100+ to lose...

I have a significant amount of weight to lose, very ashamed that I let it get this bad. Just trying to find some friends to take this journey with me. Good luck to all of you!


  • Flabulous I'm in that same boat doctor says I need to lose 150, honestly I'm thinking closer to 200. I'm two weeks in and won't know for a whole week more if I've made any progress.
  • Juvenica
    Juvenica Posts: 460 Member
    Hello fabulous. I'm new here and I have about 40 pounds to lose. I don't make or accept friend requests, but I'll be around to cheer you on.
    I do believe with a lot of persistence and work you can do it :)
  • Ftw37
    Ftw37 Posts: 386 Member
    I lost 264 pounds using MFP as my food diary. If I can do it, you can do it.
  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    You can do this! I'm down 110 lbs so far. Feel free to add me!
  • heatherannh23
    heatherannh23 Posts: 71 Member
    Same boat! I started (again) about 2 weeks ago and I've already lost 5-6lbs (: FR sent!
  • snowflake930
    snowflake930 Posts: 2,188 Member
    160+ lost for me, & like Ftw37, if I can do it, anyone can.
    Log, honestly, everything that you eat and drink. Look at it in increments of small amounts, and savor every passed goal. The time will go by quickly, and before you know it, success is yours! Best of luck to you!
  • Michifan
    Michifan Posts: 95 Member
    It's normal to be angry to be where you are - but you gotta get past that and focus forward. The reality is that you will be more angry that you didn't try to lose the weight if you do nothing.

    The battle to lose 100 pounds is a job. It's every day of your weight loss, every day of your maintenance and eventually it just stays off because you know what you can eat, how much you can eat, and how much you can realistically exercise to maintain a healthy weight.

    I'd see a licensed dietician or weight loss doctor to lose that much weight. This site is full of good and bad information - but it's hard to separate the two when you don't have the experience.

    I'm on track to lose my 100 pounds within 6 months. I lost over 20 pounds the first couple months, then 18 and and 12 the last month (75 in 4 months). I am properly focused and have been doing the same thing every week, every day since July. I should make it in 6 months, but if I don't, it's only a week or two later. Good enough.
  • BriGal72
    BriGal72 Posts: 1 Member
    I wieghed right at 300lbs when I started my journey. Like you I was embarassed with the way I looked, felt, and the limitations I had for physical activity. One February afternoon about 2 years ago I was shoveling snow with my youngest son (he was 10 at the time) and I had to stop after about 10 mins. He looked at me and had a very scared look on his face as I was breathing extremely hard and was white as ghost. That look caused me to realize I needed to change something as I need to be around for my two boys and wife. Happy to report that I have lost about 110lbs and have been able to keep it off by exercising more and using MyFitnessPal to log all my intake and output as it pertains to food and exercise. Find that one or two things that mean the most to you and use that as motivation and you can do it. It will not be easy but you can do it. I am lighter and in better shape at 41 than I was playing football in High School and it has been well worth the effort. Keep focused and you will get there too!!
  • brdnw
    brdnw Posts: 565 Member
    I lost 90lbs in total. Keep in mind, what you eat and drink is the most important part of it all. Cardio and lifting are absolutely great, but what you eat is 90% of it.
  • IILikeToMoveItMoveIt
    IILikeToMoveItMoveIt Posts: 1,172 Member
    I restarted with about 97 lbs to loose.(More if I don't like my goal weight.) I have lost 26 in 3 months so far. I am pretty lazy, I just count calories for the most part. I exercise when the mood strikes me. Recumbent bike and elliptical for a combined 15 mins. total with the most walking I do when I go shopping. (and the occasional Zoo or Dinosaur park excursion...) If I can do it, you can too!
  • MariaAlexandra
    MariaAlexandra Posts: 126 Member
    Don't feel ashamed about anything. The most important thing is that you are here trying to improve -that's what counts. Remember, most of us have been there, you are not alone :)
  • joeboland
    joeboland Posts: 205 Member
    Hey, I was right there with you, 18 short months ago. Feel free to add me (that invite goes to anyone on this thread)! :)
  • dge18657
    dge18657 Posts: 95 Member
    I'm new here. I have a LOT of weight to lose, total to get down to my goal is about 200lbs. I've tried several diets, without any real help. Looking to improve my overall health and be around a little longer for my wife and kids.

    I know this will be a tough road, but after a few days into this, it is starting to make a little more sense. Who knows, maybe tracking my calories so closely will help to motivate me to get back into shape at 45.
  • HfxJMac
    HfxJMac Posts: 77 Member
    No shame, dude - it's in the past. Focus on the future! You really can do this.
  • At the least I need to lose 90lbs. I'd really like to lose 110. I'm starting over again this week. I've done great in the past losing 10lbs here, then 15... but always get side tracked and just dont stay on top of my foods and portions.. Friend request sent :)
  • TheCriz76
    TheCriz76 Posts: 83 Member
    Im in the same boat with about 140 pounds to lose, we both can do this :)
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    Yeah, gotta let it go! You can do this:
    • Realistic goals.
    • Don't get discouraged.
    • Keep moving.
    • Log every bite, every day!
    It will start to come off and you will feel marvelous before you know it!
  • Always_Smiling_D
    Always_Smiling_D Posts: 118 Member
    First step - get rid of the shame and focus on the change!!! Baby steps - find what works for you, what keeps you motivated to keep going - right down your goals and remind yourself on the daily of such goals. Make a conscious decision that you will hold on and improve the good of each day n learn from the bad and let it go (don't dwell)...

    you are more than welcome to add me if you would like
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,115 Member
    I know the feeling I still have quite a bit to lose too. Its hard because I never want to be in pictures because of how I look. The pictures are always of my husband and kids but never me.

    Hey its baby steps right? One step at a time and eventually we all will get there.
  • R_ART
    R_ART Posts: 10 Member
    started AGAIN a few weeks ago at 293. Down to 288. Little by little the weight goes away. Log your food, do some exercise, and realize that life is not like what you see on TV (losing 10-15 lbs per week). You can do it!