Breastfeeding and plateau continued ...

KristenDTucker Posts: 23 Member
edited December 2014 in Introduce Yourself
Hey there! So I stuck with my work outs and didn't lose any weight for two weeks. I was sort of bummed out but I felt stronger :)
So then I started something new. I remember when I was in the hospital after I had my son, I spoke to a lac. Consultant. I asked her a lot about weight loss and she said "listen to your hunger cues, and drink to thirst"
I count my cals down to my last meal of the day usually any where from 5-7pm. Some days I am left with -1000 to -700 for dinner. I haven't been logging my dinner For a week, I just listen to my body. Even if that means getting seconds:) I'm not eating until I'm stuffed, just not hungry any more.
I was definitely under eating before this test I did. My body was holding onto what ever it could. So For dinner I eat until not hungry anymore. I even had pizza and ice cream a couple nights ago!
I did log my food last night because I was being nosey and wanted to see how much food I ate. I would say I'm probably eating around 2100-2300 , could be more.. I will start logging and give anther update. If any of you need help, I'm here:) remember what works for one may not work for another
( 7 month old son, eats every hour for about 15 mins, also eats solids 3 times a day) . Hope this helps any one close to my situation :)


  • carriecarrio
    carriecarrio Posts: 70 Member
    It can be tricky with breastfeeding. I am EBF now and would like to lose a few pounds but it is almost impossible right now. I am hungry all the time and eat a lot of snacks throughout the day which add a lot of calories, but is very necessary to keep up my energy and milk production. Be patient, it may take some time, until you start weaning or your baby eats more solids..