Over 200lbs and needs motivation!

Hello there, my name is Sarah I'm 26 years old and from the UK. I gave birth to my beautiful son nearly 8 months ago and I've been struggling to shift the baby weight. This is a new account created but I've been using this app for just over 2 years now. I started losing weight a year before I fell pregnant and lost 60lbs in that time, bringing me down to 198lbs for the first time in years, When I fell pregnant I decided to take a break from the calorie counting for the duration and get back on it after I had recovered from giving birth, Unfortunately I knew i would gain and i gained nearly 30lbs. I got back on it when I was ready to start again but because I wasn't as active as I used to be because of being on maternity leave. (I work in a cafe so I do lots of running around all day) it became difficult to lose the weight and I couldn't go to the gym as much as I want to because of being with my son. Which made me gain a further 12lbs! Its 2 weeks until Christmas and 4 weeks until I go back to work. I would like to lose as much as I can from now until Christmas and feel a little better about looking in the mirror. I've struggled with weight all my life and worked very hard to lose the weight I did. I'm also getting married next July and I want to look back at photos and feel really good that I worked so hard to get there. I'm looking for friends who are also a similar weight and need motivation as much as I do. I have a very bad relationship with food and little things can really trigger my need to eat so I would like people I can talk to when I staring at a bar of chocolate because I've had a stressful day. I'm dreading going back to work full time as well as being a mum and juggling everything. Its going to be a huge adjustment and it be nice to talk to people who won't judge and tell me to back away from the chocolate haha! So yea this is me and I need all the help I can get! Thanks for reading!


  • shellymoore78
    shellymoore78 Posts: 3 Member
    sorry I did start to reply but one of my toddlers hit close! Argh. Hi there, Im new to this forum. Been using this app on and off for the past few years. I gained loads of weight after my eldest 6 years ago but gained even more weight when I had the twins 3 years ago, then even more after giving birth! I was like you, something in my head said that's enough now I need to do something. When I started I weighed over 100kg (220lb), all I did was use this app really. No silly fad diets just counted the calories. I must admit I didnt really concentrate on the fat as I should. I went swimming for a few months and at the start avoided all the foods Im a sucker for (bread, cheese, pasta, crisps and nothing chocolate flavored at all. within 6 months I had lost a lot of weight and have now lost about 30kg (66lb). Thing is I stuck at this weight for almost a year. I was able to relax on the calories but this month I seem to have started gaining weight again. Ive gained 2kg over the last 4 weeks. In the last year I havent gained more than a pound before its fallen off again. I'm with you. Always up for a chat and motivational pep talk. You've taken the hardest step in the change process which is accepting there is a problem. Now time for us to plan and put that plan into action. I wont judge, been there all my life. My profile pic was me half way through my journey. I want to be able to do things with my kids and I dont want them to get picked on at school because of the way I am. Good luck with your journey and I'm here if you want any support. I'm looking for it too :smile:
    Shelly xx