Hello introducing myself please read :)

Hello everyone I've been on my fitness pal for about 2 years now, i started my weight loss journey in the month of September 2012, it's been a year and a half now, I've experienced lots of ups and downs, ive gone through periods of yoyo dieting accompanied by the starvation/binge cycle, i started my weight loss journey at about 125-127 kilos, from 2012 in the month of September to January 2013 i lost about 25-27 kilos and weighed about 100 kilos, my diet consisted of a 700 calorie intake which was dreadful looking back at it with what i know today, through 2014 i lost another 11 kilos and hit my lowest weight of which was 89 kilos, this was done through a 200-300 calorie intake, i was starving myself for a month then i would attempt to eat a healthy amount that never happened as my body would scream for food, anyways my starve/bingle cycle took over 2014 i was constantly up and down yo yo'ing as 2015 came i got sick of the constant up and down of weight gain & weight loss, i said F it and decided to let myself go and to just eat however and whatever i wanted, i am currently 105 kilos i have gained back 16 kilos of those that i have lost, i don't feel like myself anymore, i don't like who im becoming, i want to be healthy, i want to feel good about myself and most of all feel good inside, i have lost all motivation to want to be healthy, i think to myself, i want to lose weight, be happy and healthy i get exited for a second in the moment and then forget, i feel so uninspired to make a change as much as i would like to in my mind, i feel that interacting with other people who are facing similar circumstances might inspire and motivate me to make a great change, i feel that support is very important when it comes to weight loss, living a healthy lifestyle etc, i want to talk to people going through similar things, i think that moral support is really important anyways enough rambling, say hi, introduce yourself, I'd like to get to know all of you :)


  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    Hi and welcome back. Eating in a calorie deficit is easier if you take it slower. Why kill yourself to become slim. Slow and steady wins every time.
  • MelMaryse
    Thank you, that's very true, i don't know what i was thinking setting my self those ridiculous goals.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    MelMaryse wrote: »
    Thank you, that's very true, i don't know what i was thinking setting my self those ridiculous goals.

    Seriously, what is the rush. You did not put the weight on overnight, losing weight takes time. Patience is all you need. Read the section from the people that have been successful and you will be truly inspired. Good luck :)
  • micheleld73
    micheleld73 Posts: 914 Member
    Eating at such a low intake, no wonder you felt horrible and are not motivated. If you want to be healthy you have to eat healthy, and that means eating enough to fuel your body. You should start at a 20% deficit of your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE) if you are at obese and a smaller deficit as you get closer to your goal. The easiest way to calculate your TDEE is to go to scoobysworkshop.com, set your activity level at sedentary (trying to guess your weekly activity can get tricky and you more than likely will get it wrong) and your goal for a 20% deficit. With setting your activity level at sedentary you will need to eat back your exercise calories. This may seem counter productive, but your body will need the energy in order to function properly.

    Good luck!
  • hrtunstall
    hrtunstall Posts: 49 Member
    You seem to be at the point where you've tried what didn't work. Now, try what does...a life style change that incorporates eating a balanced diet within your MFP goals. You don't win a prize for the lowest calorie intake, as you can see, you end up sabotaging yourself. You can only succeed if you can maintain the life style. Now, go for it! :smiley:
  • dopeysmelly
    dopeysmelly Posts: 1,390 Member
    MelMaryse wrote: »
    Thank you, that's very true, i don't know what i was thinking setting my self those ridiculous goals.

    Why worry about the past? The most important thing I take from your introduction is that you've learned a huge amount. Look at it as training, maybe?

    Good luck putting all your knowledge to work!

  • MelMaryse
    Thank you so much to every single one of you for taking the time out to read my introduction and to reply, i was always obsessed with losing weight fast so that's were the rush factor came in, now when i look at it i know good weight loss comes with patience, i just need to find the inspiration to want to change ! I will read the section thank you queenliz99, I'm not necessarily worried about the past i thought id explain how i got to were i am today so other ppl understand were i am coming from :) thank you everyone
  • JoseCastaneda
    JoseCastaneda Posts: 245 Member
    Hi there... I know it's hard, but I've found that with the correct motivation, you can change your mind to achieve your goals. I've found my motivation not only within me, but outside of me. My family, my kids. I want to be there for them. So, I decided this is not a race to weight less. It's a path to live a more fulfilling life. And that includes being healthy. With that in mind, I've been able to reach and achieve more than only thinking about weight loss and dieting.

    Please feel free to add me as your friend, and although I don't write a lot, I like to think I'm there to cheer my friends and give advice when they're in need, or just share life stories.

    Welcome back! your life starts again today.
  • MelMaryse
    Thank you jcastaneda158 i appreciate your advice, you are right, this isn't a race of to lose how much by when, it's about being healthy, i guess the weight loss is a plus.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    do you have any structure that you follow when planning your workouts? what guidelines are you using to progress?
  • MelMaryse
    It depends i usually set a calorie goal and an exercise goal so I'll say today is 1500 calories with 30 Minutes of walking or dancing etc etc
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    but what guidelines are you using to plan your workouts? are you just aiming to burn calories by doing the same 3 things or are you aiming to progress?
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    you don't want to spend your life running up and down the field and never scoring because you don't have a game plan and never learned how to plot your goals!
  • MelMaryse
    Your right, I'm starting to see it differently now like you say, i don't really have guidelines only for my calories i do
  • margaretlouise123
    margaretlouise123 Posts: 56 Member
    Reading this sounds like my past self and now im past the F it stage and recently decided to slow and steady sort this as my fast approach isn't working in the long run I just gain it back get sick get depressed so now my goals is nourish my body lose 1 to 2 pounds a week atleast then I can live a normally life eat healthy normal food not going to bed hungry and yet still lose weight each week. I admit I get days like you perhaps do to were you will stop and think about going back to extreme starve and excerzice but then I think of my future goal to lose weight and keep it of ..so now I will try and eat over 1200 calories no matter what cause if I dont then I will binge and eat 3000 calories anyway in one sitting ..anyway your not alone it is difficult but as long as wee keep going God loves a tryer
  • Flowerbaby2
    Flowerbaby2 Posts: 77 Member
    Glad your back.I am tracking nightly and trying to be consistent .I like this better than wt watchers.I see progress and feel very comfortable here for some reason I can't quite explain
  • MelMaryse
    I'm already progressing, starting the gym tomorrow with someone which is great as I'll have support, I feel very determined
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Fantastic! Once you know your way around the gym enough to be pretty comfortable, start a program. When we first start working out regularly, we don't have enough knowledge to design an efficient and progressive program for ourselves. Choose one like 5/3/1, read about it, generate your weekly numbers and bring them with you to the gym, printed out or in a notebook. And DO WORK!!!

    dont give up - you can do this!
  • joshuathroup44
    Add meeeee