Zoned-out and overweight.

The hardest part for me about weight loss is turning that switch in my mind that says No to foods I know are bad and fattening etc. I guess the next hardest part for me is exercising. I have no idea why I'm so lazy. Maybe if pressed on the subject I could find the reason, but I'm too lazy to even explore that. But these two huge barriers aside, I want/need to lose weight really badly. And I need all the help I can get.


  • dthompson17
    dthompson17 Posts: 24
    I'm so zoned out as well.....your profile pic cracks me look exhausted....Good Luck on your journey!
  • justleeanne
    justleeanne Posts: 251 Member
    You will get less lazy as you lose weight and do more exercise. :)
  • ChunTingO
    ChunTingO Posts: 225 Member
    you need to find something that will be enjoyable to kick boxing , for me its dance and anything that i can do with a group
  • cc2r1511
    cc2r1511 Posts: 127 Member
    Do you have a friend with a weight loss goal that you could start working out with?
    That really seemed to help me. I started doing that for a couple weeks and then when she was no longer able to go to the gym at the same times as me, I found that I could motivate myself!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I agree - try a bunch of different things and figure out what you like best for exercise. If you'd rather do that in the comfort of your own home, check out your local library, youtube, cable fitness channels or Netflix if you're a memter. I personally love walking outdoors and can go for miles/hours just looking around and clearing my mind.

    Also, don't necessarily focus on what you can't have but having things you like in reaasonable portions and/or exercise to earn the calories so you can indulge a bit. If you're like me, deprivation will just drive you to want those things even more.
  • Monsherri
    Monsherri Posts: 69
    I really have to force myself...I'm about 4 weeks in, and I'm finally gaining some momentum. Hang in there!! don't give up!
  • jessicamariedee
    jessicamariedee Posts: 4 Member
    I'm so sorry that you're struggling, but starting is the hardest part.

    For me, it started with cutting out caffeine. I found that while breaking from my cycle was so, so hard, now that I've gone two weeks without it, I can't even begin to communicate how much better I feel.

    I don't need naps. I'm less irritable. I woke up this morning for the first time in years in order to exercise (walked in the park, how adorably cliche), and feel amazing sitting here at my desk at 2:30. If I'd even tried this weeks ago, I'd be struggling with the flavors of the foods I'm eating (Chicken? I need diet mt. dew!), and I would have wanted a nap by now. Instead, I know I have the energy to make it until 10. Maybe 11. I made plans with my friends this weekend and kept them, which is something I haven't had the will or desire to do for a long time.

    If you intake a lot of caffeine, I suggest you look to cut back there. Your cravings for a lot of 'bad' foods won't be nearly as strong, and you'll break your current cycle. It's just about retraining yourself. My favorite thing to eat with Dt. Dew was chips, every time I popped open a can, I wanted something salty to go with it. I was conditioned to crave every time I drank it.

    If you know things are bad or fattening, but can't break entirely away, just start with cutting back until they are either out of your life or special occasion splurges.

    I suppose the way I think about it is: It took me my whole life to get me this way, I'm not going to change overnight. If the change is going to be healthy, and permanent, then it's going to take some getting used to.

    I wish you the best of luck <3
  • gtm124
    gtm124 Posts: 179
    Lace up a pair of shoes and walk. How hard can that be? The key is to move. This site provides a lot of good motivations and successes. Log your food and walk.