


  • qtpiesmom
    qtpiesmom Posts: 394 Member
    I used to smoke and Im gonna say it. You can make all the reasons why you cant quit and you can choose to stuff your face or smoke more because your eating less. ITS A CHOICE, YOUR MAKING A CHOICE!! If you choose to quit then quit and know that it is that easy, you have to want it. As for gaining weight, make the choice to not sub food for smokes simple, find other ways to deal with it, healthier choices. Its not as hard as you make yourself believe it will be to quit or not snack because you quit or smoke more because your eating less. QUIT Telling yourself those Lies of its too hard, I want to eat instead, I want to smoke more IF YOU PUT YOUR MIND TO POSITIVE THINKING and YOUR want YOU can do Anything!!Drink Water Instead, Chew Gum Instead, Go for a Walk Instead Make a different choice.
  • foodforfuel
    foodforfuel Posts: 569 Member
    yeah its time though ive been smoking for 20 years,so im starting to see alot of complications from it.
    Im lucky in the sense that it quiting does not make me want to eat more,it kinda does the oppisit and i dont want to eat anything which can be bad also. Im trying to ween myself of them slowly.Ive gone from a pack a day to 6 a day.
    Its funny because I kicked a long time drug habit with no problem,but smoking is way harder than that was.

    Good idea! I think I'll give that a go- cutting down to 6 a day. It came to a head for me when I tried doing Jillian's 6 Week Six Pack- and I couldn't even make it through 15 minutes because of my lungs. Not good. It's just so hard to quit.
  • ninpiggy
    ninpiggy Posts: 228 Member
    I can totally understand this. Potential weight gain stopped me from attempting to quit for quite some time. But I decided to just take that risk and instead of smoking a cigarette, I would drink water and hold a cinnamon stick between my fingers. It sounds really silly but it helped me tremendously. I quit cold turkey and then dove into MFP. I am extemely stubborn and determined to prove it is possible to quit smoking and lose weight and it's true. You all can do this. But only when and if you're ready. But please believe it is possible. You can quit when you're ready! :)

    I miss the social aspect of smoking, honestly. And to be able to use something as a crutch when I'm feeling upset, but it's nothing that a decent set of healthy coping skills cannot fix. If anyone is interested in quitting, CBT techniques are extremely helpful.

    ETA: I have been smoke-free since January 3, 2011. :)
  • VixFit2011
    VixFit2011 Posts: 663 Member
    I find myself eating less and losing the weight but smoking a whole lot more......its hard work cutting out the snacking and smoking :smokin:

    I know it's hard for you ( I used to smoke before being told I had to have open heart surgery or I would die) but first the snacking....healthy snacks are ok...I do better eating snacks between meals and one in the evening (healthier ones than I used to) and second ..think of that cigarette as a little demon tugging on you to pull you down your ladder of success. Kick him away!
  • bstiver
    bstiver Posts: 57 Member
    I have sub-ed walking for smoking when I get stressed. The first thing i use to always think about was a cig when I was uber stressed, even a few months after I quit. I started walking instead and now my mine jumps to walking when I am stressed.
    21 days to make a habit :D

    I could not of started a diet and quit smoking at once. Every time I tried I failed. I quit smoking first because I wanted to be able tow ork out with out dieing and at 22 they said I showed the early signs of empashema (I still ended up smoking a year after that too)
  • realme56
    realme56 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I was lucky. When I got pregnant (like 34 years ago) my little bundle of joy made me super sick when I smoked or ate fish....I went back to eating the fish but only smoked for a couple months after she was born.
    Cigarettes are designed to maximize the addiction factor by the companies that produce them. Then there are the social connections we have with them (as well as social taboos), having a beer and a smoke, smoke after a meal.
    Some folks work on more than one addiction at a time, other can only do one. Start with what is easiest for you and maybe the lessons you learn from one lifestyle modification will help in others that you want to accomplish
  • LJSpady
    LJSpady Posts: 311 Member
    My girlfriend smokes and it has been an issue in our relationship. Before we started dating she said she was quitting smoking, and I thought "Great, 'cause I really like you, but I can't handle dating a smoker" (no offense to people who smoke, just the smell of cigarettes brings up very bad memories, especially certain brands). So we started dating and she kept giving new start dates for her quitting, and those dates never really came I guess. Well she's committed to me and herself that she will quite July 14, that day after to vacation to Orlando. I'm concerned though, after reading your posts that quitting will have adverse effects on her weight loss journey. Do you guys know of anyways to help keep that from happening, or at least lessen the neg. effects?
  • leanne2376
    leanne2376 Posts: 217
    I gave up for 2 years and replaced smoking with the gym. I suppose i was more dedicated then, but i was a NIGHTMARE :sad: to live and work with i was grouchy and moaned alot of the time as i had gone cold turkey. But i didnt have a partner so it was alot harder but i did it.

    I started again do to stress in my life and now i have gone from 10 a day to 6 a day.

    Cutting down is the best way forward than going cold turkey
  • nykdem
    nykdem Posts: 119 Member
    I've been smoking for over 20 years now. I have tried to give up several times (once for 6+ months) but the evil weed keeps dragging me back. I have tried replacement therapy, cold turkey, medication, will-power, positive image therapy, Dr Alan Carr's programme etc ........ but NOTHING has worked!! I know that some people (usually reformed smokers) will say that "if you really want to quit, you can and will quit" ....... but it certainly isn't that easy. I am hoping that, like others, once I've built up my will-power and resistance to food on MFP, I will then have the necessary tools and coping strategies to help me give up smoking.

    To those that have succeeded in giving up, I salute and congratulate you. To those that WANT to give up (because there are those who DON'T want to) I wish you EVERY success. To those who don't want to give up I wish you every enjoyment and hope that further smoking laws do not diminish your enjoyment.
  • Diet_Hell
    Diet_Hell Posts: 34
    I loved smoking, and smoked a little over a pack a day for 23 years. I used Chantix and didnt have too hard a time. And the dreams you have are crazy. Some people can't handle the dreams, but I got a kick out of them... funny how screwed up your own mind can be!! LOL anyway, good luck, and dont give up! :)

    Is that Champix? I was on them for two weeks, but they made me feel really sick.
    They definitely helped me get over the first few days though. I now haven't had a cigarette for 12 days :o)
  • michelellawrence
    You have a great start!! keep up the good work!! I know it is hard, but it will be soooo worth it to you if you kick it! Take one day at a time, YOU CAN DO IT!! :)
  • RCKT82
    RCKT82 Posts: 409 Member
    ditto, i'm a smoker too....

    we need a cigarette log on here too!