why can't I lose weight??

yardstick78 Posts: 2
edited September 26 in Health and Weight Loss
So I've been hitting he gym up for about 6 months on average 20-24 days a month. I'm in the gym, with my wife, for at least 1 hour. 10-15 mins of light cardio warm up with 45 minutes of weights. We have a 3 day schedule of chest, back and legs with abs thrown in sporadically. There a few things I know we need to do more of more intense cardio and more abs, but I don't think these are the problems. I also walk 2 miles per day burning about 250 calories. All that said I fluctuate between 214 and 220 pounds. My food intake is on average 1700-1800 calories per day. I take Ripped fuel and Jack3d everyday. My chest is aprox 1" bigger and my thighs are about 1" small while my waist remains around 40". If anyone can answer why I haven't lost any weight I would love to know why. I am willing to provide any more info if needed.


  • Armymom44
    Armymom44 Posts: 76
    I have never step foot in a gym started insanity in Aug 2010 lost 17 lbs then did P90x now doing turbo fire they really work and you can work out on your time you do weights in the videos and the main thing is muscle confusion what are you eating ? They videos come with a meal plan
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    Great work in the gym!

    Is it possible that you're eating more than you think you are? How are you measuring your food - scale or cups/spoons? Scale is much more accurate. Any little things throughout the day that you're not accounting for?

    Looks like you joined here pretty recently. All I can suggest for now is start logging religiously, and perhaps there's some miscalculation you've been making that you can correct.
  • paced2day
    paced2day Posts: 55
    Problems with my waist always come from the white flour (breads, rice, tortillas) and sugar combo. If I were you, I'd try one week without those (staying at the same calorie intake you're at) and see if it makes a difference in your waist. Track it with a belt by marking the belt loop you start at and then finish at. My guess is that your energy drinks are LOADED with sugar and hurting your waistline. On the other hand, your weight probably stays the same because of your strength routine and subsequent muscle gain. Good luck friend.
  • mursey
    mursey Posts: 191 Member
    Ugh, I had to hire an experienced trainer to help me once. I was working out (weights and cardio) HARD for months and zero progress. The good news is she helped me, but I also had to go back to low carb instead of "normal sensible eating" because apparently my body doesn't like "normal sensible eating".

    But this trainer did help me, and I thought I knew what I was doing in the gym. She had 20 years of experience on me though, so I realized there's always someone who can teach you more.

    FYI I couldn't afford her often, I just told her I was paying her to look at my food and routine and make me a new routine. I couldn't afford to hire her to work out with me regularly, so if money is an issue, I understand.

    (My issue seemed to be overtraining and stressing my body out, too much cardio/way too long jogging sessions after already weight training that day. Your could be something different. Sounds like you're getting rest days and not making the same dumb mistakes I made.)
  • MommaMind
    MommaMind Posts: 28
    It might just be muscle, your muscles increase faster than the fat disappears. From what I've been told anyways, if you have a lot of muscle increasing workouts you will burn fat, but not necessarily notice it 'cause the fat is covering it. If that makes sense. I'd personally do more cardio for awhile and loose the weights for a week or so. Also maybe do something to boost your metabolism, like eat spicy foods if you can and tons of raw veggies. I have problems with weight mostly 'cause I hate drinking water, maybe your the same? I don't know, these are just tips I've been told from friends/family and research I've done lately. I wish you luck!!
  • jaimeroach
    jaimeroach Posts: 2
    Do you know what your resting metabolic rate is? If you know what that is and you take in 500 less cals/day you should be back on track to losing. Also, I was having the same issue as you, I was going to the gym 4 days a week and lifting weights and walking on the elliptical and found my self not losing. So I cut out the weights and just walk on the elliptical as well as keeping track of everything I eat and in the last 2 weeks have started losing again. Good luck!
  • mursey
    mursey Posts: 191 Member
    It might just be muscle, your muscles increase faster than the fat disappears. From what I've been told anyways, if you have a lot of muscle increasing workouts you will burn fat, but not necessarily notice it 'cause the fat is covering it. If that makes sense. I'd personally do more cardio for awhile and loose the weights for a week or so. Also maybe do something to boost your metabolism, like eat spicy foods if you can and tons of raw veggies. I have problems with weight mostly 'cause I hate drinking water, maybe your the same? I don't know, these are just tips I've been told from friends/family and research I've done lately. I wish you luck!!

    I have read the opposite actually. I have read that normally when you just start working out and dieting, you're going to lose fat faster than you could ever gain enough muscle for that muscle growth to account for the scale staying the same.

  • mursey
    mursey Posts: 191 Member
    Do you know what your resting metabolic rate is? If you know what that is and you take in 500 less cals/day you should be back on track to losing. Also, I was having the same issue as you, I was going to the gym 4 days a week and lifting weights and walking on the elliptical and found my self not losing. So I cut out the weights and just walk on the elliptical as well as keeping track of everything I eat and in the last 2 weeks have started losing again. Good luck!

    I wouldn't stop lifting weights. That isn't the healthy answer. Weight training will boost metabolism in the long run, fights bone disease by building bone density, among other things. Studies have shown that weight training and cardio help control appetite when compared to cardio alone. The list goes on for benefits of weight training.

    Ok I'll stop posting any more replies .. I swear!
  • B2BB
    B2BB Posts: 222 Member
    You definetly need to change it up, it basic math. Burn more than u eat, but with your routine it seems you have been doin for too long. Your body adapts and in turn becomes more efficient and burnin less calories. I would increase the tome or intensity of your workout or change it all together. Invest in a hrm that tracks calories burned, that way you know what u need to burn to lose. Try intervals on the treadmill (1 min run 1 min walk for 20 mins before and after your workout. Don't scratch out your weight training just keep your heart rate up. And try to incorporate Curcuit training, it designed to confuse the body and keep heart rate elevated to burn fat and build muscle :-) You want to change the body you need to change the routine, cut and dry!
  • erinhale
    erinhale Posts: 137 Member
    Are you changing up your routine often? Like every 4 weeks? It could be you are not eating enough, are you replacing the calories you burn? Are you wearing a HRM to get an accurate count fo caloires burned or are you guestimating? Are you and your wife doing the same weight routine?-if so, thats your mistake! Men and women are so different.

    I am a personal trainer, and a very good one if I do say so myself. If you anwser these questions I may be able to help you a little better,
  • Wow soo many replies, thank you all. I'll answer what I can.

    My gym routine changes quite a bit. Lately we've been running a mile before starting to work out. In the past we did cardio weight lifting keeping my heart rate above 120ish. (I have a resting of about 70). We almost never do the same lifting two times in row. For example; Bench press on Monday, Dumb bells or bow flex on Thursday. I will say my legs get the same basic routine due to the lack of machines and free weights. We'll normally do 8-10 reps for 3 sets and about every month we'll cycle in 1-3 reps for 5 sets at our current max.

    do you think I need a more drastic change? We were debating on the P90X and weight at the gym 1-2 times per week.

    I'm not big eater, I gained 50ish pounds from an asthma drug trial and now it wont go away. (been off the drug since August of 2010). I get my calorie counts from this site. As for portion sizes I measure what I can by means of cup sizes. Other wise i guesstimate but I always shoot high. If I had to guess I would say I don't eat enough but biometrics would tell me that after 5 months I would have lost some weight and size by now.

    I don't know my resting Met rate, I do have a HRM that I haven't been wearing but I'll start again. Whats a good Avg heart rate for me to shoot for when lifting? I was shooting for 120 bpm, Running a miles usually puts me at 150-170 bpm.
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