How do I break these terrible eating habits?!

Hi! I'm 5'2" and currently 150 lbs. My goal is to try and lose 25 lbs by 6/01/2015, but mostly I would like to be fit and healthy. I've already lost almost 5 lbs just exercising, but I know my losses and gains would be more if I could JUST STOP EATING CRAP!!

I'm a bartender/server at a country club, and because it's the holidays, there's been tons of sweets and starches and carbs (oh my!) and our baker is a good friend of mine and always hands me sweets!! On Sundays I work for 10 hours with no break and they open up sunday brunch for us to eat, mostly it's already fatty foods cooked in the worst ways.

During the week I'm very good, I'm a college student and I mostly eat salad greens and turkey and hummus, but the second I step foot in my workplace, I can't control myself. I binge eat sweets mostly and I can't keep my hands off of them! Does anyone have any tips or tricks to keep from work-eating?? To enhance self-control??

BTW, I try and keep from counting calories too much because I'm recovering from an ED and it's pretty triggering. I mostly use MFP for the fantastic success stories and great motivation.

Any Help would be greatly appreciated!!


  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Are you really eating only salad greens, turkey and hummus during the week? Getting more nutrition on a daily basis can go a long ways toward controlling overeating on certain days.

    As a college student, I know how important free food is, but you need to set reasonable limits for yourself. Are there hard boiled eggs on the buffet? Any kind of meat that isn't deep fried? Can you get the raw ingredients from the kitchen to make healthier choices? Decide ahead of time how many sweets you can have today. If you go to work thinking "I cam going to eat one of my absolute favorite!" (Or even, "I will go without today and have my favorite tomorrow") it will be easier to stick to than if you go in thinking "how am I going to avoid all that crap today?"

    10 hours with no break is a violation of labor laws in the vast majority of the developed world. Insist on a break to sit down and eat a main meal so that you aren't grazing all day. Yes, I know how hard it is to make demands in the service industry, but a 20 minute break will make you a more productive employee.
  • ekpeeples21
    ekpeeples21 Posts: 7 Member
    I definitely eat more than just salad greens, turkey and hummus during the week, I eat a lot of eggs for breakfast and I've been making whole wheat pastas and good healthy sammiches for dinner.

    We are only offered what they give us, we aren't "members" so we don't get their really awesome salad choices or this problem wouldn't exist. It's pretty crappy. And essentially we do get a "break", but the break is to sit and eat this diet-massacring food. ~ 15 mins usually.

  • JaneECS
    JaneECS Posts: 71 Member
    If the baker truly is a good friend of yours, get them on board, they can't change the menu for the guests, but they can help by not handing you that stuff. If you talk to them right, and explain your goals, they shouldn't be offended. Its only a part of it, but its a part, nonetheless
  • 67mirunner
    What about packing your lunch and bringing it with you? I know it's not free, but look at it from a cost/benefit standpoint: would you rather eat free junk or your own, healthy food?

    Also, what about taking the sweets and saying "thank you" to your baker buddy, but wrapping them up and saving it for later? Or, simply throwing it away while nobody is looking? Hard to do, I know......but, maybe you could reward yourself with something small for each treat you throw away (like a bottle of nail polish, a new lip gloss, or something fun and non-food related)?
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    If you are recovering from an ED why are you trying to lose weight? I assume that you have some kind of treatment team or professional that you see/work with...? I would talk to that person and not seek advice on an internet forum...
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    Does anyone have any tips or tricks to keep from work-eating?? To enhance self-control??
    Can you chew gum at work?