can i keep exercising if my muscles are sore?

browneyes1022 Posts: 83
edited September 26 in Fitness and Exercise
I have been working out every day but I did some leg workouts Sunday and pushed myself to walk a mile this morning but my legs are killing me when I walk or go to sit down. Would it be bad for me to keep walking while my legs are sore?


  • rosieflo
    rosieflo Posts: 218
    I pushed through it this weekend, and was super glad I did! :) Actually, after those times when I got my legs warmed up, I did a lot of stretching.
  • LesliePierceRN
    LesliePierceRN Posts: 860 Member
    Yes. Work out the soreness, but don't work through pain. You can tell the difference. I find that the soreness actually abates sooner if I get right back in the game and work the blood through my muscles again instead of wimping out and letting them stiffen up for several days.
  • Slayer66
    Slayer66 Posts: 265
    I am no expert or am I guaranteed to be right, but if it is because you over did it and injured yourself a bit I would ease up. But if it is just sore muscles from starting to exercise I usually work through it and feel fine in a few days.
  • You need to drink lots of water for starters. And no, it's not bad to keep going, but you should take it a little easy. Clearly if you're body is in pain and doesn't allow you to move, you're not going to be able to, so do what your body is going to let you do. It knows best. But it is good to keep going for a few reasons. If you're anything like me, you will lose momentum and stop (which sucks), and your body will eventually adjust. Just keep an eye on it and if anything in particular really starts bothering you make sure you talk to your doctor about it. :)
  • biceptor
    biceptor Posts: 18
    It's not the best idea to work out sore muscles. They are sore because they are trying to recover, and during that recovery phase is when the muscle rebuilds and grows stronger. By working out the same muscle group again you are limiting that healing, and thus inhibiting muscle growth. Make sure to stretch after each workout, and stretching on days you don't work out is good too. Don't push your muscles too hard, or you could end up just hurting yourself!
  • RDH0513
    RDH0513 Posts: 245 Member
    I would say do some cardio excercises, but don't do strength on your legs. When you strength train, you are actually breaking your muscles down, the build up of acid in your muscles is what makes them sore, and light cardio exercises ( treadmill, walking, etc..) will help work it out. Stretching will also help. Lay off the strength/building exercises to give your muscles time to build themselves back up.
  • LadyTig
    LadyTig Posts: 12 Member
    Ya, if you are sore you should still work out but don't over do it at the same time. You won't be as sore if you work it out! :) You should try working out different muscles everyday too cuz you don't want to over due just one muscle. does that make sense? One day work out your legs, the next your arms or abs....
  • angisnee
    angisnee Posts: 236 Member
    For me, it helps the soreness to do moderate walking, not too many hills and not too fast, and then stretch really well afterwards.

    @rosieflo--I've been meaning to comment on your signature for awhile. When facing temptation in the past few weeks, more often than not I won't give in because I think of your quote! So thanks!!!
  • MeekMeals
    MeekMeals Posts: 517 Member
    It's not the best idea to work out sore muscles. They are sore because they are trying to recover, and during that recovery phase is when the muscle rebuilds and grows stronger. By working out the same muscle group again you are limiting that healing, and thus inhibiting muscle growth. Make sure to stretch after each workout, and stretching on days you don't work out is good too. Don't push your muscles too hard, or you could end up just hurting yourself!

    I agree workout a different part of the body. Don't re-do the same muscle group the next day
  • deadmittens
    deadmittens Posts: 536 Member
    Yes! Keep exercising! But PLEASE remember to stretch.
    When I changed from walking on a treadmill to walking outside I had the worst shin splints, but after stretching and going again a day later I felt 100x better :)

    It's all about stretching. Even if it's for 30 seconds before your walk and just reaching for your toes, it makes a big difference.
  • dave4d
    dave4d Posts: 1,155 Member
    I usually avoid doing any strength training on sore muscles, but cardio exercises are usually ok. Walking may be painful, but it will actually help work the soreness out. As your body gets used to exercise the soreness usually doesn't get as bad, and doesn't last quite as long.
  • massmv
    massmv Posts: 2
    by nature, your muscles are going to be sore due to exercise especially if you just started. That is your lactic acid working out of your system. The best thing you can do is stretch before exercising, especially those sore ones, and after exercising don't stop right away but slow down and stretch. Drink loads of water. You might want to make it a habit to keep a water bottle by your side. Last, keep exercising at a moderate pace, if you feel anything pulling, rest it, and take care of it with ice. Keep exercising, throughout time your muscles will strengthen and hurt less and less.
  • Hey thanks everyone I have been working out over a week but when I did plyometrics on Sunday for p90x my legs have been hurting ever since. I really love p90x but it totally kicked my *kitten* lol. I will just use my ab lounge and lift some weights give my legs a break for one day :smile: thanks again for the advise
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