Lets try this again....


I'm John. I have been on here before a few years ago... and was doing super awesome as well, I had started at 261 and had lost 22 lbs in 2 months, with both exercise and good eating, and of course the Awesomeness of the MFP friends I had made and their encouragement. But life decided to throw me a curve-ball and I... lost my rhythm, and as much as I tried, I just couldn't seem to get it back, I stopped working out, watch what i was eating and worse stopped listening to the encouragement my MFP friends were giving...

The last few weeks i have been watching what i eat and recovering from a stupid injury, but I have managed to lose a few pounds and maintain, but at a rate thats not acceptable to me.

I am finally able to attempt working out again and am starting light with P90... and I have rejoined this site in hopes that I can get back to losing the weight and getting back on track...

Besides, my goal is to wear this really small swimsuit at the beach this summer!!! :)

I kid. Actually in watching my lovely wife run her first 5k a couple months ago, it kinda made me want to run the next one with her next yr, and drag our kids along as well... hopefully!

So, that said... My fitness could really use some Pals!

Please :)


  • Welcome back! I am in a similar situation as you, been on this site on and off for a few years. I managed to lose almost 70 pounds in my time here but this past year and a half I gainedback 30 due to some bad emotional eating habits returning.

    But like you' I am picking myself back up and starting again! Congrats on finding your motivation again and I wish you the best in your journey to fitness! We can do it!
  • Hi there! Feel free to add me as well, I am also in the same situation. I was on a few years ago, lost about 20 lbs, work/life became hectic and now I am back with new goals and more determination. Welcome back to you both and good luck!
  • Welcome back! Feel free to add me