How do you find motivation when its cold outside to go Gym?



  • You will never regret it. I signed up for a gym because they had indoor track. For the winter, that works for me cause i hate using the treadmill. Do what you can, at home or at the gym, or even outside. You will feel great afterwards. :)
  • NoelFigart1
    NoelFigart1 Posts: 1,276 Member
    edited December 2014
    Honestly? I just go. I need to add a certain number of jelly beans to the jar before a big swim I am doing this summer, and so if I don't do them, I might embarrass myself by having to be pulled out of the lake before I am done with the swim. And there's no way I am going to do that.
  • MacCroc
    MacCroc Posts: 50 Member
    Just go after work. There is no point in doing something you hate daily, you will inevitably quit at some point. As long as you don't miss your workouts in the evening, you are fine.
  • irejuvenateme
    irejuvenateme Posts: 96 Member
    Yeah, you just do it and don't think too much - get some music to fill your ears and dress warm - I have a 24 hour gym and it's been great. I actually find it tougher for me to go later in the day - the more time that passes, generally the harder for me it gets.
    If you can do the after work thing more power to you - I can't stand all the people.
  • AllAboutThatPace
    AllAboutThatPace Posts: 151 Member
    First let me say, I live in Florida. So it is not anywhere near as cold as some of you who live up north or in other countries. I actually like exercising in the cold. Florida cold is like 40 degrees. I would definitely feel different if it was snowing or icy, trust me. We have to worry about rain here a lot. We are called the Sunshine State and whoever named us that must have been drunk or high. It can be beautiful, sunny and 80 one minute and then 56 and rainy the next... lol. If it's rainy or too cold, I do something inside. My kids and I have a "dance party." I know that sounds silly, but I put on loud music and we dance as crazy and fast as we can for 20-30 minutes. :)
  • LittleWarriorBee
    LittleWarriorBee Posts: 53 Member
    My biggest motivation lately is thinking about how I will feel if I don't get to the gym. :)
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    edited December 2014
    this morning in Brooklyn, it's like 30 and pouring buckets of rain, everything is in a flood warning. It's 2.5 miles to my gym and I don't have a car. I put on two pairs of socks and jeans over my workout pants and an extra hoodie and my big heavy duty coat. My umbrella snapped inside out and broke all of it's spokes in the 40+ mph winds I was walking headlong into through traffic. (By traffic I mean all these thorough jerks who meanmug and bully pedestrians for crossing the street, struggling in the water and wind to get to where they are going, from the warm, dry, heated seats of their Hondas... and the 18 red lights per mile here in NY)

    I made a promise to myself when I was at the bottom of the darkest pit.

    I promised myself that I would do what I had to do to make my life better.

    I promised myself I would make the outside match the inside.

    I promised myself that things like sleeping in late and be lazy are tiny luxuries that should be scattered about so you can continue to appreciate them instead of deciding they are the default.

    I promised myself that the worse the weather is, the less likely that anyone else will brave the elements - are the days when I will strap on my pink supergirl galoshes and be the warrior that no one sees making her way.

    I promised myself that if discipline and consistency are the only ways to evolve, then I will not be stupid enough to choose to be blind to that fact.

    I promised myself I would change.

    Staying in bed doing NOTHING but breathing won't get me anywhere except stuck in that place.

    That's not change.

    I don't like when other people break their promises to me, so why on earth would I do that to myself.

    I was rewarded with a bench PR this morning.

    Then I went back out in the rain and walked the remaining mile and a half to work.
  • sweetdixie92
    sweetdixie92 Posts: 655 Member
    Well, both my jobs are outside, so being INSIDE to work out is a piece o' cake compared. Although, my gym is at home (simply because I save lots of $$$, time and don't have to share the equipment lol).

    Like a couple others have said, working out is more of a commitment. You're not always going to be able to find motivation, and that's when you need to just DO it.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    backin3 wrote: »
    Like a couple others have said, working out is more of a commitment. You're not always going to be able to find motivation, and that's when you need to just DO it.

    ^ #truestory

  • srcurran
    srcurran Posts: 208 Member
    I was going to the gym early, showering, and then going to work. Didn't like their shower facilities. Now I go into work earlier, and stop at the gym on the way home 4 nights per week. I can then shower at home when I'm done. I work out at home on the weekend days, but occasionally go to the gym if I feel like it. I found a "habit" that works for me.
  • srcurran
    srcurran Posts: 208 Member
    The cold never bothered me anyway.......LOL! I have been called an ice queen. Nyuk nyuk.
  • I belong to a studio that charges me if I sign up for a class but don't go! Helps a lot. For running I really want to run a sub two half so even when it's gross out I have that in my mind and it helps me get out the door.
  • sissy56
    sissy56 Posts: 108 Member
    In my part of CA, it's not that cold, but my schedule has kept me out of the gym. Doing T25 before work and loving it.
  • DvrDawg
    DvrDawg Posts: 88 Member
    I trolled Craigslist and bought equipment and put it in my basement. There are handful of things you should never buy new -piano, pool table, boat and exercise equipment. Too many people buy these and never use them. Sometimes, you can get this stuff for free or for next to nothing and in many cases, it is in perfect shape. If it weren't in my basement, I would never use it. I ran a cable to my workout area and have a tv with a DVD player - watch sports, movies or workout DVD (and, I get to control it).
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I've always gone after work...I don't care if it's cold out or not, I'm not doing jack *kitten* at 4:30 in the morning.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    chgodvr wrote: »
    I trolled Craigslist and bought equipment and put it in my basement. There are handful of things you should never buy new -piano, pool table, boat and exercise equipment. Too many people buy these and never use them. Sometimes, you can get this stuff for free or for next to nothing and in many cases, it is in perfect shape. If it weren't in my basement, I would never use it. I ran a cable to my workout area and have a tv with a DVD player - watch sports, movies or workout DVD (and, I get to control it).

    home brew and wine making stuff too.
  • ForBaacon
    ForBaacon Posts: 32 Member
    I've found it's quite easy to get motivation in the winter purely because if I go to the gym I warm up quickly! I understand the struggle though, especially if my bed's nice and warm. But just keep thinking that if you work out, you'll warm up!
  • marykate_1203
    marykate_1203 Posts: 164 Member
    I agree with habit and sucking it up. If you want it, go get it. Dress warm.