Intermittent fasting advice

Does intermittent fasting get harder as you lean down? Ill be honest ive got about 10-15 pounds to lose I weigh 187 right now down from 240 and notice its getting harder to stay on a fast now, im wondering if its because my body has less fat to snack on or if im being bitchmade and its something mental? Thoughts opinions? (Please only respond if youve done IF)


  • vismal
    vismal Posts: 2,463 Member
    Intermittent fasting doesn't necessarily get harder as you go, but most people struggle to lose the last 10-15 lbs no matter what meal timing they use. I would venture a guess if you spread your meals out over a longer period of time but kept calories the same, you would find that you are still hungry. Prolonged dieting simply does that to you. Have you ever taken a maintenance break? It's a period of 2-4 weeks where you raise calories to maintenance then after the break you bump them back down to a deficit. It is a good break both physically and psychologically. I take one every 8-12 weeks of dieting.
  • imedi01
    imedi01 Posts: 22 Member
    vismal wrote: »
    Intermittent fasting doesn't necessarily get harder as you go, but most people struggle to lose the last 10-15 lbs no matter what meal timing they use. I would venture a guess if you spread your meals out over a longer period of time but kept calories the same, you would find that you are still hungry. Prolonged dieting simply does that to you. Have you ever taken a maintenance break? It's a period of 2-4 weeks where you raise calories to maintenance then after the break you bump them back down to a deficit. It is a good break both physically and psychologically. I take one every 8-12 weeks of dieting.
    Yeah i might just try that and see how it goes.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    I'm down to my last 11lbs (5kgs) . This morning at weigh in I finally lost another kilo after being stuck for 2-3 weeks. Weight loss is definitely slowing down at the tail end. I fast every second day.
  • imedi01
    imedi01 Posts: 22 Member
    I'm down to my last 11lbs (5kgs) . This morning at weigh in I finally lost another kilo after being stuck for 2-3 weeks. Weight loss is definitely slowing down at the tail end. I fast every second day.

    Yeah I noticed when I initially started weight was flying off like crazy. I was stuck at 195 for over a month and weighed in a few weeks ago and was in the 180's
  • holyfenix
    holyfenix Posts: 99 Member
    Its not so much that the Fasting gets more difficult. On the contrary I fount it to get easier as it went on when I did it. Its just those last 10 lbs are the hardest to lose. You literally have to fast 2-3 times a week and most likely go on a more traditional calorie cut the rest of the days. That does get pretty difficult. The end result is worth it though.
  • imedi01
    imedi01 Posts: 22 Member
    holyfenix wrote: »
    Its not so much that the Fasting gets more difficult. On the contrary I fount it to get easier as it went on when I did it. Its just those last 10 lbs are the hardest to lose. You literally have to fast 2-3 times a week and most likely go on a more traditional calorie cut the rest of the days. That does get pretty difficult. The end result is worth it though.

    Yeah I dont get discouraged but I noticed im losing weight but now its moving at a snails pace, which i dont mind because im really not trying to buy a whole lot of new clothes.
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    If you can make your diary open then we might be able to see if the too-slow losses are due to incorrect logging. When you are closer to goal you need to be even stricter with weighing food properly.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    holyfenix wrote: »
    Its not so much that the Fasting gets more difficult. On the contrary I fount it to get easier as it went on when I did it. Its just those last 10 lbs are the hardest to lose. You literally have to fast 2-3 times a week and most likely go on a more traditional calorie cut the rest of the days. That does get pretty difficult. The end result is worth it though.

    That sounds like a rough way by going into starvation ketosis to lose weight. Did the weight stay off long term? I would like to read the book.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Yep. I'm on 1550 calories on up days and UP TO 500 cals on down days. I'm having to be super strict now :(
  • ithrowconfetti
    ithrowconfetti Posts: 451 Member
    The last few pounds are going to be the most difficult, no matter what your dieting preference. I practise daily intermittent fasting and usually consume all my calories within two to four hours. However, I've found that rather than it getting more difficult as I lost weight, it actually got easier. I'm used to not feeling overly hungry throughout the day now. However, intermittent fasting is a lifestyle choice, and not just a fad diet for me. It certainly isn't going to magically help with weight loss. CI<CO. Are you hitting your macros well? Satiety can be tied to the food items you choose to spend your daily calories on.
  • I'm in the same boat, I was 190 now I'm 165 I do I.F. and mix every once in a while a 24 hr fast. I didn't realize that I'm closer to my target goal that's why it seems my weight won't go down. Please add me It would be great to chat with people who fast like me. Also I used to log in my exercise but I use to eat the calories I burn. The weird thing is that even I was eating my cal that I was burning I was losing body fat faster.
  • Also I was wondering if I should stop I.F for a week but honestly it just feels weird not fasting 16/8 been doing it since July 2014 everyday. Any suggestions?
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    YoEdward wrote: »
    I'm in the same boat, I was 190 now I'm 165 I do I.F. and mix every once in a while a 24 hr fast. I didn't realize that I'm closer to my target goal that's why it seems my weight won't go down. Please add me It would be great to chat with people who fast like me. Also I used to log in my exercise but I use to eat the calories I burn. The weird thing is that even I was eating my cal that I was burning I was losing body fat faster.

    YoEdward the fact that we sometimes lose more when we eat more came up in another thread. The WHY was discussed but the science behind the reason did not become clear. I.F. does work for many.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    Granted I haven't really used it for weight loss, but my IF practice has gotten much easier as I go. I'm pretty lean and lost a few more pounds on the program. I do 16:8 but am going to expirement with the low cal version one day a week coming up after the holidays.
  • vgnfarmer
    vgnfarmer Posts: 108 Member
    I notice that it is harder the day or two after a big deficit day or a higher carb day...have you changed your macros?
  • YoEdward wrote: »
    I'm in the same boat, I was 190 now I'm 165 I do I.F. and mix every once in a while a 24 hr fast. I didn't realize that I'm closer to my target goal that's why it seems my weight won't go down. Please add me It would be great to chat with people who fast like me. Also I used to log in my exercise but I use to eat the calories I burn. The weird thing is that even I was eating my cal that I was burning I was losing body fat faster.

    YoEdward the fact that we sometimes lose more when we eat more came up in another thread. The WHY was discussed but the science behind the reason did not become clear. I.F. does work for many.

    Thank You for your reply, and Yes I.F. does work I am a living proof that it works. I would like to read that tread if you get a chance or guide me how to find it would be SUPPER :smiley: . Right now I'm doing "Well trying" I.I.F.Y.M. mixed with I.F. Well I'm open for some good book reading or studies if anyone can recommend good books.
  • What he wrote out to you makes no sense. Listen to vismal

    Thanks MrM27, I would like to get a def answer to eat or not to eat your burn cals. I.I.F.Y.M. said no others said Yes, just needs a good clarification on it.