Just starting to use Fitness Pal

Hello, just starting to use Fitness Pal , I have am not good at recording daily on these apps but thought I would give it another try. I would love to have some support on my journey to loose weight. I have tried to loose weight so often that I now have a block in my brain when it comes to monitoring food. I feel like a hamster in a wheel, which diet do I follow, should I eat this way or that way. I am very addicted to sugar and although I know I can break away from this I really need support to loose my first ten pounds. My goal is to loose 50 pounds and I just started going to a fitness bootcamp which is great, but it is so uncomfortable with the excess weight that again is a struggle to make myself go daily. I want to be positive and move forward any suggestions on how to keep consistent until I see that weight start to drop?


  • Laurend224
    Laurend224 Posts: 1,748 Member
    edited December 2014
    I'm just starting out too. This is day 8 for me. It's the longest I've ever consistently logged anything. I find pre planning my meals and pre logging help tremendously. That way I know where my calories for the day will be used. I've got over 60 lbs to lose.

    Make it a priority! You can do this!
  • prettygirlstorm1
    prettygirlstorm1 Posts: 722 Member
    Hi and welcome. I feel your struggle especially that sugar addiction. Mine is mostly candy not so much donuts, cakes and cookies. We have to stop looking at weight loss like a diet but like something we are going to do for the long haul. It is about a life style change. People on here always say eat at a deficit and you will lose, weigh everything and exercise. Burn off more than you take in and there is your weight loss. Easier said than done sometimes. Stick with the fitness boot camp it will get easier as you continue and lose the weight. I have about 40 pounds to lose. Exercise is like my second job, but I choose things I like to do like cycling, 4 days a week, running and the elliptical. I also use weight machines three times a week. Would love to use free weights but they are a little intimidating. I wish I could find a good bootcamp that is not at 5am. I take my workout clothes with me to work and go straight to the gym that way I don't have time to think about it. On Saturday, I set my alarm as if it were a work day and again I don't think about I just do it!!! Good luck to you and feel free to add me as a friend. I don't log everyday as I am doing weight watchers as well, but I am on the site daily.
  • shellymoore78
    shellymoore78 Posts: 3 Member
    after using this app I found that swimming burnt more calories than hitting the gym for an hour. I hated the gym but quite happy to swim up and down for an hour and actually enjoyed it. I set myself little targets, I eventually got to completing a mile in 45 minutes which is fast for me hehe. I really struggle with exercise, I really don't like it. Since using this app and just counting calories I managed to lose over 70lbs in about 6 months, however, after a year of maintaining the same weight, I have gained 4lb in the last 4 weeks. Im hoping its not the start of going back to where I was so doing something about it now. I've never been able to reach my target weight so would love to join in your inspirational/motivational chats. We're doing this ladies and we should be proud of the changes we are making. Yay us x
  • Valrotha
    Valrotha Posts: 294 Member
    Hi! And welcome!
  • PacificLotus
    PacificLotus Posts: 83 Member
    Welcome Katie! And hi everyone! Feel free to add me for support.
  • Greywalk
    Greywalk Posts: 193 Member
    The best piece of advice I ever received from some one was find something you like doing and then do it. I suggested sleep...the doctor was not amused. Some people have no sense of humor. I tried a variety of different sports because I liked wrestling when I was younger but as an adult somethings are just not done (no body slams to the pavement at work) So I tried running and it was terrible after 100 yards my legs hurt and I was struggling to breath. Now I think running 2 miles is a short distance and I play futbol (soccer) a lot. I am a distance runner and am hooked on it. The difference is I learned to run using the right shoes and capture the feelings of joy when I was running as a I child (by the way I am a slow runner - almost a penguin). On the other hand I have one daughter who likes Tae Kwon Do and another who prefers walking. A third who would rather spend a day at the beach swimming and one who likes to play futbol and ride horses and my last daughter is a distance runner as well. All in all it is not about a diet. It is about living a healthy life style for yourself. So I pass on the advice of the good doctor. Find a sport or activity that you like and go do often, until you lose all that stuff that is slowing down your enjoyment of life. Remember we all are struggling and the reason we are here is because it helps us get on track or stay on track or in my case...get back on track when I stray off track. (Which is more often then I like but not as often as it was). Good luck and for your sake find some friends who will encourage and support you as you struggle through this journey. Read my profile before you send a friend request but feel free to send one if you find it agreeable to you.
  • kareneastwood865
    kareneastwood865 Posts: 132 Member
    Hi Katie (and everyone)! Welcome. I started with a Bootcamp/Crossfit in May and never looked back. Like Greywalk said above me here, you have to find something you like and stick with it. The weight will come off. It is all about getting stronger and healthier! Good luck. Feel free to add me!
  • katie156
    katie156 Posts: 2 Member
    Ki Karen! Thanks for replying to my post. I would love to add you as an inspiration.