New Month, New Week, New Friends

Time2BSkinny Posts: 91
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
Hi! I joined this site about two months ago but haven't been using it like I should. Since it's a new month and a new week, I am going to start using this in hopes to see some results before June so that I can feel good for summer. I could use some motivational friends as well...Thanks!


  • Rebjones612
    Rebjones612 Posts: 408
    I seen your post.
    I am sending you a friend request.
  • thank you!
  • ehlifint
    ehlifint Posts: 9
    I just sent you a request =) I've been down about 2 weeks, but back in the game today. We could all use some more motivation. We can do it!!
  • Good luck to you too! Thanks
  • wisecat1
    wisecat1 Posts: 41
    Thanks for the friend add! Looks like there's quite a few people on here that have done a great job!!
  • GetFitNowKrystal
    GetFitNowKrystal Posts: 71 Member
    added :)
  • thanks for the requests =]
  • HisLadyRose
    HisLadyRose Posts: 13
    Count me in too !!! Request coming your way !!!
  • AprilMLowe
    AprilMLowe Posts: 447 Member
    I will befriend you! I hope to support your weightloss! :smile:
  • lbinkley2008
    lbinkley2008 Posts: 5 Member
    My thoughts, exactly! No better time than now to seize the day! And tomorrow too, for that matter! I am ready! When I stepped on the scale after pigging out at breakfast this morning, I realized that if I do not do something to change me and this lifestyle, I would only be putting nails in my coffin...literally! Bad health runs in my family and I have fallen into the same bad habits! I AM CHANGING THEM TODAY! :) I too joined a few weeks ago but simply created a name and nothing further. I took the step today to make a difference in my lie and hopefully encourage some other people as well! I think that strength in numbers is very legitimate and I think that if we all join in the fight (and the support), we can do this - together! Carpe Diem!
  • quishajuice
    quishajuice Posts: 106 Member
    Welcome back! I'm also rededicating myself to the site as of today I'll send you a friend request :)
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