Looking for new friends & accountability partners!

So here I am, trying the weight loss thing (again). This time I am trying so very hard to actually take this seriously and devote myself to my weight loss. I have a lot to lose in pounds, but I hope to gain a lot in health. I would love to meet new friends, people to talk about their woes over the loss of pizza on the regular, and accountability partners!


  • Hey Heather! My Name is Denise from Cali, and I am in the same boat, I have about 40-50 lbs to lose before my wedding next year. I have started running again, only 20 mins at a time, but hey, its a start right? I would love to mourn the loss of pizza with you LOL. Hit me up here! I am running today @ 3:30, what will you be doing?
  • lmgeter
    lmgeter Posts: 2 Member
    Hello, My name is Lauren I am in the same boat with you both and would to have discussions about our "woes" and gains of our journeys. Feel to read my blogs that I will be writing everyday as well as updates I will make :) Reply lol
  • My name is Heather. I live in So. Cal. I too am looking for friends and accountability. I am sadly at my pre-pregnancy weight again. Right after I had my son I was lucky enough to lose all the baby weight + another 15lbs. almost right away. So I am seriously bummed that I let myself gain all the weight back. Would any of you guys be interested in texting? For me I think that would be a really good way to be held accountable (and get to know a new friend. If you are please message me your number.
  • powernapp
    powernapp Posts: 14 Member
    Hi all! I'm Arielle, from CT, new to MFP and making the switch from WW where I had a lot of success a few years ago but then managed to gain everything back. Just got a FitBit Flex that I'm setting up tonight. I also have 40-50 to lose, also preparing for engagement photos, wedding, and all those other fun things that are coming up, and would love friends/accountability partners to help keep on track!
  • hrayala
    hrayala Posts: 73 Member
    Hi! I could use some more friends too as this is my 2nd, no 3rd, ok ok my 4th! time coming back to MFP and I feel more serious about it this time. My other times on MFP I never reached out for support so I'm going to try it this time. I'll send you a FR, and good luck to you!
  • dln1975
    dln1975 Posts: 62 Member
    Hey all! I'm Deanna from Arizona and would love to make new friends as well! I'm at my highest weight ever which was "rock bottom" for me and I came back to MFP a little over a week ago and have been trying my best to stay on track, or at least log in every single bite even it it's not the healthiest choice I could have made. One can never have too many friends to share in this journey of "ups and downs" and I'm always open to having more!!
  • cnnguyen2
    cnnguyen2 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Christine and I'm located in Chicago. I'd love to make new friends, especially ones that can be supportive and ones that can help me be accountable for my actions. I've gained 30+ pounds over the past year and a half after moving out of my parents' house and into the city of amazing food. I'm not quite sure where to start, other than I've reduced down my calorie consumption to 1400/day and I'm trying to put a little more activity in my lifestyle (i.e. short walks during my lunch hour).
  • shaynafisher
    shaynafisher Posts: 7 Member
    Hi! I also need new found motivation. Anyone interested in adding me as a friend on mfp? I have 3 kids, work FT, and have let 5lb creep on me after losing pregnancy weight+30lbs.