I am sorry for being so angry that you only have 15 punds to



  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    Human nature, I suppose. People who have put in work to get to that point is understandably offsetting to those just beginning, or have just recently begun their journey. Just keep in mind that if you're able to get upset over strangers' frustrations at having relatively low numbers left to reach their goal, you may be even harder on yourself should you ever hit a slump/wall/plateau/confusion fluctuation... We've all had to learn how to deal with it.

    Keep your focus with you in mind and everything else should be relatively fine. In fact, I advocate being selfish with your motivation. Let no one or nothing get in your way of attaining your goals. With that, I wish you much success on your journey.
  • ceschwartz
    ceschwartz Posts: 240 Member
    Very honest and wise. Thank you for sharing.
  • menchi
    menchi Posts: 297 Member
    I'm actually impressed by those who have a long way to go and have been going at it long enough to see some results. I am in awe of the work it must take, and of the conviction they have to keep going. I couldn't imagine trying to achieve something so life changing. It makes me feel like a wimp for moaning and groaning about my measly 20 lb loss. It also makes me feel grateful that I decided to start this before I gained any more weight.
  • MochaMixAZ
    MochaMixAZ Posts: 844 Member
    It's such an honest, brave response to share. So thank you.

    I am sometimes jealous, too. I try to put it in perspective, and not succumb to the poor-me mentality. As others have said, everyone has their own path.

    I've also found that I can be jealous AND happy for them at the same time. Strangely, they aren't mutually exclusive.

    I do find the more I read, the more people I get to know... the less frequently that happens.

    So, bravo for posting!!
  • Achoooo
    Achoooo Posts: 130
    I have more to lose than some, but less than some as well. I would assume I'm in the middle.
    OP, I'm glad that you are realizing that :) and working toward your goal.
    I would hate for someone I don't know to be angry at me just because I have less to lose. That's not fair!
    What should I do purposely gain a bunch because some stranger out there has a problem with themself.
    The whole world can't revolve around making someone feel better about themself, you have to find that within no matter what your weight.
    From what I understand, if you feel bad about yourself losing weight isn't going to magically cure your self-esteem.
    You're going to have more work to do with yourself than just the physical aspect.
  • Divaslimm
    Divaslimm Posts: 13 Member
    That's a fmgreat outlook! We all get down on our luck and get frustrated
  • angisnee
    angisnee Posts: 236 Member
    You are being honest, confronting your feelings, and working things out, which is awesome! When I started, I was really skeptical. 70 pounds to lose--how could I really do that when every past attempt had failed? I started reading success stories and longing to be that person with "46 lbs lost" on their ticker. I still can't believe it has actually happened, and I only have 24 pounds left to lose!

    It will happen for you, just keep at it, and be patient with yourself. Happy losing! :flowerforyou:
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    You're not a terrible person! We all have our own journeys. One thing that I have seen on here which puts things into perspective is, "Your starting weight is another person's goal"

    Love the quote, thanks for sharing it.
  • juliapurpletoes
    juliapurpletoes Posts: 951 Member
    I have a feeling that this site may save my life, I am very grateful for how simple it is making my journey. I hope that anyone that is feeling down can just stay the course and feel better about themselves like me....

    :heart: I had this feeling too and I am one with only 13 pounds to go.

    When I read your entire post my first thought was - that you have a huge heart - thank you for saying it so clearly.

    I t really is a tough road at any start weight , I'm just grateful we can all be in this together and encourage each other.

  • JackieJ13
    JackieJ13 Posts: 93
    honestly...I feel the same way sometimes. Mostly I feel myself getting annoyed by women who are trying to get down from a size 6 to a size 2 or something. It's none of my business, but I just find it irritating. haha...no offense anyone. I'm sure it's probably mostly jealousy on my part but hey nice to know I'm not the only one who feels this way.
  • beautymama2011
    i feel that way every now and then, i just started and have 92 pounds to loose for my goal!!!!! what i hate is when skinny people say they are fat or when skinny people in my family or people around town make fun of me or other bigger people cuz im a bigger girl or they are bigger people and they are the size of a twig and have been all their life and can eat twice as much as me and not gain anything then they tell me oh its easy to loose the weight or its easy to not put it on its like EXCUSE ME but everyone is different and i happen to be someone who gains weight and you happen to be some one that weight avoids like the frickin plague... but keep your chin up we will all reach our goals one day and then when we see someone who is bigger we wont ridicule them or make fun of them or laugh cuz we know what its like to be them and how much it hurts
  • wises5
    wises5 Posts: 53
  • ka_42
    ka_42 Posts: 720 Member
    Totally normal to feel that way! The journey through weight loss can do a number of things to you on the inside too...

    Just know that some of us are at different stages in our journey. All of our bodies are different and need different systems to get us where we want to be. I've been on the larger side and now I'm slowly making it onto the smaller side. It's amazing how for me it's just gotten more difficult. I feel some of my old ways calling me back after I've been so strong for so long. I feel discouraged that the scale moves slower the closer that I am to my goal and over time have grown so aware of the way I look - or the way I don't want to look. We're all trying to make it through the same struggle together. We'll get there! It helps to have people to talk to who know how you feel and can relate. We've all been unhappy with our weight - We're all working on a better "me"
  • ka_42
    ka_42 Posts: 720 Member
    You're not a terrible person! We all have our own journeys. One thing that I have seen on here which puts things into perspective is, "Your starting weight is another person's goal"

    perfectly put!
  • aanddplusoanda
    aanddplusoanda Posts: 189 Member
    I completely understand. The road ahead may be long and rough but let me tell you...once you get there, you will be grateful that you stuck in there and pushed through. I may only have 18 pounds left to lose but no matter where you are at, whether you have 100 pounds to lose or 10, the road is going to look long. It took me a year to get to this point it was both the longest and shortest year of my life. I'm excited that I'm so close but I am also so far away at times. Hang in there! You've got this!
  • Adam123456
    Adam123456 Posts: 7 Member
    I was once jealous of a friend for having reached their goal weight. I even told them so. They just laughed and said that reaching their goal was just the first part of a lifelong jouney. They still had to work hard to maintain this goal weight and standard of fitness. It gave me a different perspective and made me realise I had nothing to be jealous of. Even those who have reached their goal weight have to work hard to keep it.
  • meggiemaye
    meggiemaye Posts: 117
    I get totally jealous of the people who post about not being able to eat all their calories. I'm like really? I could eat double that if I was allowed. I WISH I didn't have this HUGE appetite. *sighs*


    I especially get this when people's goal calories are 1200 and they've already burned an extra like 800 calories that day doing some awesome class, and they can't even eat 1200, much less their exercise calories. They agonize and eventually eat, like, three cups of spinach and five carrots to try and hit their minimum calories. Psh! I could eat that many calories and not even NOTICE if I weren't logging! I'm like, GIVE ME YOUR TINY TUMMY, GIVE IT TO ME NAAOOO!!! Hahahaha. :laugh:
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Lol, I feel you OP! Even though I am on my last 5 or so (an annoying 6 to 2 person) I see women trying to o from 115 to 108, or from size 2 to 0 and I get jealous and/or annoyed too. So it's kind of fun to know that though some on mfp annoy/invoke jealousy in me, am doing the same to others.

    Human nature, I guess :flowerforyou:
  • budderfli9
    budderfli9 Posts: 9 Member
    I know how you feel, even though I am one who has 15 to go. I have been on the other end. Although I didn't grow up with a weight issue, I gained 80 pounds after my kids were born when I lost a job and depression kicked in. I had joined LA Weight Loss at 265 pounds in October of 2005. I looked at my thinner friends and family and hated them, too! It's like they were shoving it in my face how much thinner they were... So, long story short, I joined LA, spend a TON of money and lost 80 pounds in 5 months. I felt so much better! Then I fell off the diet, and gained back 30. I floated there for several years before I finally found the motivation again to continue with my weight loss. I have lost almost 40 now with MFP since New Years.

    My sister in law recently started a diet at a center, and was jealous of my smaller jeans and lack of the "obese" arrow on the weight/height charts. I dug out the pair of jeans that I loved when I was at my heaviest. Jeans that were getting tight on me. Jeans that I can now pull up to my arm pits or fit both legs in one leg. I did this because I knew those big jeans are too big for her where she is now. (By one size, I was a 22W and she's in 20, but still.)

    I waved them in her face and said, 'don't tell me I we're so different, because we're not! We're just in different stages!' So, I will tell you. I was jealous of those weight loss success stories. At first. Then they started to empower me. I knew I wasn't in no man's land, this was territory travelled by many souls before me. Now, I know a lot of my friends and family are looking at me like I once looked at many of them. Once the weight starts moving, you'll feel compelled to keep going until once day, you'll look back on where you came from with a sense of pride.

    Some day you'll be the one that others use to motivate themselves to start their weight loss journey! No regrets, keeping moving and don't give up! I wish you the best on your journey to a healthier you!


    SW: 265 LAWL 10/05
    LW: 185 LAWL 3/06

    (got up to 223 somewhere in between and bounced around a little)

    SW: 214 MFP 1/3/11
    CW: 175
    GW: 160 ??
  • Catz15
    Catz15 Posts: 19
    I hear ya....