Maintaining weight but...

hey guys, I am maintaining my weight and losing it slowly but surely. But my problem is that it seems like I am gaining a little fat around my stomach area, waist, and neck. Why may this be? I play basketball 2-4 times per week and I also do sit ups and crunches and a little weight lifting every so often to keep my muscle healthy and well. Why might I be having this problem of extra fat?


  • RichGebs
    RichGebs Posts: 345
  • music_lover_103
    it's possible that you are just losing from everywhere else, so it created the illusion of gained fat in certain areas.
  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    Do you just think you are gaining fat or are your measurements different? I'm thinking it is all in your head unless the tape measure proves it...I was thinking I was looking flabbier the other day and then took my measurements and knew I was imagining it.
  • HappyFeat
    HappyFeat Posts: 16 Member
    Men and women store fat differently, and men have a fat pattern termed "android." This is fat found in the visceral/abdominal region and upper back. Like someone mentioned above, this will probably be the last fat to go. Hang in there. Also, remember that doing sit ups and crunches will add muscle in that specific region, but to lose fat effectively be sure to continue playing basketball (hopefully vigorously) and think about adding in some high intensity interval training and/or metabolic resistance training for whole body, efficient workouts. Good luck :)
  • msciaobella
    msciaobella Posts: 40 Member
    You could be getting "skinny-fat" which happens to a lot of girls who go on diets and don't know what they are doing. They start eating lots of low cal things and lose weight, but their body eats muscle too. Muscle burns more calories than fat so eventually the body's metabolism slows down, because the only extra tissue on their body is fat, not muscle. Make sure to eat plenty of protein and lift weights to stay toned.