curent "obese' title.

    Congratulations for your current weight loss, you've done a phenomenal job. Keep going. Just know that your story inspires others. I'm inspired and can not weight until I too can post my 40+ pounds loss.

    Continue your journey to your goal weight. You can do it. Hopefully these posts will be enough encouragement to keep your throughout your journey. You may add me as a friend if you like.

    God bless.
  • falonjohle
    falonjohle Posts: 62 Member
    It is glad to see that i am not the only southerner that has problems with fried food, gravy, and sweet tea!!! I am born and raised in E.TX... i have 50 lbs to lose and haven't really gotten started. any pointers would be very welcome. I need support!
  • ronda_gettinghealthy
    ronda_gettinghealthy Posts: 777 Member
    Pan handle of Tx here-- what do you mean how do I want my tea??? only way it comes iced, sweet and in a large glass with the pitcher on the table!!!!

    but we can already have a garden in, an orchard and all sorts of yummy fresh stuff way earlier than those poor Narthern folks do.

    Good Luck in your quest.
  • ibelieveinlove7
    ibelieveinlove7 Posts: 27 Member
    I'm originally from NC and now live in Chicago. Going home for Christmas wrecked my diet (but it's my own fault! I needed to get my Bojangles in while I was there)!!

    Best of luck!! It is hard to lose weight in the south without feeling like you are giving up a lot and/or missing out on a lot too.
  • abrooke1976
    abrooke1976 Posts: 13
    Born and raised here in Fort Worth, Texas. I would love for anyone to add me. I love my southern comforts but they do not look good on me!
  • ladylu11
    ladylu11 Posts: 631 Member
    I am from Texas and we just had our annual Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo where you can find anything fried! I'm talking about deep fried twinkies, deep fried ice cream, deep fried brownies, deep fried snickers, and the list goes on. LOL

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  • biged335
    biged335 Posts: 734
    It's nice to know there's a bunch of us from below the Mason-Dixon Line on here. Hope everybody is successful on their journey to get healthy and inshape. Just keep pushing and don't let a bad day or days get you down. We can all do it!!!

    Meakin11, I'd of killed a few of those deep fried twinkies...
  • suthernbelle
    suthernbelle Posts: 566 Member
    Hey Y'all!!!!:wink:

    I'm in south Louisiana, where the tea is sweet and everything else is fried, smothered, or stewed. Please feel free to add me, I have a long way to go on my journey and can use the support!!!
  • groovybeenz
    groovybeenz Posts: 151 Member
    Feel free to friend me. I live in Miss Gulf Coast and I'm 27 lb down with about 120 left to go. My faves happen to be sweet tea, jambalaya with andouille, biscuits and gravy, fried chicken, and shrimp poboys. Blah you just can't make those healthy. :sad:
  • lennykat
    lennykat Posts: 89
    A big 'ole Howdy Y'all from Augusta, GA!!
  • Thanks to my fellow southerners for adding me, to those that haven't please do add me, I need friends...me and my sisters are fighting this battle together. Liz has had great success with her battle please add me, frompster and jebrumley...we need all the support we can get...when u add frompster and jebrumley tell them Mandy told you too, thank you..between the four of us we are fighting to drop prolly 500 lbs...Ty again
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