Post Card Challenge Round 20



  • pjfmaui73
    pjfmaui73 Posts: 408
    Louise- I know you'll have a huge loss next time!!! :bigsmile:

    Nicola1944-Congrats doubled...1st on your huge weight loss & 2nd for reaching 1 derland!!!! Thats wonderful!!! :love:

    Tracy-I know you'll reach your goals!!! :happy:

    bkrbabe57-Wow, congrats to you on you huge weight loss during this challenge and ultimately at almost reaching 100lbs lost...that's amazing!!!! :noway:

    Keep up the great work everyone...believe in're worth it!!!


  • pjfmaui73
    pjfmaui73 Posts: 408
    I'm done, weighed in today and I'm at 192.6...that's 3.8lbs lost over the past 2 weeks :bigsmile:

    Continued luck to everyone!!!


  • Nicola1944
    Nicola1944 Posts: 290 Member
    Well done Pam!!!

    I'll be doing my final weigh in sunday morning (thats right yea?)

  • pjfmaui73
    pjfmaui73 Posts: 408
    I did say May 1st which is Sunday but it's a day short of 2 weeks so if everyone including you want to wait until Mon. the 2nd I'm totally fine with that :happy:

    Thanks :flowerforyou:

  • Nicola1944
    Nicola1944 Posts: 290 Member
    Cool, il post on 1 of the 2 days then!

    Thanks pam x
  • traceybett
    traceybett Posts: 206 Member
    Good morning! Can I join?

    Starting weight for challenge=213
    goal by May 1=208. (5#)
    4/30/11= weighed in at 208.6

    To have 14 successful diary days with no "mess up indulgences. (this did not happen)
    To drink 10 cups of water each day. (drank at least 8 each day, a few days met 10)
    cardio 3 hours each week. MET
    strength/ABS/arms atleast three sessions per week MET

    I added updates to each goal I had. Not sure I will be able to weigh in tomorrow, so did it today :).
    I am .6 pounds from this challenge.
    Thank you for offering this mini goal to keep me motivated. :)
  • looby1968
    looby1968 Posts: 742 Member

    Starting weight = 181lbs

    I went through a bit of a 'funk' this week so decided to go with the flow! Managed to only put on 2lbs so my end weight is 183lbs. Think the 'funk' was due to TOM making an appearance.

  • sixxbaby
    sixxbaby Posts: 543
    Today's Weight: 227

    Only a 3 pound loss...
  • hollycurran
    hollycurran Posts: 39
    I'll post my weight tomorrow morning (UK morning!!) I gained four pounds these past two weeks (had father in law here, and we did a lot of bad eating and travelling which also resulted in bad eating!!). BUT I have managed to lose three of those four pounds. So right now I'm at +1, but I'm hoping to see a further drop tomorrow? I would love to get that last pound out of the way so I can keep trying!
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    Starting weight as of this morning: 214.5

    Weighed in at 213. Loss of 1.5 lbs.
  • pjfmaui73
    pjfmaui73 Posts: 408
    WOW!!!! Everyone is doing so well!!!! Can't wait to get everyones wt's by tomorrow 5/2/11 to see who the winner is :bigsmile:

    Congrats everyone for your great success!!!!


  • hollycurran
    hollycurran Posts: 39
    Start Weight, 158, current weight 159. Gained one pound. BUT I still feel like I can do this and am going to be more serious about keeping up my journal and sticking with my goals! Good luck everyone, can't wait to start the next post card challenge!
  • traceybett
    traceybett Posts: 206 Member
    Starting weight for the challenge =213
    Today's weigh in=208.4

    Almost did it :-) happy with the loss, still knowing I could have done better, but not beating myself up bout it.
    Great job everyone :-)

    Ty ty ty. For giving us these challenges. It kept me going.
  • HeatherShrinking
    HeatherShrinking Posts: 776 Member
    SW 243.4
    CW 241.8

    Lost a little.

    Congrats to whoever wins!
  • pjfmaui73
    pjfmaui73 Posts: 408
    I'll be closing out the challenge tonight (I sent out a few messages to those we didn't hear from). Just wanted to let everyone know and to say how proud I am of all your success!!!!


  • pjfmaui73
    pjfmaui73 Posts: 408

    Starting weight = 181lbs

    I went through a bit of a 'funk' this week so decided to go with the flow! Managed to only put on 2lbs so my end weight is 183lbs. Think the 'funk' was due to TOM making an appearance.


    Damn wk you'll have a huge number :heart:


  • romanhokie
    romanhokie Posts: 30 Member
    219. Not even close.
  • bkrbabe57
    bkrbabe57 Posts: 395 Member
    Starting weight 157
    todays weight 151
    6 pound loss!!!
  • pjfmaui73
    pjfmaui73 Posts: 408
    I'm closing out the challenge :happy:

    AND WINNER IS............bkrbabe :bigsmile: with a wopping weight loss of 6lbs :noway:

    Just wanted to say...great job everyone!!!!!!

    Keep up the great work!!!!!:love:


  • looby1968
    looby1968 Posts: 742 Member
    Whoo hoo!!!!!!! Congrats bkrbabe!!!!!!

    I'm ready for the next challenge!!!!

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