Anyone trying to lose weight to look cute in clothes?



  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    edited December 2014
    Why have you taken a picture with your fingers up at everyone?
    No. But I do. ;-)

    That dress is much cuter than camel toe overalls! :laugh:
    It's a peace sign and what did I ever do to u?

    That's not a peace sign. A peace sign is palm out. Palm in (the reverse of a peace sign) is an insult that's the same as the giving someone the middle finger. So essentially to some users, you are insulting them with that hand gesture.
    The meaning of the V sign is partially dependent on the manner in which the hand is positioned:

    If the palm of the hand faces the signer (i.e., the back of the hand faces the observer), the sign signifies:
    • An insult. This usage is restricted largely to Australia, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa, and the United Kingdom.
    • The number '2' in American Sign Language.
    With the back of the hand facing the signer (palm of the hand facing the observer), it can mean:
    • two (the number) – a non-verbal communication of quantity.
    • Victory – in a setting of wartime or competition. It was first popularised in January 1941 by Victor de Laveleye, a Belgian politician, who asked the Belgians to choose the sign as a symbol of unity. First, it was mostly used in Belgium, but soon other allies copied the symbol. It is sometimes made using both hands with upraised arms as US President Eisenhower, and in imitation of him, Richard Nixon, used to do.
    • Peace, or friend – used around the world by peace and counter-culture groups; popularized in the American peace movement of the 1960s.
    • V (the letter) – used when spelling in American Sign Language.

    Not everyone knows that. I'm am from the US and lots of people do a "peace sign" that way. You could have maybe taught her that without being a douche.

    I am aware that not everyone knows that information. Someone posted earlier who seemed upset by it and the OP didn't understand why. I just told her why it could be insulting to some. That's it.
  • uconnwinsnc1
    uconnwinsnc1 Posts: 902 Member
    edited December 2014

    Look at these inconsiderate hats throwing up the deuces like ignorant Americans...or...uhh...Jamaicans...
  • sherbear702
    sherbear702 Posts: 649 Member
    No way! That is not a bad motivation. Any sort of motivation is good motivation. One of my main motives is not necessarily looking cute in my clothes, but having them fit comfortably. I am SO not okay with displaying muffin tops or double boobs. I can't wait until my size 12 & 14 jeans fit me comfortably again!!!
  • luvahgilahsa
    luvahgilahsa Posts: 63 Member
    yoovie wrote: »
    An insult. This usage is restricted largely to Australia, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa, and the United Kingdom.
    I'm American and nobody here has ever heard of the insult through reverse peace sign. I'm sorry if this offended anyone.

    i have never heard of any of this.

    is it from the people that exposed that LOL is 'lucifer our lord"?

    lollllllllll :D
  • luvahgilahsa
    luvahgilahsa Posts: 63 Member
    sofaking6 wrote: »
    Why have you taken a picture with your fingers up at everyone?
    No. But I do. ;-)

    That dress is much cuter than camel toe overalls! :laugh:
    It's a peace sign and what did I ever do to u?

    It's not a peace sign, and I'm allowed to have a different opinion of what is 'cute'. For me, neither camel toe nor overalls are cute, but the sparkly dress I liked. That's all.

    Idk isn't this a motivation and support thread?
    I didn'f find any of your comments motivational or supportive

    You will absolutely have to learn to ignore these people. MFP used to have, and may one day have again, an "ignore" button you could use to grey out those who have nothing but negativity to contribute to the world. In the meantime, we have to pretend the button exists and their posts don't. ):

    PS Today's look is super cute.

    I wish the ignore button can come back! some people just have nothing to contribute! If they don't like the way I look or they way I hold my peace signs, they are more than welcome to leave and talk somewhere else! I don't understand how negativity towards me gets them any closer to their weightloss goal.
  • luvahgilahsa
    luvahgilahsa Posts: 63 Member
    I have found (in my own journey) that I either want to look good in clothes or I want to look good naked. I can't have both. Kind of like "you either want quads or you want jeans that fit" *The Struggle is real* I would much rather look good naked though! That's just me!

    haha If only i can go naked all day, I would rather look good naked too ;)
  • luvahgilahsa
    luvahgilahsa Posts: 63 Member
    Being stylish, cute, and looking good in clothes, is one of my goals. I too want to look good naked like others said, but yeah, that will not happen. The sweater you are wearing today looks adorable.

    awww thanks :wink:
  • luvahgilahsa
    luvahgilahsa Posts: 63 Member
    Fitting in to clothes Feeling confidant in the styles I like is probably my main motivation to lose weight tbh. I used to have it on my profile but felt superficial. Anyway I love fashion and the whole artistic side of it
    I also don't own a scale right now so I determine my progress through waist measurements etc
    Question, do y'all buy clothes that are a little too small for you, so they'll fit when you lose weight? Or do you buy them to fit your current size? I bought two skirts a while ago and they still don't fit, but I would have felt bad if I bought them at a larger size and won't be able to wear them once I reach my goal

    when I buy clothes that are more of a "long term investment" type (i.e. uuuuber expensive), I tend to size down a little because I feel like I'm going to lose weight eventually and I want to look good when I'm skinnier. I bought this 200 dollars marc jacobs skirt two years ago when I was dieting for the first time that was 2 sizes smaller, and I finally fit into it when I lost the initial 30 pounds! Now that I've gaind that 20 pounds back.... idk anymore haha
  • luvahgilahsa
    luvahgilahsa Posts: 63 Member
    kgeyser wrote: »
    yoovie wrote: »
    kgeyser wrote: »
    Why have you taken a picture with your fingers up at everyone?
    No. But I do. ;-)

    That dress is much cuter than camel toe overalls! :laugh:
    It's a peace sign and what did I ever do to u?

    Um, yeah, about that. Two fingers up and your palm facing outwards is the peace sign in the US; also known as the Victory sign in Australia and UK. Two fingers up and your palm facing towards you is an insult in the UK/Australia, kind of like the middle finger in the US.

    get mad that a girl half your age on the direct other side of the planet from a different culture doesn't recognize your local gang signs.

    +1, this should help you reach your fitness goals fo sho

    Wow, let's see, where to start with this one:

    1. I'm not mad, nor do I care how old she is.
    2. I'm American. I live in the US. The OP and I share a time zone.
    3. I was trying to explain to her why someone else in the thread was offended by the gesture. Several other people did as well, but I guess they were somehow less angry than I was when they said the exact same thing since they didn't warrant such a lovely response.

    Good luck reaching whatever goal you're aiming for by calling people out for no reason. I think you can log it as cardio.

    Idk though, they way you're calling me out for it was not very nice either.... Does that reach your goal?
  • luvahgilahsa
    luvahgilahsa Posts: 63 Member
    An insult. This usage is restricted largely to Australia, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa, and the United Kingdom.
    I'm American and nobody here has ever heard of the insult through reverse peace sign. I'm sorry if this offended anyone.
    I'm American too. I live in Missouri.

    There are quite a few hand signs that are in general "ok" to use in the US, but in other countries can be offensive/vulgar.

    is this peace sign offensive in Missouri?
  • luvahgilahsa
    luvahgilahsa Posts: 63 Member
    I wanted to cut down so I could wear skinny pants but I do too many squats and deads to fit into them. I couldn't get a pair of old Levi jeans past my thigh. lol.

    isn't that a good thing?
  • luvahgilahsa
    luvahgilahsa Posts: 63 Member
    edited December 2014

    that baby is uber cute!
  • luvahgilahsa
    luvahgilahsa Posts: 63 Member
    Look at these inconsiderate hats throwing up the deuces like ignorant Americans...or...uhh...Jamaicans...
    haha :D
  • luvahgilahsa
    luvahgilahsa Posts: 63 Member
    No way! That is not a bad motivation. Any sort of motivation is good motivation. One of my main motives is not necessarily looking cute in my clothes, but having them fit comfortably. I am SO not okay with displaying muffin tops or double boobs. I can't wait until my size 12 & 14 jeans fit me comfortably again!!!

    tell me about it! I've been hiding away in bulky sweaters and its about time I'm comfortable enough in my own body to wear some fitting clothes and show some curves!
  • jbirdy1022
    jbirdy1022 Posts: 3 Member
    That's partly my motivation! I have a ton of clothes I can't wear due to weight gain and it's sad. The other part is to be healthy and feel better.... but I'd lie if I said clothes weren't a big factor!
  • luvahgilahsa
    luvahgilahsa Posts: 63 Member
    Saturday 12/6
    Finals are coming up so time to get locked up in the library all day and study. Gotta wear comfortable clothese to sit in for 12 hours straight!
    I find locking myself in the library better for dieting because there's no food around me and I don't get to snack all day like what I usually do at home. However, all this stress is making me eat so mch sweets!!!!
  • McCavitybeth09
    McCavitybeth09 Posts: 4 Member
    randomtai wrote: »
    I'd rather look good naked. *shrug* :ohwell:

    You know, That's really my main motivation. I want to look good in clothes, but I want to look AWESOME naked :D. I see no problem with it and I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one who sees it as a motivator. I wasn't and I'm still not happy with how I look, but I didn't put the weight on overnight, and it won't come off overnight. I have to keep telling myself that once the weight is gone and I'm the toned hottie that I want to be, I have to never let myself get back to that point.

    I never thought to track through pictures, but that is a great idea!
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    It's definitely a big motivation in losing weight. I want to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight (as I am in my profile pic) because I had some gorgeous clothes that are now sitting in my wardrobe. I don't want to have to buy loads of new clothes either.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    You know there is a blog feature. Just saying.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    An insult. This usage is restricted largely to Australia, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa, and the United Kingdom.
    I'm American and nobody here has ever heard of the insult through reverse peace sign. I'm sorry if this offended anyone.
    I'm American too. I live in Missouri.

    There are quite a few hand signs that are in general "ok" to use in the US, but in other countries can be offensive/vulgar.

    is this peace sign offensive in Missouri?

    No. However, I was pointing out that the a peace sign is palm out (the back of your hand faces you). I'm not sure how reversing the sign and calling it a peace sign got started. That's why I quoted the article. It tells you what differing positions of the "V" Sign mean. When you face the back of your hand out (palm towards yourself) it is the #2 in American Sign Language and an offensive hand sign in some countries. This is why the other poster was offended by the way your hand is positioned.

    It's similar to how you wouldn't want to:
    - give someone a thumbs up who lives in the middle east
    - drag the top of your fingers in an outward direction in I think Italy (trying to remember)