Does food guilt EVER disappear!

Jillatha Posts: 85 Member
I am so far under my calories today it isn't funny, I am on -402 Net! I have not eaten dinner yet so that will go up a lot in a few hours don't worry! Yet howcome when I had a bite of the chocolate muffin I baked for my daughter I have all this guilt and feel like I gained 10lbs! It wasn't even a mouthful! grrrrrr


  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    You are trying to hard . . . rule #1 . . . humans are far from perfect so why should you be so strict on yourself that you can't even enjoy 1 bite of something decadent?
    I sit on a craving for at least a week, but it it is still there I will just go for it but have only a bite or a small portion. Food does not control me any longer, I have the control now.
    Guilt is useless, it is looking back and feeling regret. I've learned to only look forward, what happened in the past is no longer relevant, so don't sweat it at all.
  • MelHoneyRocks
    MelHoneyRocks Posts: 223
    Guilt is a choice, you don't have to feel this way. Push past it.
  • VixFit2011
    VixFit2011 Posts: 663 Member
    Focus on the "good" foods and you'll be proud of your improved eating habits. Little food bloopers get to us all but don't let that bring any negatives in your mind.
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    I know how you feel. I had a cube of a pork chop from the grocery store sample lady. I kept reminding myself of it throughout the day. At some point we need to realize that it's ok to have a little treat.
  • Losingitin2011
    Losingitin2011 Posts: 572 Member
    I moved past the guilt by not denying myself anything. I have a good relationship with food, despite being overweight. Food isn't the enemy, self-control is. Don't feel bad for eating a little of something. Everything in moderation is SO important if you are changing your lifestyle. That is why I avoid any "diets" that eliminate foods, if I don't enjoy what I am eating, I won't continue with the program. It is 150% ok to spoil yourself sometimes, just plan for it in your calories and you're golden. *hugs*
  • Crissy143
    Crissy143 Posts: 24 Member
    I usually feel guilty after indulging myself on a sweet treat. But then I remind myself of how bad I used to eat (McDonald's 2-3 times a day, soda and sweet tea...absolutely NO water!). I just log my treat and move on. As long as you don't let your slip up turn into a free-for-all cheat day, you'll be fine.
  • schnarfo
    schnarfo Posts: 764 Member
    It never really goes away for unhealthy food.
  • noworry87
    noworry87 Posts: 21 Member
    If i remmember correctly, you usually take weekends off but you went running yesterday so dont feel bad if you ate something you wanted. I went to the gym all 7 days this week today did 45 minutes of cardio but today. i ate too much pasta :( i wll eat a light dinner and if im in the negative , well its technically my oFF day.
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    Here's my thought - when you choose to accept this as a lifestyle change (meaning everything in moderation) and not a diet, the guilt will go away. The guilt is caused because you don't "allow" yourself certain foods - as such, you feel guilty for eating them. If you did everything in moderation, then you could log the bite and move on with your day without guilt.

    (btw - just from my own experience, when you ban certain foods from a diet you are setting yourself up for failure - MOSTLY because you'll either give up because you cheated - or gorge on something because you didn't allow yourself that food for a long, long time).

    Life is not "all or nothing." *jmho*
  • RadicalCharlie
    RadicalCharlie Posts: 123 Member
    I feel guilty even after eating a salad.
  • PrincessBTits
    PrincessBTits Posts: 198
    I used to feel like that, but now I am more focused on my workouts versus the food. I tend not to slip too often so when I do, I simply let it go and eat healthy again for the next meal and make sure I don't miss a workout. Today I went to a chinese buffet with friends and I am way over for today (haven't exercised yet so the number will come down) but I totally enjoyed myself so I'm not feeling bad. More of a giggly "Oops!" than anything.

    We're human and the goal here isn't to not ever eat anything bad ever again, at least not for me, it's to get a balanced lifestyle of good food and exercise. Sure, I had chinese food, but the old me would have followed it up with ice cream, pop, a supper of pasta, and some midnight snacking of epic proportions and NO exercise.
  • jen0619
    jen0619 Posts: 414
    You shouldn't feel guilty for eating foods whether they are good or "bad" for you. You should definitely have a good relationship with food, especially the ones we nibble on sometimes and other foods we just love. Even though you are losing weight doesn't mean you have to give up anything you love. Just limit your quanitity, portions and enjoy them in moderation. I lost all the weight I wanted and have been maintaining successfully enjoying things such as muffins, pizza, beers, candy, alcohol in general, starbucks (lol). Believe me you do not want to develop a bad relationship with food it can affect your personal life when it comes to enjoying yourself even in certain situations. I am sure many people with disagree with me but I feel that when you omit something from your "diet" you binge harder when you can have it. Well there comes self control as well just be flexible with things is how I like to look at it. I mean if this is something you are going to continue to do, wouldn't you want to be able to eat the things you love without feeling guilty. I used to feel guilty all the time and it got to be a bit extreme and became rather harsh on my life and now have incorporated those things back into my life and I no longer seem to "binge" but do enjoy eating foods I used to feel guilt about.