Hi new to this with at least 4 stone to lose anyone got any tips to good recipes.

Hi new to my fitness pal. Seems good that u can scan all your food. Anyone willing to buddy up as might motivate me a bit more.


  • RyanMatthewHarrell
    What's a stone? Wait nevermind that's not important.

    What is important is that I've actually been on the site for a few days now and the people I've met and talked to can tell you I am 100% stoked about being here. I started a blog if you're interested. It's going to be musings and sometimes educational topics that relate more toward people who have a large amount of weight to lose, but there will be plenty of nuggets for people who are already in shape or don't have much to lose. I'm a daily logger and I don't keep track of my food as well as I should but I always post my exercise and I am a very active commenter/motivator so if you're looking for someone to share motivation with add me!

    My Blog!

    Also if you want to add me easily click below to be directed straight to my profile (or click my username on the left XD).

    My Profile!

  • BlackStarlight
    BlackStarlight Posts: 554 Member
    Hey feel free to add me I've got 5 stone to loose. We can do this together :smile: xx
  • RyanMatthewHarrell
    Wait seriously though, what is a stone? I mean I know it's a unit of measurement but how much is a stone? I guess I could Google it....
  • RyanMatthewHarrell
    I did.
  • aniqa109
    aniqa109 Posts: 364 Member
    Hi i got 4 stone to lose too..you can add me for support!
  • ViolaLeeBlueberry
    ViolaLeeBlueberry Posts: 182 Member
    Wait seriously though, what is a stone? I mean I know it's a unit of measurement but how much is a stone? I guess I could Google it....

    A stone is the best unit of measurement ever invented, because (a) once you know what it is, it's like you're part of a mystery club; and (b) it's so medieval. Measuring in stones is like a scene out of Monty Python and the Holy Grail. You get on one side of the scale, and they pile stones on the other. Then they decide if you're a witch.

    Just had to point that out, in case you are still a little perplexed after googling :smile: