
brittanylyse Posts: 5 Member
edited December 2014 in Motivation and Support
Hey MFPers ;)

I'm contemplating becoming an Advocare distributor.

What are your thoughts on the company / product? Any information is appreciated!


  • amcook4
    amcook4 Posts: 561 Member
    Most people on this forum think it is a waste of money. Mainly because many on this forum have lost weight without spending ungodly amounts of money on unnecessary weight loss stuff. In my opinion, there are far too many people preying on overweight/obese people looking for a quick fix, and not life long solutions.

    I have also had to unfriend a couple of people on my facebook because all they did was promote this junk to everyone. Sorry, the only time I've been successful with weight loss was when I put the work in, instead of shelling out tons of money to make someone else a little bit of money. Not to say it doesn't work, but most on this forum have found better (cheaper & more sustainable) ways to lose weight.
  • MissMissle
    MissMissle Posts: 293 Member
    Agree with the above - you might get a lot of backlash!!

    What I don't agree with the above is the part about not putting work in - if you use Advocare, or anything else, you are still going to have to put just as much work in as you would with any other product - there's no miracle or quick fix!

    I did Advocares 24 day challenge last March to kick my sugar "addiction" - I use that word losely, I was eating 4 large caramel cadberry eggs EVERY DAY and a bag of Mike N Ikes EVERY DAY. Anyway, it was really, really expensive - it was alot of pills to take, I lost 12 pounds in 24 days, and kept it off.

    Anyway, almost a year later I still drink Spark - i dont drink soda or juice, just Spark, so, I like to tell myself what Im spending on it evens out in the end - even though i know it doesnt, the Spark is definetly more expensive, i still love it and plan on continuing to use it. because i was buying so much of it i became a distributor for the discount - it paid for itself pretty quickly.

    I have sold one cleanse to one friend because she asked - Ive never offered to sell, or advocated myself as a distributor - i just want my dang spark. These pyramid scheme people though, lemmy tell ya, word on the street is if you are a good sales person you can make a killing selling the stuff - like mary K! I just dont have the drive, or desire...
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    FYI, it's against ToS to promote, sell, whatever, this kind of thing on MFP; including groups and PMs. So if you decide to shell out a bunch of $$ to start selling, you'll have to do it in real life.
  • ironsupergirl
    Who are your potential clients? Your friends?

    People who spend time trying to sell me Advocare, Shakeology, jewelery, bodywraps, scentsy candles, etc.. don't last very long in my world. They want my checkbook more than my friendship.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,618 Member
    edited December 2014
    An MLM company's highest spenders are the distributors/coaches because they get locked into an autoship program to keep their statis. These same distributors/coaches will ONLY make money if they recruit others to become distributor/coaches and that would have to be a significant amount of people to see any benefit. Just selling the product alone doesn't bring in much money because the profit margin percentage is dollied out first to the upline with then ending with a very small profit for the actual seller. In a real business, the owners make the most profit and in all MLM's they tell you "you are the owner", when essentially you're not. You're an independent contractor usually with consignment.
    For most MLM's you're overpaying for a mediocre product (so that upline can get paid) made by a 3rd party company. Rarely does and MLM manufacture any of it's own products.
    If you do decide, get ready to probably lose some family/friends over it because those will be the people you'll be asked to target first. And the most successful people in MLM's are usually the ones who NEVER stop recruiting even while on a lunch break.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • libbydoodle11
    libbydoodle11 Posts: 1,351 Member
    I don't speak in favor of pyramid schemes.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    edited December 2014
    Just FYI, people hate it when you barrage their facebook newsfeed with "Omigod, I have so much energy thanks to Advocare Spark!!!" Don't be that person that gets blocked from everyone's newsfeed and/or deleted.

    ETA: Oh, and equally annoying are those that try to sell it to you just because you're already fit and it would look REALLY AWESOME if they had a fit person buying their product! Yeah, I've had people do that.
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    Hey MFPers ;)

    I'm contemplating becoming an Advocare distributor.

    What are your thoughts on the company / product? Any information is appreciated!

    Pyramid scheme. Overpriced goods. Being a distributor is a great way to get all your Facebook friends to hide you in their feed.
  • brittanylyse
    brittanylyse Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you for all of the info / opinions! It's definitely helpful to hear from people like you all : ) I appreciate everyone that took the time to reply!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    My opinion? I'd rather get shot in the brain because someone mistook me for a zombie.
  • Azexas
    Azexas Posts: 4,334 Member
    My thoughts? It's a huge waste of money and a scam.