Anyone trying to lose weight to look cute in clothes?



  • luvahgilahsa
    luvahgilahsa Posts: 63 Member
    Why have you taken a picture with your fingers up at everyone?
    No. But I do. ;-)

    That dress is much cuter than camel toe overalls! :laugh:
    It's a peace sign and what did I ever do to u?

    It's not a peace sign, and I'm allowed to have a different opinion of what is 'cute'. For me, neither camel toe nor overalls are cute, but the sparkly dress I liked. That's all.

    Idk isn't this a motivation and support thread?
    I didn'f find any of your comments motivational or supportive
  • KHalseth
    KHalseth Posts: 104 Member
    While I have health reasons to lose weight which are more important, the reality is we all want to look better so yes, I do want to lose weight so I can start buying my favorite brand of clothing again. I want to look cute in fun clothing again. I want to go out with friends again and not feel bad about how I look.
  • luvahgilahsa
    luvahgilahsa Posts: 63 Member
    edited December 2014
    Francl27 wrote: »
    First I'd have to say that I really don't see from your picture how you would have 30 pounds to lose, even if it's not showing much.... You must have a pretty aggressive goal.

    But yeah, looking good (although I'm too old for 'cute') was definitely a factor, no use arguing about that one!

    I always wear baggy clothes to hide my fat, but trust me there's a lot of flab tucked down in there. I am in the overweight category in terms of BMI and I am 30-40 pounds heavier than where I want to be.
  • luvahgilahsa
    luvahgilahsa Posts: 63 Member
    KHalseth wrote: »
    While I have health reasons to lose weight which are more important, the reality is we all want to look better so yes, I do want to lose weight so I can start buying my favorite brand of clothing again. I want to look cute in fun clothing again. I want to go out with friends again and not feel bad about how I look.

    that's exactly how I feel! You can do it!!!!!!
  • luvahgilahsa
    luvahgilahsa Posts: 63 Member
    Here's a full body shot without the mirror (my mirrors tend to make me look thinner than I really am)
    I'm really good at hiding my fat by wearing baggy sweaters. Thank goodness they're in style!
  • uconnwinsnc1
    uconnwinsnc1 Posts: 902 Member
    I don't think you're at fat as you think you are.
  • uconnwinsnc1
    uconnwinsnc1 Posts: 902 Member
    kgeyser wrote: »
    Why have you taken a picture with your fingers up at everyone?
    No. But I do. ;-)

    That dress is much cuter than camel toe overalls! :laugh:
    It's a peace sign and what did I ever do to u?

    Um, yeah, about that. Two fingers up and your palm facing outwards is the peace sign in the US; also known as the Victory sign in Australia and UK. Two fingers up and your palm facing towards you is an insult in the UK/Australia, kind of like the middle finger in the US.

    Peace sign with palms in in the US is just sorta a silly pose. I think you're thinking too much into this.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,959 Member
    Different reason, same goal - does it matter how you get there mentally? Honestly, everyone probably is hoping to look better both in and out of clothes when they lose weight. It's not necessarily their only motivator, but I think we all recognize it as a potential outcome that is also a perk!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    An insult. This usage is restricted largely to Australia, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa, and the United Kingdom.
    I'm American and nobody here has ever heard of the insult through reverse peace sign. I'm sorry if this offended anyone.

    i have never heard of any of this.

    is it from the people that exposed that LOL is 'lucifer our lord"?

  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    edited December 2014
    kgeyser wrote: »
    Why have you taken a picture with your fingers up at everyone?
    No. But I do. ;-)

    That dress is much cuter than camel toe overalls! :laugh:
    It's a peace sign and what did I ever do to u?

    Um, yeah, about that. Two fingers up and your palm facing outwards is the peace sign in the US; also known as the Victory sign in Australia and UK. Two fingers up and your palm facing towards you is an insult in the UK/Australia, kind of like the middle finger in the US.

    get mad that a girl half your age on the direct other side of the planet from a different culture doesn't recognize your local gang signs.

    +1, this should help you reach your fitness goals fo sho
  • branflakes1980
    branflakes1980 Posts: 2,516 Member
    I have found (in my own journey) that I either want to look good in clothes or I want to look good naked. I can't have both. Kind of like "you either want quads or you want jeans that fit" *The Struggle is real* I would much rather look good naked though! That's just me!
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    edited December 2014
    Why have you taken a picture with your fingers up at everyone?
    No. But I do. ;-)

    That dress is much cuter than camel toe overalls! :laugh:
    It's a peace sign and what did I ever do to u?

    It's not a peace sign, and I'm allowed to have a different opinion of what is 'cute'. For me, neither camel toe nor overalls are cute, but the sparkly dress I liked. That's all.

    Idk isn't this a motivation and support thread?
    I didn'f find any of your comments motivational or supportive

    You will absolutely have to learn to ignore these people. MFP used to have, and may one day have again, an "ignore" button you could use to grey out those who have nothing but negativity to contribute to the world. In the meantime, we have to pretend the button exists and their posts don't. ):

    PS Today's look is super cute.

  • HanamiDango
    HanamiDango Posts: 456 Member
    Being stylish, cute, and looking good in clothes, is one of my goals. I too want to look good naked like others said, but yeah, that will not happen. The sweater you are wearing today looks adorable.
  • Fitting in to clothes Feeling confidant in the styles I like is probably my main motivation to lose weight tbh. I used to have it on my profile but felt superficial. Anyway I love fashion and the whole artistic side of it
    I also don't own a scale right now so I determine my progress through waist measurements etc
    Question, do y'all buy clothes that are a little too small for you, so they'll fit when you lose weight? Or do you buy them to fit your current size? I bought two skirts a while ago and they still don't fit, but I would have felt bad if I bought them at a larger size and won't be able to wear them once I reach my goal
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    yoovie wrote: »
    kgeyser wrote: »
    Why have you taken a picture with your fingers up at everyone?
    No. But I do. ;-)

    That dress is much cuter than camel toe overalls! :laugh:
    It's a peace sign and what did I ever do to u?

    Um, yeah, about that. Two fingers up and your palm facing outwards is the peace sign in the US; also known as the Victory sign in Australia and UK. Two fingers up and your palm facing towards you is an insult in the UK/Australia, kind of like the middle finger in the US.

    get mad that a girl half your age on the direct other side of the planet from a different culture doesn't recognize your local gang signs.

    +1, this should help you reach your fitness goals fo sho

    Wow, let's see, where to start with this one:

    1. I'm not mad, nor do I care how old she is.
    2. I'm American. I live in the US. The OP and I share a time zone.
    3. I was trying to explain to her why someone else in the thread was offended by the gesture. Several other people did as well, but I guess they were somehow less angry than I was when they said the exact same thing since they didn't warrant such a lovely response.

    Good luck reaching whatever goal you're aiming for by calling people out for no reason. I think you can log it as cardio.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    An insult. This usage is restricted largely to Australia, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa, and the United Kingdom.
    I'm American and nobody here has ever heard of the insult through reverse peace sign. I'm sorry if this offended anyone.
    I'm American too. I live in Missouri.

    There are quite a few hand signs that are in general "ok" to use in the US, but in other countries can be offensive/vulgar.
  • JeffseekingV
    JeffseekingV Posts: 3,165 Member
    I wanted to cut down so I could wear skinny pants but I do too many squats and deads to fit into them. I couldn't get a pair of old Levi jeans past my thigh. lol.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    edited December 2014
    yoovie wrote: »
    kgeyser wrote: »
    Why have you taken a picture with your fingers up at everyone?
    No. But I do. ;-)

    That dress is much cuter than camel toe overalls! :laugh:
    It's a peace sign and what did I ever do to u?

    Um, yeah, about that. Two fingers up and your palm facing outwards is the peace sign in the US; also known as the Victory sign in Australia and UK. Two fingers up and your palm facing towards you is an insult in the UK/Australia, kind of like the middle finger in the US.

    get mad that a girl half your age on the direct other side of the planet from a different culture doesn't recognize your local gang signs.

    Huh? That post doesn't seem mad to me. Just seems like an informational post to tell the OP why her picture can be seen as rude.

    And I'm curious, are you implying that American's can't know about other cultures? Because the person you are quoting is from America (as am I) and yet your assuming they are from a different culture for posting something informative to the OP. :confounded: Ah well, maybe I'm reading too much into your post.


    Anyway, OP. I most definitely want to wear cute clothes again. I'd be lying if I said it wasn't one of my reasons for losing weight. :drinker:
  • JeffseekingV
    JeffseekingV Posts: 3,165 Member
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,734 Member
    I wanted to cut down so I could wear skinny pants but I do too many squats and deads to fit into them. I couldn't get a pair of old Levi jeans past my thigh. lol.

    Well, then, let me just say I'm glad you didn't reach your original goal. The vast majority of men (well, all of them besides a handful of teenagers and a few rockers) do not look good in skinny jeans. I believe your look now is MUCH better!