Back in the saddle to get rid of the bags

"They" say that we should introduce ourselves here as we are new to the site. Well...I am such a rule follower...except for when it comes to I am..
I have struggled with my weight most of my life. I have done the yo-yo dieting. I lost some serious weight a while ago, but the last several years I have seen some major life changes and stress. Therefore, I have let myself go. I have noticed my weight creeping up. I am tired of being unfit, and the heaviest at the family functions. Time to get serious again. Time to wrestle with my love for food and beat it with a love for fitness and wellness. I'm ready...I'm hoping to find community as we run through this together!


  • Tera2KiloByte
    Tera2KiloByte Posts: 18 Member
    My wife told me the same thing, "first thing you need to do is write an intro post.". I just found this site a few days after my wife did. I was using weight watchers but I wasn't really following it to well. I feel that this site is a lot better and the people are really friendly. So, I say Welcome.
  • aliciadjackson
    aliciadjackson Posts: 480 Member
    Welcome to MFP! It's definitely full of lots of helpful, encouraging, motivational, inspiring people!
  • Tiggerrick
    Tiggerrick Posts: 1,078 Member
    Well, this site is really good. Remember to use it as a tool. The more you use it, the better you will get at it, and it will help keep you honest.
    Fitness is not like the yo-yo diets, it's a life long commitment. This is a great site for support.
  • sierracanbe
    sierracanbe Posts: 60
    HI .6_6

    have fun & good luck!
  • Jenn070608
    Jenn070608 Posts: 206 Member
    Welcome. You have picked a great place to start. Getting healthy is what it is about. I have yo yo dieted for years. This time is different because I have lost the healthy way and made lifestyle changes. That is what you want to stay focused on. Good luck.
  • Maureen333
    Maureen333 Posts: 10
    This phrase caught my eye and I had to laugh and said there's where I'm going to post first haha..:laugh:
    One a month program and today was really hard 'till dinner came and then I could eat yummy yummy!...I too want to loose the bags! too funny :) Not one much for words...we just have to keep up the fight :)