Huge energy slump from 85% chocolate and cappucino

I know it is probably a stupid question but this am, I ate a 100gram bar of 85 percent cocoa chocolate and a cappuccino with skimmed milk. I felt great at the time- it was a binge it was just pure gluttony. However, I have had a huge slump, the tiredness is worse than anything I've felt before. Could I have had a blood glucose slump ? I didn't think there was much sugar in dark chocolate... I do know I have over indulged but overeating other things haven't caused a lethargy like this... Just curious...


  • onmyown70
    onmyown70 Posts: 233 Member
    Sorry I mean tto say it wasn't an out of control binge it was a self aware "ok I'm going to eat the lot" naughty gluttony surge.
  • andrewjuu
    andrewjuu Posts: 76 Member
    lets see....100 gram bar is more than twice the size of the standard convenience store candy bar here in the States, which is typically around 1.5 ounces. So yes, that was quite a binge, but you already know that :) as far as sugar content in dark chocolate compared to milk chocolate it typically is less but how much less depends. If you pick a generic American brand like Hershey's & compare the sugar content it is only about 10% less for the dark chocolate compared to the milk chocolate variety. If you discriminate further & pick a premium brand such as Lindt the sugar content of their 85% Extra Dark Chocolate is about one quarter (25% less) that of the generic brand. So if you indulge you have to pony up & buy a premium brand if you want the lower sugar content. Either that or just eat less next binge haha
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    I don't really have an idea, but it sounds very curious! Is it possible that maybe the caffeine hit from both the cappuccino and the chocolate wore off and left you dead tired after the stimulating effect went away? (I have absolutely nothing to back this up or anything, just wondering). :)
  • dramaqueen45
    dramaqueen45 Posts: 1,009 Member
    A lot of sugar all at once causes a large release of insulin, which in turn can cause your blood sugar to drop quickly, hence the sugar high and subsequent crash. I get it if I am really hungry and eat a lot of carbs.
  • onmyown70
    onmyown70 Posts: 233 Member
    Ah I chose a green and blacks 85 percent bar... So it's fine quality. I do appreciate I ate a lot , whoops. It wAs a premeditated conscious decision and I deserve to be a bit fatter but the tiredness has been awful
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Its both the sugar spike and drop as well as the caffeine wearing off. This is why you have complex carbs so they are a slow steady supply of energy, which means no slump. Youll be fine after lunch.
  • onmyown70
    onmyown70 Posts: 233 Member
    By the way, I get that I completely deserve this :-) Yes you see another coffee hasn't helped.... I don't get this if I just have one black coffee... or just a tiny square - ph I dp sound pathetic don't I?! It wasn't a binge as such (binges for me feel frantic and out of control) I just thought stuff it "i'll eat the lot" It was something called greed he he. Had I known I would feel like this I would definitely not have done this. I can eat a lot in one go but as I said, keeping my eyes open all morning has been horrendous. It feels like how my 3 am wake up calls from son felt like!
  • andrewjuu
    andrewjuu Posts: 76 Member
    Green & Black's is definately a premium brand so I think you were already discriminating enough to get the benefit of a lowered sugar content :) I agree w/ the others that maybe you indulged a bit too much & in a few hours you'll be fine. I'm a dark chocoholic & try to allow myself a small portion each day. A small portion for me would be about 20 grams & I don't seem to be overly affected by the initial peak & corresponding energy slump. Def if I ate a 100 gram bar all at once (even of the super premium variety) that would cause similar symptoms as what you described.
  • onmyown70
    onmyown70 Posts: 233 Member
    andrewjuu wrote: »
    Green & Black's is definately a premium brand so I think you were already discriminating enough to get the benefit of a lowered sugar content :) I agree w/ the others that maybe you indulged a bit too much & in a few hours you'll be fine. I'm a dark chocoholic & try to allow myself a small portion each day. A small portion for me would be about 20 grams & I don't seem to be overly affected by the initial peak & corresponding energy slump. Def if I ate a 100 gram bar all at once (even of the super premium variety) that would cause similar symptoms as what you described.

    Guilty face... I think I must be trying to justify it... I guess it's a couple of teaspoons of sugar too and quite a bit of fat. I better just a few squares in future! Thank you for answering I know it's a bit naught but I was curious as to whether it was a low blood glucose reaction... I didn't feel sick just as I said that lethargy has been horrific. nothing achieved apart from posts on here this am....!
  • onmyown70
    onmyown70 Posts: 233 Member
    Mind you. I have to say, I quite often get a imp after breakfast. When we went away I had an omlette (it was at a French restaurant so maybe a bit of fat was involved!) but I felt very sleepy after that too. I think my best bet is not havibg much, or very little In the mornings.

    Thanks for your thoughts, I've recovered now but felt awful all day!