hannz33 Posts: 82 Member
Arghhh I re-registered for MFP and did great in my first week... then I got lazy and stopped logging in... continued to eat unhealthily and stopped working out. What is wrong with me?! I feel like this is the story of my life haha.

Anyone else get this?

I need some MFP friends to really help encourage and motivate me, and I will do the same for you :D Message me if this is you :) xx


  • ankdworak
    ankdworak Posts: 336 Member
    Hey! I've been there many times. This past July I finally decided enough was enough and have lost 35.9 lbs since then. I credit part of my success to surrounding myself with people who inspire me and challenge me to be better. You can do this! Feel free to add me for motivation and accountability. ankdworak
  • aylaschoenhoff
    aylaschoenhoff Posts: 13 Member
    edited December 2014
    I am back with mfp aging I would like to get some friends on here to help and I can do the same for you please fill free to add me. Not sure how to do it yet
  • williamwj2014
    williamwj2014 Posts: 750 Member
    I'll add you. I'm pretty active on mfp and usually comment on people's can also check out my diary (although sometimes not accurate but gives a general idea of what I eat) You just gotta find the will power within yourself to say no to bad food, get up and go to the gym. Eat good, work out for a week and observe how much in better shape you are and the amount of energy you have. So the next time you want to quit, you think long and hard about ruining how far you've came. Every week in the gym, you should be pushing yourself more than what you did the week before.
  • Krissy8884
    Krissy8884 Posts: 2 Member
    I am back to mfp again too!!! Come on guys new year new us!!! I really need to lose weight I'm very unhealthy! Just need some motivation too and a strength will to stay away from junk food!
  • Krissy8884
    Krissy8884 Posts: 2 Member
    *strong will
  • jjordan18
    jjordan18 Posts: 3 Member
    It happens to everyone. The main thing is that you are back at it now. good luck!! feel free to add me. I get on here pretty much everyday.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    You might find you are able to stick at it if you prepare and plan properly, that means really thinking it through and understanding what each component conributes to get you to target, such as accurate logging, diet and exercise.

    Make the commitment and then do baby steps, which you can build on.
    Logging for a week, meeting target for a week, going for a walk 3x a week etc. Progress and a good mindset help you build a routine, which makes the whole process much more manageable.
  • tisaria
    tisaria Posts: 17 Member
    hannz33 wrote: »
    Arghhh I re-registered for MFP and did great in my first week... then I got lazy and stopped logging in... continued to eat unhealthily and stopped working out. What is wrong with me?! I feel like this is the story of my life haha.

    Anyone else get this?

    I need some MFP friends to really help encourage and motivate me, and I will do the same for you :D Message me if this is you :) xx

    What are your goals? Weight loss or maintenance or something different?

    What works for me is looking at pictures of me from my goal weight and remembering how great it felt to be healthy and fit. I also bought a fitbit Charge activity tracker on a crazy good black friday deal ($30 off, woo!). It's a physical and digital reminder to stay on track and remember that everything adds up! Also, a great motivator is to look at the success stories threads.

    ^- That stuff gets me excited and happy every time. I also take body measurements and pictures to track progress. It gets really addicting when the numbers come down and your shape starts changing.

    You've got this!!