
Hi there. My name is Anais. I'm from Australia.
I lost 22kgs but I've now come here for support on losing more. I would like to lose much more, but I care more about health and fitness. I work out 6x a week, run 1x a week, walk 3x a week, ride my horse 6x a week and try to surf about 3x a week. I'm 5'2 and my BMI is 23.6 (not happy about that). My BF % is 25.1% and I'd love to get it a bit lower.
I'm a teacher and I love the ocean. I'd love to meet some more people!


  • blueakama
    blueakama Posts: 399 Member
    edited December 2014
    Hi anais. Another Aussie here. Welcome.
  • matthewjmercer
    matthewjmercer Posts: 10 Member
    Hi Anais - I am another Aussie too! Feel free to add me. Congrats on your weight loss. Keep at it!