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Weight Watchers?

My counsellor said weight watchers might be good for me to join as the accountability might work for me.

The problem is I'm not sure if I agree with the whole philosophy of Weight Watchers - specifically the "low fat" meals they sell - can you do Weight Watchers without eating the meals? And if so is there any point?


  • stay_co
    stay_co Posts: 10 Member
    I did WW several years back and it was great for me. I rarely ate the pre-packaged WW meals. They give you tools to help you track the 'points value' of food and how to earn more points via exercise. Back then, I rarely worked out, I just stayed within my points and did fine. I feel like it taught me how to eat well and how to fit in splurges if I wanted them. I kept the weight off for 6 years, then I had my kids. They've changed the plan up so much since I did it that I decided MFP was better for me at this point, but I'd still recommend it if you're looking for something different to follow.
    It's not really that different from tracking food on MFP, I'll say - it's just learning points values and tracking it that way.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Why bother with Weight Watcher when MFP is free?
  • NoelFigart1
    NoelFigart1 Posts: 1,276 Member
    WW is just a different way of tracking. If you need an in-person support group, yes it is useful. It's just disguised calorie counting, though.

    You do not need to buy their products. They will try to sell them, as the weight cycling industry always wants you to buy their magic stuff, but you can do just fine without it.

  • dramaqueen45
    dramaqueen45 Posts: 1,009 Member
    I have known people who have been very successful with weight watchers, especially when they went to meetings in person for accountability. Those I've known have usually gained the weight back, however. It also costs money, which is motivating for some people. You can look up how to figure points online without the cost, but I had tried that and it was a pain (to me) to have to look up all the macros on things and enter them to get my total points. Also, since fruit and vegetables are free, some people (who are now on MFP) have said they've gone overboard on the fruits and veggies and then didn't lose weight on WW. So to each his own. I also have tried WW, but haven't found long term success, plus I don't like paying for it. My sister has had success with it, but she found better success with their easy start or quick start program- you don't have to track anything but just eat fresh fruit, vegetables, whole grains and lean meats and really limit simple carbs. She has lost around 45 pounds this past year just doing that plus she is really into Title I Boxing Club. Good luck with whatever you try. One thing I've learned is that there is nothing that works the same for everyone, however, weight watchers and MFP seem to be the most sensible and non-fad programs. Oh, and there's also TOPS (taking off pounds sensibly)- my aunt lost 80 pounds on that and it's just calorie counting with local meetings.
  • hoyalawya2003
    hoyalawya2003 Posts: 631 Member
    You don't have to buy the pre-packaged meals. Beware the "free" fruits, I think that sabotaged me on the new plan. I also find that the database on MFP is much more comprehensive and accurate, which is the other reason I was failing at the new plan. There is not much wiggle room for "guesstimation", I eat out quite a bit, and think my attempts to guess the points were way off. As you can tell, I'm not wild about the new WW program. But the weekly weigh-ins might be of help to you if you need accountability in that form.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    You can be accountable right here :D
  • nicola8989
    nicola8989 Posts: 381 Member
    I don't really know what to do - I don't much like the idea of paying for it and I don't see what more I could learn - I know all about healthy eating it's just putting it into place that I'm struggling with.
  • nicola8989
    nicola8989 Posts: 381 Member
    I'm having a look and think slimming world might be better for me
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    I did WW a few years ago. You don't have to go to meetings or buy their meals in order to follow the program. I lost weight, but learned nothing about how to maintain that loss. It also costs way more than it's worth.

    Weight loss = calorie deficit. Calculate your TDEE, subtract 20%, and eat that many calories per day. Don't make it more difficult than it should be. Weight loss isn't easy, but it is simple.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,959 Member
    I didn't even know WW HAD pre-packaged meals while I was doing it. Didn't find out till after I switched to MFP. So yes, you can do it. But... are you finding MFP isn't working for you or something? Otherwise I wonder if WW would work. Is it the face to face support you would gain likely to help you?
  • Pandapotato
    Pandapotato Posts: 68 Member
    I've successfully lost weight twice on WW (I lost 30 lbs via online tools the first time, and maintained until I had a baby) and lost 35 lbs the second time (baby weight), but obviously I did eventualy gain it back the second time. Not because WW isn't a maintainable thing, though. Just because I got lazy.

    I think it is fantastic. Yes, you do have to adjust to the points system but after a couple weeks it's a breeze, plus their app has a barcode scanner so you can scan in everything you buy regularly.

    I have to admit the accountability is really huge for me. I'm not going right now, but I have to say just sitting in a room with real people and swapping tips and goals and such is very inspiring. Plus, I like the stickers you get with each loss, plus a key ring with little charms. Silly, but fun to collect and be proud of.

    They do have SOME foods you can purchase -- snack packs or granola bars-- but they are by no means pushing them. They are usually on a table in a corner and you can buy them after the meeting if you want to.

    Also while it's true you COULD overeat on fruits/vegetables with WW (except for starchy stuff like white potatoes and corn, fruits and veggies are "free" and don't count against your daily point limit), the fact is I ate much more fruits/vegetables on WW than I ever would otherwise, in a GOOD way. Sometimes with stuff like MFP I catch myself going "Would I rather have a 100 cal bag of delicious salty pretzels or an apple?"

    The only reason I'm not going right now is I'm like a crow and like shiny new things--and I'm having fun checking out MFP and a local gym. But I have two close friends who have also lost 30-40 lbs each on WW.
  • I love Weight Watchers and one of the main reasons Is the accountability. Knowing I have to go get weight in has a huge psychological I pact for me. Also, the weekly meeting is extremely useful. It's not so much that I'm learning anything new. It's more about the shared experience with the people there. I've been lucky in that most of the leaders I've had were awesome. That can make all the difference in wanting to show up for meetings. You're allowed to attend a free meeting to see if you like it so maybe you should take advantage. Once you reach your goal you become a lifetime member and you no longer have to pay.

    The meetings can be pricey but you can save by buying a monthly pass and there are coupon codes if you look online. Most recently they've been giving away Active Link, Ww's version of FitBit, for free with the monthly pass. By the way, I've never had anyone try to use WW products. Sometimes you get coupons but that's about it. It's not like NutriSystem where the program based upon you eating branded meals.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    I have been on and off to WW for 25 yrs. I would lose and then gain it back eventually. I never felt as supported there as I am on here by the members and the lecturer was always too busy to really give you much help if you had an issue.

    I will never waste time going again even though I'm a free lifetime member so don't have to pay. I have lots more supportive friends on here and we look out for each other and it's free for us all. The new WW plan is what put me off the most. I think it's their worst one ever. I even worked for them for about a year way back. You are just as accountable here as there and you don't have to drive to go to a meeting and listen to stuff you mostly already know. Listen to the people that lost a lot on here then kept it off and follow their advice.
  • sheepotato
    sheepotato Posts: 600 Member
    You could if you think you need the structure of having a corporately organized support group. Or you could join one of your local weight loss groups for free. http://weightloss.meetup.com/ If you just need the accountablity and not necessarily need to physcially go to a meeting there are some good support groups on here under the group section. Also there are many people who like to view and comment on your daily food logs if you add them as friends.
  • skiextrm
    skiextrm Posts: 144 Member
    My planned reward when I reach goal on MFP is to go weigh in at WW, reactivate my free status, and just leave, smiling because I did it! It is the second best option to MFP to me, but one of my friends really like the meetings.
  • ElizabethMaryam
    ElizabethMaryam Posts: 159 Member
    I was part of tops (similar to ww) and although it was great, I find there is more contact and accountability with my friends here at MFP. I think if you found some friends who are consistently active and share the reality of their struggle (the ups and downs) it will help motivate you daily. Best of luck with whatever you decide. :)
  • Fatandfifty3
    Fatandfifty3 Posts: 419 Member
    I have MUCH experience of these slimming groups. My condensed view on this is that they are expensive and can be counter productive. There is increasing pressure put on you to buy the products. WW many years ago (35yrs) was brilliant. It made you think about food and address what, when and how much you are eating. There was good group support without the pressure. On the whole I've found that far from helping remove me from using food as a crutch it made me obsessed with food. Slimming Wotrld is very similar. MFP is much better. You'll find the support and like minded people here. Just as a question for you and your counsellor- Have they ever been to one of these groups?
  • SleepyGirl2
    SleepyGirl2 Posts: 13 Member
    Actually, I have found that WW pushes you more towards eating foods from their "filling foods" list which doesn't include ANY of the frozen or convenient foods. Yes, they are available for convenience and can be used but, I have never felt that WW was pushing me to use them. I've done WW many times over the years.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Actually, I have found that WW pushes you more towards eating foods from their "filling foods" list which doesn't include ANY of the frozen or convenient foods. Yes, they are available for convenience and can be used but, I have never felt that WW was pushing me to use them. I've done WW many times over the years.

    I agree. I never felt they were pushing their food on me either but the issue is you like me both have done it many times over the years as you just said. The point is why did we both need to keep returning if they are doing a good job teaching us how to keep it off? I've been to many hundreds of their meetings. Didn't keep the weight slipping back on after a while.

  • nicola8989
    nicola8989 Posts: 381 Member
    thanks guys - my counsellor has never been. I guess I agree with a few of you about not keeping it off - everyone I know who've been to WW/Slimming World has regained.